On Saturday, April 28, representatives of 19 Central Ontario Region Pony Clubs are expected to compete at the 2001 Central Ontario Regional Quiz at Sutton District High School in Sutton.
Pony Club is an international movement for young people (aged 21 or under), and is the largest equestrian organization in the world with over 120,000 members worldwide. It offers a wide variety of horse-related activities and competitions.
Quiz is different from most other Pony Club activities in that it does not require horses or ponies. Pony Clubbers compete as both individuals and teams, each Branch being allowed one team of three youngsters each, at each level of difficulty. D, D1 and D2 levels are for the younger or less experienced members, C level for the intermediates, and the A/B level for the older and more experienced members. D and D1 competition is on a team basis only.
There will be three phases: a written test, a visual test where competitors have to identify strange, obscure and unusual horsy objects by sight (older competitors often have to read an X-Ray) and an oral test. There will also be several "Quiz Stations". These are games that teams, helpers and spectators can play; they don't count for points, but they are fun for everybody. For example, one calls for the player to identify various horse-related objects that have been put into socks, by feel alone.
Clubs may also compete in a "Projects" category, in which team members from all levels prepare displays or exhibits based on one of a "menu" of topics. This year, the choices include: boots and bandaging; competition formats not offered by Pony Club, such as polo, various forms of racing, competitive driving etc; stable construction; parasites; conformation; conditioning programs; and groomingshow turnout and procedures.
To form a Quiz team, most Pony Club Branches hold meetings and try-outs over a period of about six weeks. Often, the A/B level Pony Clubbers coach the other teams. The Regional Quiz takes a full day, and is the first competition of the new season. The top four individual competitors at the A/B and C levels qualify to compete at the National Quiz in October. This year, National Quiz will be held in Victoria, hosted by the BC Islands Region.
The competition starts at 9 am, and spectators are welcome without charge. Sutton District High School is located at 20798 Dalton Road in Sutton.
For details call Liz or Bob Inglis, Central Ontario Regional Communications Co-Chairs, at 416-493-1223 (office) or 416-491-4230 (home), or via e-mail at bobinglis@technalysis.on.ca, or call Catherine Burke, Central Ontario Regional Quiz Chair, at 416-407-2010 (home).