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2003 D Rally Results

Here are "highlights" overall results of the 2003 Central Ontario Region D Rally, held at Glen Oro Farm on Sunday, July 27, presented from the least to most difficult levels.

"Rally" is the Pony Club term for Eventing, an Olympic discipline in which competitors must ride a formal Dressage test, follow with a Cross Country or endurance phase across open country and over fixed obstacles, and finish with a Stadium Jumping competition. Scoring is done on a penalty points basis, with all errors of course, refusals, rails down and falls counted as penalties. Penalties are also incurred for taking too much time, or too little, to finish the Cross Country phase. The rider with the fewest penalties wins. Placing ribbons are awarded for dressage, cross country and overall, with a "Clear Round" ribbon for all those who make no mistakes in the Stadium phase.

The "D" in D Rally refers to the minimum level riders must have passed in the Pony Club testing system to enter. There are actually three "D" levels: D, D1 and D2. To get each of them, Pony Club members must pass a written examination in horsemanship, an oral test of stable management, and a riding test. Each level competes in a different division at D-Rally, with Dressage tests, fence heights in both Stadium Jumping and Cross Country phases, and the time allowed for Cross Country, all adjusted to their skill levels.

At the D level, Amanda Bell of the Ajax Pony Club was the winner on Silverado, with Sondra Shantz of the Prince Edward County Pony Club second on Pyra. Third place went to another Ajax competitor, Kristi Abe, riding Oreo Cookie.

Laura Fiume of the Maple Pony Club won the D1 level championship on Equus Maximus. Second place went to Lauren Kelly of the Victoria Pony Club on Skylark, with Laura Grant of the Ajax Pony Club third aboard Rambling Rose.

At the D2 level, Johanna McKeen of the Oshawa Pony Club led the way on Mya, with Karen Foell and Silver Jubilee from the Toronto & North York Pony Club in second place and Megan Chalmers of the Brooklin Pony Club third on Skip the Command.

One major difference between Pony Club rallies and "regular" events is that Pony Clubbers compete in horse care/stable management on a Branch team basis, as well as individually in the riding phases. This year's Stable Management Award winner was the Ajax Pony Club.

Now here are the details.

Note that all scores are expressed as penalties.  When more than one rider goes clear cross-country, placings are awarded based on how close each comes to the optimum time.

D Level
Rider Pony/Horse Branch Dressage Score Dressage Place Cross-Country Score Cross-Coutnry Place Stadium Jumping Score Overall Score Overall Place
Amanda Bell Silverado Ajax 54.0 3 0.0 8 0.0 54.0 1
Sondra Shantz Pyra Prince Edward County 54.0 3 10.0 11 0.0 64.0 2
Kristi Abe Oreo Cookie Ajax 65.4 7 0.0 5 0.0 65.4 3
Holly McGill Trigger Appy Ajax 69.6 9 0.0 4 0.0 69.6 4
Jennifer McKeen Colwyn Tegan Oshawa 49.8 1 0.0 7 20.0 69.8 5
Jocelyn Donaldson Freckles Simcoe 82.2 14 0.0 9 0.0 82.2 6
Thomasin Element Frosty Pine Ridge 77.4 12 0.0 2 10.0 87.4 7
Hannah Galway Phineas Maple 61.2 6 26.8 13 0.0 88.0 8
Kyle Chester Indy 500 Temiskaming 91.2 18 0.0 6 5.0 96.2 9
Kataryna Borsiak Phantom Oshawa 96.6 19 14.0 12 0.0 110.6 10

D1 Level
Rider Pony/Horse Branch Dressage Score Dressage Place Cross-Country Score Cross-Country Place Stadium Jumping Score Overall Score Overall Place
Laura Fiume Equus Maximus Maple 80.4 13 4.0 4 0.0 84.4 1
Lauren Kelly Skylark Victoria 87.6 21 0.4 2 0.0 88.0 2
Laura Grant Rambling Rose Ajax 93.6 27 4.0 4 0.0 97.6 3
Kayla Byer Thunder Wings Kawartha 97.8 30 0.0 1 0.0 97.8 4
Alexandra Kelly Firefly Victoria 99.6 32 1.6 3 0.0 101.2 5
Jessie Ball Corona's Kiowa Victoria 88.2 24 13.6 7 5.0 106.8 6
Sean Cruikshanks Cennabarr Uxbridge-Scugog 87.6 21 22.0 9 0.0 109.6 7
Kim Munroe Mischief Centaurus 70.8 2 23.6 10 16.66 111.06 8
Samantha Galway Eli Maple 73.8 5 41.6 14 0.0 115.4 9
Chiara Meneguzzi A Wee Bit Tipsy Maple 92.4 25 17.2 8 10.57 120.17 10

D2 Level
Rider Horse/Pony Branch Dressage Score Dressage Place Cross-Country Score Cross-Country Place Stadium Jumping Score Overall Score Overall Place
Johanna McKeen Mya Oshawa 48.0 4 23.6 1 5.0 76.6 1
Karen Foell Silver Jubilee Toronto & North York 37.2 1 58.0 2 10.0 105.2 2
Megan Chalmers Skip the Command Brooklin 48.0 4 87.6 3 0.0 135.6 3
Kim Carty Exponential Maple 60.6 9 129.2 4 5.0 194.8 4
Katelyn Powell Sundance Durham 38.4 2 E 10.0 E 5
Courtney McFarlane Dreams Do Come True Oshawa 53.4 7 E 0.0 E 6
Erin Boyles Lacey Pine Ridge 42.6 3 E E E 7
Erin McLaughlin Spring Fever Toronto & North York 51.6 6 E E E 8
Dana Kenedy Napolean Brandy Eglinton 54.0 8 E E E 9

For more details, call Liz or Bob Inglis, Central Ontario Region of Pony Club Communications Co-Chairpersons at 416-493-1223 (office) or 416-491-4230 (home) or via E-mail at or