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Ajax Show Jumping Qualifier Results

Here are results from the final Central Ontario Region Qualifier for the Central Canadian Zone Show Jumping Championships, held on Sunday, July 20 at Audley Road Stables near Ajax, hosted by the Ajax Pony Club. Selection for the Central Ontario Show Jumping team, which will compete against teams from the Western Ontario and St. Lawrence-Ottawa Valley Regions, will be based on scores achieved at this meet and another qualifier hosted by the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club on May 25. This year, the Central Canadian Zone Championships are being hosted by the Central Ontario Region at the Ontario's Pony Club Tournament of Champions, on August 16.

In this show, three divisions of Pre-Entry level riders competed in two classes each, both single round plus jump-off, plus a warm-up round. Pre-Entry level riders do not qualify for the Central Canadian Championships. The higher divisions competed in three classes each, two single round plus jump-off classes and one speed class, to determine a Champion and a Reserve in each division.

Highlight results follow, with details after the highlights.

Pre-Entry Division A-1

In Class1, first place went to Emilie Fox of the Kawartha Pony Club, riding Frosted Flakes. Hannah Galway of the Maple Pony Club was second on Phineas, with Jane Stephenson of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club third aboard Missy. Ms Fox also won Class 2, with Christine Oldridge second on Snow Pony Jack Pine, and Alexandra Reynolds of the Kawartha Pony Club third riding Willow.

Champion was Emilie Fox, Reserve was Christine Oldridge.

Pre-Entry Division A-2

In Class 1, Rebecca Simmons of the Durham Pony Club took top spot on Shiraz, with Lindsay Devoe of the Ajax Pony Club second on Van Gogh and another Ajax rider, Kristi Abe, third on Sock it to Me. In Class 2, yet another Ajax rider, Holly McGill, finished first riding Jalapeno, with Rachel McClelland of the Durham Pony Club second on Braveheart and Kristi Abe again third.

Rebecca Simmons was the Division Champion, with Rachel McClelland the Reserve.

Pre-Entry Division B

In Class 1, the winner was Andrea McGill of the Durham Pony Club on Phoenix Rising, with Natalie Waters of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club second aboard Misty and Sam Elsenaar of the Ajax Pony Club third on Champagne Cocktail. In Class 2, Monica Jones of Ajax was the winner on Oreo Cookie, with Courtney O'Brien of the Brooklin Pony Club second on Mandarin and Kiri Ipsen of Ajax third on Rainbow Connection.

Champion was Andrea McGill, Reserve was Kiri Ipsen.

Entry Division (First Qualifying Level)

Samantha Galway of the Maple Pony Club took first place in Class 1 riding Fare Thee Well, with Whitney Brennan of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club second on Silver King Oliver, and Cody Sturgess, also of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club, third on Sunny C. In Class 2, the speed class, Katelyn Powell of the Durham Pony Club was the winner on Sundance, with Kalee DeFrance of the Brooklin Pony Club second riding Apollo and Cody Sturgess third. Ms Powell also won Class 3, with Sean Cruikshanks of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club finishing second riding Cennabarr. Third place in Class 3 again went to Cody Sturgess.

Champion was Cody Sturgess, Reserve was Sean Cruikshanks.

Starter Division

In Class 1, the winner was Madison Reeves of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club riding Pandora, with Daina Brown of the Kawartha Pony Club second on Moonwalker, and third place going to D'Arcy Hutcheson of the Centaurus Pony Club on Irish Park's Fair Erin. Madison Reeves also won Class 2, the speed class, with Mallory Jones of the Ajax Pony Club second on Natasha and Ashley Sakaguchi of the Brooklin Pony Club third on Bocephus. Mallory Jones took top spot in Class 3, with Mori Cruikshanks of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club second on Aragorn, and Madison Reeves third.

Champion was Madison Reeves, Reserve was Mallory Jones.

Beginner Division

Megan Chalmers of the Brooklin Pony Club took first place in Class 1 riding Skip the Command, with Julia McGill of the Durham Pony Club second on D'Artagnan and with Eliza Gravel of the Temiskaming Pony Club third on Rubix Cube. In Class 2, the speed class, Erin Blakeley of the Kawartha Pony Club took the honours aboard Thunder Wings, with Megan Chalmers second and Julia McGill third. Megan Mattos of the Waussnodae Pony Club won Class 3 on P.J., with Samantha MacDonald of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club second on Heart of Gold, and Julia McGill third.

Champion was Julia McGill, Reserve was Erin Blakeley.

Novice Division

Jessie Barrieau of the Victoria Pony Club took the honours in Class 1 aboard Keep On Dreaming, with Katie Murray of the Durham Pony Club second riding Jamane and another Victoria rider, Katlyn Hewson, third on Northern Escapade. In Class 2, the speed class, Jessie Barrieau was again the winner, Katlyn Hewson second, and Jade Stalk of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club third on Lion Heart. In Class 3, Katlyn Hewson was first, Jade Stalk second and Jessie Barrieau third.

Champion was Jessie Barrieau, Reserve was Katlyn Hewson.

Now the details (warm-up rounds omitted):

Pre-Entry Division A-1

Class 1
Place Rider Pony Branch
1 Emilie Fox Frosted Flakes Kawartha
2 Hannah Galway Phineas Maple
3 Jane Stephenson Missy Uxbridge-Scugog
4 James Cruikshanks Mikey Uxbridge-Scugog
5 Christine Oldridge Snow Pony Jack Pine Victoria

Class 2
Place Rider Pony Branch
1 Emilie Fox Frosted Flakes Kawartha
2 Christine Oldridge Snow Pony Jack Pine Victoria
3 Alexandra Reynolds Willow Kawartha
4 James Cruikshanks Mikey Uxbridge-Scugog
5 Jane Stephenson Missy Uxbridge-Scugog

Champion was Emilie Fox, Reserve was Christine Oldridge.

Pre-Entry Division A-2

Class 1
Place Rider Pony Branch
1 Rebecca Simmons Shiraz Durham
2 Lindsay Devoe Van Gogh Ajax
3 Kristi Abe Sock It To Me Ajax
4 Rachel McClelland Braveheart Durham
5 Amanda Bell Silverado Ajax
6 Benjamin Burchfiel Sudden Inspiration Waussnodae
7 Holly McGill Jalapeno Ajax
8 Kerston Caldwall Duncan Brooklin
9 Gabby Wackermann Panda Waussnodae
10 Gordon Lacey Sister Waussnodae

Class 2
Place Rider Pony Branch
1 Holly McGill Jalapeno Ajax
2 Rachel McClelland Braveheart Durham
3 Kristi Abe Sock It To Me Ajax
4 Lindsay Devoe Van Gogh Ajax
5 Rebecca Simmons Shiraz Durham
6 Amanda Bell Silverado Ajax
7 Gabby Wackermann Panda Waussnodae
8 Benjamin Burchfiel Sudden Inspiration Waussnodae
9 Kerston Caldwall Duncan Brooklin

Champion was Rebecca Simmons, Reserve was Rachel McClelland.

Pre-Entry Division B

Class 1
Place Rider Pony Branch
1 Andrea McGill Phoenix Rising Durham
2 Natalie Waters Misty Uxbridge-Scugog
3 Sam Elsenaar Champagne Cocktail Ajax
4 Kiri Ipsen Rainbow Connection Ajax
5 Courtney O'Brien Mandarin Brooklin
6 Sophie Kalpin Moonlight Maple
7 Hannah Loeppky Ranger Maple
8 Monica Jones Oreo Cookie Ajax
9 James Cruikshanks Eskimo Pie Uxbridge-Scugog
10 Andrew Baun Jet Pot Brooklin

Class 2
Place Rider Pony Branch
1 Monica Jones Oreo Cookie Ajax
2 Courtney O'Brien Mandarin Brooklin
3 Kiri Ipsen Rainbow Connection Ajax
4 Andrea McGill Phoenix Rising Durham
5 Sam Elsenaar Champagne Cocktail Ajax
6 Stephanie Crawford Black Edition Pickering
7 Sophie Kalpin Moonlight Maple
8 Kataryne Borsiak Phantom Oshawa
9 Emily Mitchell Faolin Ruaoh Maple
10 Hannah Loeppky Ranger Maple

Champion was Andrea McGill, Reserve was Kiri Ipsen.

Entry Division (First Qualifying Level)

Class 1 - Single Round With Jump-Off
Place Rider Pony/Horse Branch
1 Samantha Galway Fare Thee Well Maple
2 Whitney Brennan Silver King Oliver Uxbridge-Scugog
3 Cody Sturgess Sunny C Uxbridge-Scugog
4 Sean Cruikshanks Cennabarr Uxbridge-Scugog
5 Kalee DeFrance Apollo Brooklin
6 Lindsay McCrae Emerald Isle Brooklin
7 Erika Belanger Cadbury Ajax
8 Lauren Cappelletti Trigger Appy Ajax
9 Chiara Meneguzzi A Wee Bit  Tipsy Maple
10 Kayla Neil Pal-Of-Mine Durham

Class 2 - Speed Class
Place Rider Pony/Horse Branch
1 Katelyn Powell Sundance Durham
2 Kalee DeFrance Apollo Brooklin
3 Cody Sturgess Sunny C Uxbridge-Scugog
4 Sean Cruikshanks Cennabarr Uxbridge-Scugog
5 Whitney Brennan Silver King Oliver Uxbridge-Scugog
6 Lauren Cappelletti Trigger Appy Ajax
7 Erika Belanger Cadbury Ajax
8 Samantha Galway Fare Thee Well Maple
9 Rachel Welsh Pippy Oshawa
10 Sarah Angus Maximus Maple

Class 3 - Single Round With Jump-Off
Place Rider Pony/Horse Branch
1 Katelyn Powell Sundance Durham
2 Sean Cruikshanks Cennabarr Uxbridge-Scugog
3 Cody Sturgess Sunny C Uxbridge-Scugog
4 Kiim Carty Exponential Maple
5 Kayla Neil Pal-Of-Mine Durham
6 Lauren Cappelletti Trigger Appy Ajax
7 Samantha Galway Fare Thee Well Maple
8 Laura Grant Ramblin' Rose Ajax
9 Sarah Angus Maximus Maple
10 Chiara Meneguzzi A Wee Bit Tipsy Maple

Champion was Cody Sturgess, Reserve was Sean Cruikshanks.

Starter Division

Class 1 - Single Round With Jump-Off
Place Rider Pony/Horse Branch
1 Madison Reeves Pandora Uxbridge-Scugog
2 Daina Brown Moon Walker Kawartha
3 D'Arcy Hutcheson Irish Park's Fair Erin Centaurus
4 Mori Cruikshanks Aragorn Uxbridge-Scugog
5 Jessie McVittie Merrylegs Temiskaming
6 Mallory Jones Natasha Ajax
7 Dawn O'Neill Action Jackson Ajax
8 Lorraine Smith Bailey Uxbridge-Scugog
9 Bethany Brown Whymsey Temiskaming
10 Ashley Sakaguchi Bocephus Brooklin

Class 2 - Speed Class
Place Rider Pony/Horse Branch
1 Madison Reeves Pandora Uxbridge-Scugog
2 Mallory Jones Natasha Ajax
3 Ashley Sakaguchi Bocephus Brooklin
4 Dawn O'Neill Action Jackson Ajax
5 Jessie McVittie Merrylegs Temiskaming
6 Mori Cruikshanks Aragorn Uxbridge-Scugog
7 D'Arcy Hutcheson Irish Park's Fair Erin Centaurus
8 Laura Parliament Star Uxbridge-Scugog
9 Lorraine Smith Bailey Uxbridge-Scugog
10 Bethany Brown Whymsey Temiskaming

Class 3- Single Round With Jump-Off
Place Rider Pony/Horse Branch
1 Mallory Jones Natasha Ajax
2 Mori Cruikshanks Aragorn Uxbridge-Scugog
3 Madison Reeves Pandora Uxbridge-Scugog
4 Jessie McVittie Merrylegs Temiskaming
5 Daina Brown Moonwalker Kawartha
6 Dawn O'Neill Action Jackson Ajax
7 Bethany Brown Whymsey Temiskaming
8 Ashley Sakaguchi Bocephus Brooklin
9 Lorraine Smith Bailey Uxbridge-Scugog
10 D'Arcy Hutcheson Irish Park's Fair Erin Centaurus

Champion was Madison Reeves, Reserve was Mallory Jones.

Beginner Division

Class 1 - Single Round With Jump-Off
Place Rider Horse/Pony Branch
1 Megan Chalmers Skip the Command Brooklin
2 Julia McGill D'Artagnan Durham
3 Eliza Gravel Rubix Cube Temiskaming
4 Erin Blakeley Thunder Wings Kawartha
5 Katie Stephenson Masquerade Maple
6 Samantha MacDonald Heart of Gold Uxbridge-Scugog
7 Ian Hutcheson Polly Want a Cracker Centaurus

Class 2 - Speed Class
Place Rider Horse/Pony Branch
1 Erin Blakeley Thunder Wings Kawartha
2 Megan Chalmers Skip the Command Brooklin
3 Julia McGill D'Artagnan Durham
4 Ian Hutcheson Polly Want a Cracker Centaurus
5 Sarah McBride Little Bob Dodger Victoria
6 Eliza Gravel Rubix Cube Temiskaming
7 Samantha MacDonald Heart of Gold Uxbridge-Scugog

Class 3- Single Round With Jump-Off
Place Rider Horse/Pony Branch
1 Megan Mattos P.J. Waussnodae
2 Samantha MacDonald Heart of Gold Uxbridge-Scugog
3 Julia McGill D'Artagnan Durham
4 Eliza Gravel Rubix Cube Temiskaming
5 Ian Hutcheson Polly Want a Cracker Centaurus
6 Erin Blakeley Thunder Wings Kawartha
7 Katie Stephenson Masquerade Maple
8 Megan Chalmers Skip the Command Brooklin

Champion was Julia McGill, Reserve was Erin Blakeley.

Novice Division

Class 1 - Single Round With Jump-Off
Place Rider Horse Branch
1 Jessie Barrieau Keep on Dreamin' Victoria
2 Katie Murray Jamane Durham
3 Katlyn Hewson Northern Escapade Victoria
4 Korie Weston Luminous Times Uxbridge-Scugog

Class 2 - Speed Class
Place Rider Horse Branch
1 Jessie Barrieau Keep on Dreamin' Victoria
2 Katlyn Hewson Northern Escapade Victoria
3 Jade Stalk Lion Heart Uxbridge-Scugog
4 Katie Murray Jamane Durham
5 Korie Weston Luminous Times Uxbridge-Scugog

Class 3- Single Round With Jump-Off
Place Rider Horse Branch
1 Katlyn Hewson Northern Escapade Victoria
2 Jade Stalk Lion Heart Uxbridge-Scugog
3 Jessie Barrieau Keep on Dreamin' Victoria
4 Katie Murray Jamane Durham
5 Korie Weston Luminous Times Uxbridge-Scugog
6 Megan Mattos Freddy the Freak Waussnodae

Champion was Jessie Barrieau, Reserve was Katlyn Hewson.

For more information, get in touch with Liz or Bob Inglis, Central Ontario Region Pony Club Communications Co-Chairs, or call 416-493-1223 (office) or 416-491-4230 (home).