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Central Ontario Region Third Dressage Qualifier Results

Here are highlight placings at the third Central Ontario Region of Pony Club dressage qualifier for the Regional Dressage Finals, held Sunday, July 8 at Blue Star Farm, hosted by the King Pony Club. Selection for the Regional Finals will be based on scores achieved at this meet plus two qualifiers held in June. Details follow the highlights.

At the highest level in this show, First Level, the winner of both tests was Rebecca Adrian of the Kawartha Pony Club, riding Narhan's Gift. The only other entry, Kristiana Cope of the Whitchurch Pony Club, was second on Callie in Test 2, but unfortunately was eliminated in Test 1. Ms. Adrian was division Champion and Ms. Cope was Reserve.

Ilona Parenteau of the Toronto & North York Pony Club won the Training Level Test #2 riding Anastasia, with Jennifer Pett of the Victoria Pony Club second on Thunder and Jane Little of the Arête de Chêne Pony Club third on Spanish Velvet Lace. Ms Pett won Test #4, with Karen Foell of the Toronto & North York Pony Club second riding Delicately Refined and Ms Little again third. Ms Parenteau was Training Champion, with Ms Pett the Reserve.

The Pre-Training Test #1 was large enough to be divided into Group A and Group B. In Group A, first place went to Megan Pagniello of the host King Pony Club, riding Summit, with Emily Lindsay of the Rising Star Pony Club second on Tarragon, and another King rider, Kaleigh Turner, third on Waterford. In Group B, Hanna Peach of the Whitchurch Pony Club was the winner on Oliver, with Megan Lloyd of the Durham Pony Club second riding Cab Fare, and Jenna Fines of King third riding Fendi. In Test #2, Group A was won by Ms Lindsay, with Nikki Ince of the King Pony Club second on Maximus and Ms Pagniello third. Ms Lloyd took the honours in Group B, with Ms Peach second and Brigid Goulem of the Kawartha Pony Club third on Precious Poco. Ms Lloyd was Champion and Ms Lindsay was Reserve.

The Starter Division was again divided into A and B groups for each of two tests. In Starter Test #1, the A Group was won by Jenna Meeser of the Simcoe Pony Club, riding In the Ribbons; second place went to Emma Pasianotto of King on Jordana, with Amy Westlund of the Rising Star Pony Club taking third place on Tarragon. Jennifer McKeen of the Oshawa Pony Club won the B Group aboard Winddancer Diamond in the Rough, with Emily Briggs of Arête de Chêne second on Dressed in Diamonds and Kelsey McDonald of Simcoe third riding Connect the Dots. In Starter Test #2, Ms Westland won Group A, with Lisa Holliday of the Waussnodae Pony Club second on Freddy the Freak, and with third place going to Ms Fines and Fendi. Ms. Mckeen won Group B, with Brittany Oliffe of King second on Summit, and Ms McDonald third. Ms McKeen was Starter Division Champion (and the individual high-point of the day winner) and Ms Pasianotto was Reserve.

In Entry Test #1, the winner was Hanna Prokopetz of the Simcoe Pony Club riding Lucky, with Ms Holliday second, and Jennifer Burgess of the Springwater Pony Club third riding Mr. Big. In Test 2, the winner was Kathleen Buchner of Waussnodae riding Lumber Wagon; second place went to Aiden Staples of King on Little Miss Muffit, and Ms Holliday was third. Entry Division Champion was Ms Buchner, with Ms Holliday the Reserve.

This show offered several freestyle classes, which feature dressage performed to music.

In the First Level Freestyle class, Rebecca Adrian and Narhan's Gift were the only entry, riding "against the book." This means that their placing was determined according to a scoring formula, even though they were the only entry. Based on their score, they placed first.

Training Freestyle was another single-entry class, wone by Ilona Parenteau and Anastasia.

In the Pre-Training Freestyle, Ms Goulem finished first, with Ms Pagniello second and Emily Banks-Ng of King third on Majestic General.

In the Starter Freestyle, first place went to Ms Pasianotto, with the only other entry eliminated.

The Pre-Training Pas de Deux class was won by the King team of Nikki Ince on Maximus and Maddy Lang on Delphi. Another King team, composed of Daniella and Julia Santarossa riding Leif Alaric and Balmoral, respectively, came second.

The Starter Pas de Deux class was won by the team of Isabel Brims and Sophie Bile of the Whitchurch Pony Club, riding Mr. Cutie Pants and George, respectively.

There were even two Drill Team classes, each with a single entry, one at the Pre-Training level and one at the Starter level.

The Pre-Training Drill Team class was won by Rising Star, whose team included Kayla Weber on Dad's Fancy Prince, Amy Westlund on JP, Lindsay Weber on Jake's Ty Two K, Chloe Raitt on Ginger, Emily Lindsay on Tarragon and Stacy Bootsma on Reece's Pieces.

The Starter Drill Team class was won by the Waussnodae team of Kathleen Buchner on Lumber Wagon, Lisa Holliday on Freddy the Freak, Lauren Bridle on Pick Nick, and a guest King rider, Megan Pagniello on Summit.

Now the details.

First Level

Test 1
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Rebecca Adrian Narhan's Gift Kawartha 61.667 1

Test 2
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Rebecca Adrian Narhan's Gift Kawartha 59.444 1
Kristiana Cope Callie Whitchurch 53.333 2

First Level Champion was Rebecca Adrian, with Kristiana Cope the Reserve.

Training Level

Test 2
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Ilona Parenteau Anastasia Toronto & North York 72.500 1
Jennifer Pett Thunder Victoria 65.714 2
Jane Little Spanish Velvet Lace Arête de Chêne 60.000 3
Lauren Bridle Pick Nick Waussnodae 59.643 4
Karen Foell Delicately Refined Toronto & North York 57.500 5

Test 4
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Jennifer Pett Thunder Victoria 58.000 1
Karen Foell Delicately Refined Toronto & North York 57.600 2
Jane Little Spanish Velvet Lace Arête de Chêne 54.800 3
Ilona Parenteau Anastasia Toronto & North York 52.000 4
Lauren Bridle Pick Nick Waussnodae 47.600 5

Training Champion was Ilona Parenteau, with Jennifer Pett as the Reserve.


Test 1 - Group A
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Megan Pagniello Summit King 65.588 1
Emily Lindsay Tarragon Rising Star 64.706 2
Kaleigh Turner Waterford King 63.529 3
Nikki Ince Maximus King 54.706 4
Emily Banks-Ng Majestic General King 54.118 5
Kataryna Borysiak Midnight Magic Oshawa 54.118 6
Julia Santarossa Balmoral King 51.765 7

Test 1 - Group B
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Hannah Peach Oliver Whitchurch 63.235 1
Megan Lloyd Cab Fare Durham 62.647 2
Jenna Fines Fendi King 61.765 3
Stacy Bootsma Reece's Pieces Rising Star 57.941 4
Sarah Cowie Delphi King 57.647 5 (tie)
Brigid Goulem Precious Poco Kawartha 57.647 5 (tie)
Daniella Santarossa Leif Alaric King 55.000 7
Johanna McKeen Millgate Royal Brittannia Oshawa 49.118 8

Test 2 - Group A
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Emily Lindsay Tarragon Rising Star 60.625 1
Nikki Ince Maximus King 58.438 2
Megan Pagniello Summit King 57.500 3
Kaleigh Turner Waterford King 56.250 4
Kataryna Borysiak Midnight Magic Oshawa 55.313 5
Emily Banks-Ng Majestic General King 52.500 6
Julia Santarossa Balmoral King 50.625 7

Test 2 - Group B
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Megan Lloyd Cab Fare Durham 64.063 1
Hannah Peach Oliver Whitchurch 57.500 2
Brigid Goulem Precious Poco Kawartha 51.875 3
Stacy Bootsma Reece's Pieces Rising Star 51.250 4
Daniella Santarossa Leif Alaric King 50.625 5
Johanna McKeen Millgate Royal Brittannia Oshawa 49.063 6
Sarah Cowie Delphi King 45.313 7

Pre-Training Champion was Megan Lloyd, with Emily Lindsay the Reserve.

Starter Division

Test 1 - Group A
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Jenna Meeser In the Ribbons Simcoe 67.931 1
Emma Pasianotto Jordana King 64.138 2
Amy Westlund Tarragon Rising Star 61.034 3
Maddy Lang Delphi King 60.000 4
Ashley MacDonald Midnight Beauty Springwater 59.310 5
Jenna Fines Fendi King 57.241 6
Lisa Holliday Freddy the Freak Waussnodae 51.379 7

Test 1 - Group B
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Jennifer McKeen Winddancer Diamond in the Rough Oshawa 64.828 1
Emily Briggs Dressed in Diamonds Arête de Chêne 61.034 2
Kelsey McDonald Connect the Dots Simcoe 60.000 3
Alexandra Sprague Come as You Are Kawartha 57.241 4
Nicole Russel-Poliquin Everybody Loves Raymond Oshawa 52.069 5
Brittany Oliffe Summit King 51.724 6
Megan Christou Hyperpower! Oshawa 51.379 7
Jenna Crone Moonkisst's Fantasy Simcoe 51.034 8

Test 2 - Group A
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Amy Westlund Tarragon Rising Star 66.071 1
Lisa Holliday Freddy the Freak Waussnodae 65.714 2
Jenna Fines Fendi King 64.286 3
Emma Pasianotto Jordana King 63.571 4
Jenna Meeser In the Ribbons Simcoe 62.857 5
Maddy Lang Delphi King 52.500 6
Ashley MacDonald Midnight Beauty Springwater 51.071 7

Test 2 - Group B
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Jennifer McKeen Winddancer Diamond in the Rough Oshawa 83.929* 1
Brittany Oliffe Summit King 60.000 2
Kelsey McDonald Connect the Dots Simcoe 58.929 3
Alexandra Sprague Come as You Are Kawartha 58.571 4
Nicole Russel-Poliquin Everybody Loves Raymond Oshawa 55.357 5
Emily Briggs Dressed in Diamonds Arête de Chêne 54.643 6
Megan Christou Hyperpower! Oshawa 53.214 7
Jenna Crone Moonkisst's Fantasy Simcoe 48.571 8

* This was the highest score of the day at all levels.

Jennifer McKeen was Starter Champion, with Emma Pasianotto the Reserve.

Entry Level

Test 1
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Hanna Prokopetz Lucky Simcoe 61.304 1
Lisa Holliday Freddy the Freak Waussnodae 59.565 2 (tie)
Jennifer Burgess Mr.Big Springwater 59.565 2 (tie)
Rachel Downey Milo Whitchurch 56.522 4
Aidan Staples Little Miss Muffit King 55.217 5
Jessica Pryke Dakota Simcoe 53.043 6
Kathleen Buchner Lumber Wagon Waussnodae 52.174 7
Isabel Brims Mr. Cutie Pants Whitchurch 51.739 8
Erin Blakely Milo Whitchurch 50.435 9

Test 2
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Kathleen Buchner Lumber Wagon Waussnodae 81.034 1
Aidan Staples Little Miss Muffit King 68.621 2
Lisa Holliday Freddy the Freak Waussnodae 68.276 3
Rachel Downey Milo Whitchurch 65.862 4
Jennifer Burgess Mr.Big Springwater 64.828 5
Hanna Prokopetz Lucky Simcoe 61.034 6
Isabel Brims Mr. Cutie Pants Whitchurch 60.345 7
Erin Blakely Milo Whitchurch 60.000 8
Jessica Pryke Dakota Simcoe 52.759 9

Entry Champion was Kathleen Buchner, with Lisa Holliday the Reserve.

Freestyle Classes

Level 1
Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Rebecca Adrian Narhan's Gift Kawartha 54.065 1

Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Ilona Parenteau Anastasia Toronto & North York 56.364 1

Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Brigid Goulem Precious Poco Kawartha 63.000 1
Megan Pagniello Summit King 55.000 2
Emily Banks-Ng Majestic General King 48.000 3

Rider Horse Branch Percent Place
Emma Pasianotto Jordana King 71.500 1

Pas de Deux Classes

Riders Horses Branch Percent Place
Nikki Ince

Maddy Lang



King 60.333 1
Daniella Santarossa

Julia Santarossa

Lief Alaric


King 52.333 2

Riders Horses Branch Percent Place
Isabel Brims

Sophie Bile

Mr. Cutie Pants


Whitchurch 56.000 1

Drill Teams

Riders Horses Branch Percent Place
Kayla Weber

Amy Westlund

Lindsay Weber

Chloe Raitt

Emily Lindsay

Stacy Bootsma

Dad's Fancy Prince


Jake's Ty Two K



Reece's Pieces

Rising Star 76.667 1

Riders Horses Branch Percent Place
Kathleen Buchner

Lisa Holliday

Lauren Bridle

Megan Pagniello

Lumber Wagon

Freddy the Freak

Pick Nick


Waussnodae 58.667 1

For more details e-mail Bob Inglis, Central Ontario Regional Communications Chair, or call him at 416-493-1223 (office) or 416-491-4230 (home).