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Second Central Ontario Regional Show Jumping Qualifier Results

Here are results from the second Central Ontario Qualifier for the Regional Show Jumping Finals, held on Sunday, July 13 at Audley Road Stables near Ajax, hosted by the Ajax Pony Club. Selection for the Regional Finals will be based on scores achieved at this meet and two other qualifiers, one held in June and the other coming later in July.  Details follow these highlights.

In this show, three divisions of Pre-Entry riders competed in two classes each: a single round plus jump-off class, and a medal class judged on equitation both over fences and at various gaits on the flat. The higher divisions competed in three classes each, a single round plus jump-off class, a power and speed class and a medal class to determine a Champion and a Reserve in each division. Highlights follow, with results to tenth place in each class available from the Central Ontario press releases portion of the Canadian Pony Club website.

Pre-Entry Division A-2

In the single round with jump-off class, the winner was Torri Odell of the Brooklin Pony Club, riding Troy. Second place went to Rachel Scott of the Victoria Pony Club on Peanut, with Michael McLachlan of Brooklin taking third place on Nevada. Ms Scott won the medal class, with Jennifer Lane of the Ajax Pony Club second riding Silverado, and another Ajax rider, Maggie Murphy third aboard Champagne Cocktail. Ms Scott was the division Champion, with Ms Odell the Reserve.

Pre-Entry Division B

In Class 1, the single round with jump-off, Kaisha Barber of the Durham Pony Club took the honours on Sundance, with Alison Hannah of the Ajax Pony Club second on Natasha, and Nicole Gee of Ajax third aboard Ramblin Rose. Ms Gee won Class 2, the medal class, with Ms Barber second, and Dalton Wright of the Durham Pony Club third on Pollyanna. Champion was Ms Barber, Reserve was Ms Gee.

Pre-Entry Schooling Division

Class 1, the single round with jump-off class was won by Jane Stephenson of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club on Irish Park's Turf Fire. Andrea McGill of Durham took second aboard Roll the Dice, with Madison Wilks of Durham third riding Trinity V. In the medal class, the order of finish was the same as in Class 1. Ms Stephenson was Champion, with Ms McGill the Reserve.

Entry Division (First Qualifying Level)

Christine Oldridge of the Victoria Pony Club took first place in the single round with jump-off class on Sophie, with Jenna Meeser of the Rising Star Pony Club second riding In the Ribbons and Kristen Hall of Brooklin third on Run With Me. This order of finish repeated in both Class 2 and Class 3. Champion was Ms Oldridge, and Reserve was Ms Meeser.

Starter Division

In the single round with jump-off class, the winner was Emma Lemay-Nedjelski of the Ajax Pony Club on Action Jackson. Another Ajax rider, Jessica Clarke, was second riding Morgana, and third place went to Kassandra Sloan of the Oshawa Pony Club on Finders Keepers. Ms Lemay-Nedjelski also won Class 2, the power and speed class, with Courtney Coons of Ajax second on Sock It To Me, and Ms Clarke third. Ms Clarke won Class 3, the medal class, with second place going to Ms Sloan and third to Janene Howran of the Kawartha Pony Club riding Stonecroft Ap Geraint. Champion was Ms Lemay-Nedjelski, Reserve was Ms Clarke.

Beginner Division

Kataryna Borysiak of the Oshawa Pony Club took first place in the single round with jump-off class riding Midnight Magic, with Alyssa Stavrakos of the Durham Pony Club second on Alyssa's Lincoln and Carrie Doorenspleet of Durham third aboard Gold Rush Frontier. In Class 2, the power and speed class, Karly Coles of the Brooklin Pony Club was the winner on Rock Bottom, Patrick Kosa of the Whitchurch Pony Club taking second spot on Milo, and Ms Borysiak third. Ms Doorenspleet took the honours in Class 3, the medal class, with Ms Borysiak second, and Mr. Kosa third. Champion was Ms Borysiak, Reserve was Mr. Kosa.

Novice Division

Jennifer McKeen of the Oshawa Pony Club took the honours in the single round with jump-off class aboard Mya, with Jessica McVittie of the Uxbridge-Scugog Pony Club second riding Cute as a Button, and Stephanie Rutherford of Oshawa third on Royal Court Jester. In the power and speed class, Ms McKeen was again first, Ms Rutherford was second and Ms McVittie was third. Ms McVittie finished first in the medal class, with Ms Rutherford second again and Ms McKeen. Champion was Ms McKeen, Reserve was Ms McVittie.

Now here are the details.

Pre-Entry Division A-2

Single Round with Jump-Off
Rider Horse Branch Place
Torri Odell Troy Brooklin 1
Rachel Scott Peanut Victoria 2
Michael McLachlan Nevada Brooklin 3
Jennifer Lane Silverado Ajax 4
Maggie Murphy Champagne Cocktail Ajax 5

Jumper Medal
Rider Horse Branch Place
Rachel Scott Peanut Victoria 1
Jennifer Lane Silverado Ajax 2
Maggie Murphy Champagne Cocktail Ajax 3
Torri Odell Troy Brooklin 4
Michael McLachlan Nevada Brooklin 5

Champion was Rachel Scott, Reserve was Torri Odell.

Pre-Entry B

Single Round with Jump-Off
Rider Horse Branch Place
Kaisha Barber Sundance Durham 1
Alison Hannah Natasha Ajax 2
Nicole Gee Ramblin Rose Ajax 3
Brigid Goulem Precious Poco Kawartha 4
Colin Oldridge Elphin Birdson Victoria 5
Meg Scott Titus Victoria 6
Anna Toaze Driving Miss Daisy Oshawa 7
Dalton Wright Pollyanna Durham 8

Jumper Medal
Rider Horse Branch Place
Nicole Gee Ramblin Rose Ajax 1
Kaisha Barber Sundance Durham 2
Dalton Wright Pollyanna Durham 3
Colin Oldridge Elphin Birdson Victoria 4
Anna Toaze Driving Miss Daisy Oshawa 5
Alison Hannah Natasha Ajax 6
Brigid Goulem Precious Poco Kawartha 7
Meg Scott Titus Victoria 8

Champion was Kaisha Barber, Reserve was Nicole Gee.

Pre-Entry Schooling Division

Single Round with Jump-Off
Rider Horse Branch Place
Jane Stephenson Irish Park's Turf Fire Uxbridge-Scugog 1
Andrea McGill Roll the Dice Durham 2
Madison Wilks Trinity V Durham 3

Jumper Medal
Rider Horse Branch Place
Jane Stephenson Irish Park's Turf Fire Uxbridge-Scugog 1
Andrea McGill Roll the Dice Durham 2
Madison Wilks Trinity V Durham 3
Kailey Rigelhof Little Miss Ribbons Uxbridge-Scugog 4

Champion was Jane Stephenson, Reserve was Andrea McGill.

Entry Division

Single Round with Jump-Off
Rider Horse Branch Place
Christine Oldridge Sophie Victoria 1
Jenna Meeser In the Ribbons Rising Star 2
Kristin Hall Run with Me Brooklin 3

Power and Speed
Rider Horse Branch Place
Christine Oldridge Sophie Victoria 1
Jenna Meeser In the Ribbons Rising Star 2
Kristin Hall Run with Me Brooklin 3
Brooke Twidale Mr. Valentine Toronto & North York 4

Jumper Medal
Rider Horse Branch Place
Christine Oldridge Sophie Victoria 1
Jenna Meeser In the Ribbons Rising Star 2
Kristin Hall Run with Me Brooklin 3

Champion was Christine Oldridge, Reserve was Jenna Meeser.

Starter Division

Single Round with Jump-Off
Rider Horse Branch Place
Emma Lemay-Nedjelski Action Jackson Ajax 1
Jessica Clarke Morgana Ajax 2
Kassandra Sloan Finders Keepers Oshawa 3
Hilary Howran Mackeeba Kawartha 4
Janene Howran Stonecroft Ap Geraint Kawartha 5
Kerston Caldwell Dakota Ajax 6
Courtney Coons Sock it to Me Ajax 7

Power and Speed
Rider Horse Branch Place
Emma Lemay-Nedjelski Action Jackson Ajax 1
Courtney Coons Sock it to Me Ajax 2
Jessica Clarke Morgana Ajax 3
Kassandra Sloan Finders Keepers Oshawa 4
Janene Howran Stonecroft Ap Geraint Kawartha 5
Kerston Caldwell Dakota Ajax 6
Hilary Howran Mackeeba Kawartha 7

Jumper Medal
Rider Horse Branch Place
Courtney Coons Sock it to Me Ajax 1
Kassandra Sloan Finders Keepers Oshawa 2
Janene Howran Stonecroft Ap Geraint Kawartha 3
Hilary Howran Mackeeba Kawartha 4
Emma Lemay-Nedjelski Action Jackson Ajax 5
Kerston Caldwell Dakota Ajax 6
Courtney Coons Sock it to Me Ajax 7

Champion was Emma Lemay-Nedjelski, Reserve was Jessica Clarke.

Beginner Division

Single Round with Jump-Off
Rider Horse Branch Place
Kataryna Borysiak Midnight Magic Oshawa 1
Alyssa Stavrakos Alyssa's Lincoln Durham 2
Carrie Doorenspleet Gold Rush Frontier Durham 3
Patrick Kosa Milo Whitchurch 4
Hannah Peach Oliver Whitchurch 5
Karly Coles Rock Bottom Brooklin 6

Power and Speed
Rider Horse Branch Place
Karly Coles Rock Bottom Brooklin 1
Patrick Kosa Milo Whitchurch 2
Kataryna Borysiak Midnight Magic Oshawa 3
Hannah Peach Oliver Whitchurch 4

Jumper Medal
Rider Horse Branch Place
Carrie Doorenspleet Gold Rush Frontier Durham 1
Kataryna Borysiak Midnight Magic Oshawa 2
Patrick Kosa Milo Whitchurch 3
Karly Coles Rock Bottom Brooklin 4
Hannah Peach Oliver Whitchurch 5
Alyssa Stavrakos Alyssa's Lincoln Durham 6

Champion was Kataryna Borysiak, Reserve was Patrick Kosa.

Novice Division

Single Round with Jump-Off
Rider Horse Branch Place
Jennifer McKeen Mya Oshawa 1
Jessica McVittie Cute as a Button Uxbridge-Scugog 2
Stephanie Rutherford Royal Court Jester Oshawa 3
Johanna McKeen Millie Oshawa 4
Stephen Hall Prospect's Petronus Uxbridge-Scugog 5
Mitchell Hall Prospect's Ebony 6

Power and Speed
Rider Horse Branch Place
Jennifer McKeen Mya Oshawa 1
Stephanie Rutherford Royal Court Jester Oshawa 2
Jessica McVittie Cute as a Button Uxbridge-Scugog 3
Stephen Hall Prospect's Petronus Uxbridge-Scugog 4
Johanna McKeen Millie Oshawa 5
Mitchell Hall Prospect's Ebony Uxbridge-Scugog 6
Erin McLaughlin Heineken Toronto & North York 7

Jumper Medal
Rider Horse Branch Place
Jessica McVittie Cute as a Button Uxbridge-Scugog 1
Stephanie Rutherford Royal Court Jester Oshawa 2
Jennifer McKeen Mya Oshawa 3
Stephen Hall Prospect's Petronus Uxbridge-Scugog 4
Erin McLaughlin Heineken Toronto & North York 5
Mitchell Hall Prospect's Ebony Uxbridge-Scugog 6
Johanna McKeen Millie Oshawa 7

Champion was Jennifer McKeen, Reserve was Jessica McVittie.

For more details e-mail Bob Inglis, Central Ontario Regional Communications Chair, or call him at 416-493-1223 (office) or 416-491-4230 (home).