NS/NF Regional Pony Club
Spring & Summer 2000 |
From the Editor
This will be one of two newsletters this year. It is full of useful information for the upcoming summer. If you have questions about any of the information you can ask your DC. Your DC is a member of the Regional Board of PC and takes part in the meetings over the winter. There are usually about 5 meetings a year. The Board tries to have everything organized by spring so there is no need for all of us to meet over the summer. That doesn’t mean the organizing and communication stops!
At each meeting there are club reports. This helps all of us keep in touch with what is going on in the clubs. I noticed from the last two meetings that most of the clubs have finished their lecture series. Winter months seem to be the most popular time to work through the study guides and books. A lot of clubs use this time to have guest lectures on a variety of different horsey topics and to organize tours of vet clinics, riding and breeding establishments etc. Of course winter months also bring Quiz. Read on for a report on Quiz.
Quiz Report
There were two Quiz competitions held this year, in spite of weather problems! Eastern Shore hosted their first Quiz and did a great job! There was a good turnout and lots of interesting stations. The second quiz was hosted by Colchester Pony Club in Truro. This is the fifth year for this quiz!. Thank you to both these clubs, and to Tantramar Pony Club who provided a challenging station on identifying weeds for the Eastern
Shore Quiz and a new station on identifying and finding errors in two sets of tack - one for cross country and one for a lesson for the Colchester Quiz. Another new and popular station was the model show jumping course built by Margie Johnson. Competitors were required to find 10 errors in the design and set up of the course. Both these quiz competitions were used as qualifiers for the team to go to the National Quiz in October in Ontario.
Dates for 2000
Here are some dates to keep in mind for the summer. There are Pony Club and other events of interest listed here. Be sure to call ahead as sometimes dates and times may change.
July 3-6 | Tetrathlon Camp. Port Elgin. Contact Gay Hansen (506) 536-2532 |
July 9 | CADORA Fun Show. Fall River Stables |
July 16 | Red Bank Horse Trials |
July 16/21 | National Tetrathlon Championships. Medford Meadows |
July 23 | Regional Pony Club Rally. Medford Meadows |
July 29/30 | CADORA Provincial Champ. Medford Meadows. |
July 31-Aug 21 | International Tetrathlon - Ireland |
Aug 6 | Medford Meadows Horse trials |
Aug 16-20 | International Pony Club Millennium Conference in Toronto |
Aug 26-27 | Atlantic Pony Club Show jumping and Dressage. Sussex NB |
Aug 27 | Sackville Animal Hospital’s Summer Classic CADORA show . Red Bank |
Sept 2 | Regional Pony Club Dressage and Show Jumping Champ. Truro |
Sept 10 | Hobby Horse Horse Trials. Coldbrook |
Sept 17 | CADORA Fun Show. Woodhaven Stables. Elmsdale |
Oct 1 | “Dressage is Fun “ Pony Club Dressage Show. Windsor |
Oct 7/9 | National Quiz Competition. Ontario |
Oct 21 | D Challenge . Windsor | |
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Do You Own or Lease A Horse?
If you have a horse you should have liability insurance. This will protect you if your horse injures someone or something. Some people have their horses added to their homeowner’s insurance. If you have done this, double check that it will cover you if you take the horse off the property to a horse show or use them for something other than pleasure riding. Keep in mind that the Pony Club insurance protects the Pony Club organizers, the club, the volunteers, the property owner’s, the instructors during arranged Pony Club activities only and for activities that are only open to Pony Club members. As a horse owner you should also have liability insurance. If you need liability insurance you might want to check into becoming a member of the Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation. The membership includes your liability insurance. For information you can contact Jud Porter (902) 425-5450 ext.333.
Getting Connected
Be sure to check out our website. Anne Irwin has done an excellent job of getting us on the World Wide Web. The address is www3.ns.sympatico.ca/airwin/nsnfregion
Of course you can also get to our website through the Canadian Pony Club website. Take a look at the links Anne has listed. Lots of great sites to check out!
How about getting a website for your club? Send Anne a message and she can help your club get set up and linked.
Another interesting site for you to go to is Atlanticrider.com This is full of information and news from Atlantic Canada.
Did You Know?
Six members of the Eastern Shore PC participated in the RELAY2000/Trans Canada Trail Celebration. I hear that they looked very sharp with green rugby shirts and new saddle pads with the Pony Club logo.
Kelsey Merritt of Eastern Shore Pony Club, riding her pony Ladyslipper, was an official water carrier.
I hear that Ladyslipper has a new home
and has moved to the Woolavers in Windsor.
Lisa Woolaver will be leaving Nova Scotia in August to start a job working for Gail Greenough. Best of luck Lisa and keep in touch.
Two other members are working out of province. Julie Christie, a student at Mount Allison University and our Regional Youth rep. is working in Ireland for the summer. I hear that former PC member Richard Cuthbertson is also working in Ireland. I wonder if they will get a chance to see the International Pony Club Tethrathlon which is being held in Ireland in August?
Congratulations to Rachel Bedingfield of the Avon PC who was chosen to be a member of the Canadian Team for the International Tetrathlon.
We are really sorry to be losing Shona Harrold, who has decided to move back to her homeland, Ireland, at the end of the summer. Shona has been a big supporter of Pony Club in this area, having been a member of our board as Regional Dressage and PPG rep. It is through Shona that a number of clubs have been able to introduce PPG to their members. Her knowledge of PPG , her nerves of steel!, her sense of humour and fair play, and her ability to work with young riders is going to be hard to replace. We wish you all the best Shona, and please keep in touch.
That the NSEF has a website where you can keep up to date on events, read competition results, check the message board for interesting news and items for sale and much more. Be aware that the website address may have changed by the time we go to print because, along with Pony Club activities ,Shona was also very active in the NSEF being in charge of the website and the representative for Industry and Breeds.
That there is a supply list on the Canadian Pony Club website and that you can download testing procedures, rules, and more.
That there are new testing procedures for 2000. If you haven’t received yours yet you can get them off the website or contact your DC.
That the Halifax Junior Bengal Lancers are doing a demonstration musical ride with the RCMP on July 13th. There will be
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16 horses from the Lancers taking part.
Last summer Megan White was chosen to represent Canada at the Interpacific Pony Club exchange in Colorado. Megan’s horsemanship impressed people out there and this led to her being offered a job for this summer. After her exams finished at Acadia Megan flew off to Colorado to work in an eventing stable.
This summer the International Pony Club Millennium Conference is being held in Toronto in August. Eight Avon Pony Club members have been busy fundraising so they can attend this event. A week in Toronto and lots of interesting events to attend - it sounds like a great time! I hope you take lots of pictures and bring us back a report for our next newsletter please - how about a diary?
Congratulations to Chantal Pelham, a student at Acadia and Jennifer Healy, an NSAC student, on receiving a summer student job grant. Chantal is working with Avon Pony Club and Jennifer is working for the Annapolis PC .
Congratulations to Joseph Holowina. Joseph has just returned from BC where he won his division in the National Pentathlon competition. Joseph is active in Pony Club Tetrathlon , which includes riding, swimming, running and shooting. Last year he added the fifth skill, fencing and started competing in Pentathlon events.
Do You Like Pizza? How About Money?
Everyone should have their tickets to sell by now. The money we raise from these tickets helps to support our program, so its important that everyone does their bit. We ask that you sell at least one book of tickets and with all the horsey activity in our province that shouldn’t be hard. The top three sellers in the region will receive $50!! Also, if your club sells the most tickets per member you will be treated to a pizza party!!! Of course you might want to be sure you have a ticket yourself as you could win one of three $200 gift certificates!!
Thank You to Our Sponsors
I want to thank the sponsors of our ticket draw. Your support is greatly appreciated. Ted’s Tack Shop (Halifax), Red Sleigh
(Kingston) and our new one this year - Apple Saddlery. Bits n Bridles Tack Shop has chosen not to be a part of the ticket draw this year, however they want to continue to support Pony Club and do so in many ways.
Dressage Is Fun Show
This is our first year for this show and it will be held in the Windsor Arena on October 1. Divisions are Novice ( walk, trot), Beginner( walk, trot , canter) and Basic 1. Each division will include one individual dressage test plus an option of doing a Kur or a pas-de-deux. Basic1 will also include a Quadrille. Along with the show there will be a demonstration. So why not set up your ring at home and start practising. Remember if you don’t have a dressage ring you can use your imagination and “make” one using a trail of sawdust or even jump poles. You can make the letters by writing on ice cream containers or buckets. How about getting together with another member and trying a pas - de - deux, or making up a test and putting it to music for a Kur? Entry forms for this event have been sent out to the DC’s so check it out!
Congratulations also goes out to Elizabeth Crewe who received the Todd Sandler Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is given by Horse People Inc. to two Pony Club members, one from east of Manitoba and one from west of Ontario. The scholarship involves two free weeks of camp at Horse People Inc. , a large facility in Wendover , Ontario. Todd Sandler was an up and coming event rider who trained at Horse People. He was killed in a car accident, returning from an event in the US.
Dressage Award
This year there will be an end of the year Dressage Award. This award will be given to the highest average scores in Basic 1. In order to be considered for this award send in your results from CADORA shows , both recognized and training.
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Scores from the Dressage is Fun show as well as the Regional Dressage and Show Jumping will be counted too. Scores must be from at least two different judges and your top three scores will be averaged. These scores will be calculated in the fall so save your dressage tests with scores over the summer and be prepared to submit your best three to Pam Graves by November 1.
Atlantic Zone Dressage Championships
The NB/PEI Region is hosting the Atlantic Zone Pony Club Dressage Championships Aug. 26 at the new Princess Louise Park in Sussex NB. Basic ½ and Basic 3/4 divisions will be offered. To qualify you need to send scores form at least two CADORA recognized or training shows. Scores must be 55% or better. Send your scores to Pam Graves.
Examiner’s Clinic
Anne Irwin, our educational rep. organized an Examiner’s clinic in April. The annual clinic is a good opportunity for examiner’s to get together to exchange ideas and discuss areas that need improvement. Fourteen examiners and testers-in-training attended a full day of updating and information. Gidget Oxner of Idlewood Stable was the facilitator for the day. Gidget , Anne and Johanne Head attended the Testing &Education Conference in Winnipeg in February so were well up to date on the changes. The morning was spent at Acadia University going over the new Testing Procedures and covering issues surrounding testing. The afternoon was spent at Kingsridge Equestrian Centre, where members of the Annapolis Pony Club demonstrated the various levels. A big Thank you to Kingsridge and Annapolis Pony Club for helping out and of course a big thank you to Anne for organizing the day
The “Jen” Clinic
On June 4 over 50 members attended this excellent ground clinic with clinician Jen Hamilton. Jen is a level 4 jumping coach, one of the few in Canada and we are so very lucky to have her living right here in Nova Scotia. The day was organized by Suzanne Perry, our regional
show jumping rep., and was held at the new HorsePower Hotel in West Earltown. Thank you’s go out to the owners of the property, to our demonstration riders and to Suzanne for organizing the day. From all reports I have received this was an excellent clinic and well worth the effort of finding HorsePower Hotel!!
National Tetrathlon
We are proud to be the hosts of the year 2000 Canadian Pony Club National Tetrathlon. This event is being held July 17-20. There are 50 competitors coming from across Canada to compete. Teams are staying at Kings -Edgehill in Windsor where they will do their shooting and running. Swimming will be done at Acadia and the riding will take place at Medford Meadows. The riding involves cross country and will happen on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Along with the competition there are plans for trips to the beach, ocean swims, tubing on the Gaspereau and a dance. Sounds like a busy, fun week! The NS teams will consist of Jennette Johnson, Tracey Smith, Jennifer Wilson, Inga Hansen, Erin Sloan, Joseph Holownia, and Rachel Bedingfield.
Ten tetrathletes from the International Tetrathlon team plus 2 coaches and chaperones will be staying in NS until they leave for Ireland on July 30th. They will be helping at the regional rally and will be attending a short training camp . Rachel Bedingfield is a member of this team. Good luck in Ireland, Rachel! Take lots of pictures.
If you are interested in tetrathlon contact Gay Hansen (5060 536-2532)
Regional Dressage and Show Jumping
Keep September 2 in mind as that is date for our Regional Championships. Once again this event will be hosted by the Colchester Pony Club and will be held at the Central Nova Horse &Pony Association grounds in Salmon River. There are lots and lots of places to stay in Truro, some with pools and ,of course, you can tent on the grounds or even sleep on the clubhouse floor. ( I’ve done it and its not that bad!). So mark this on your calender.
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Eastern Canadian Pony Club Rally
The Western Ontario region of the Canadian Pony Club is hosting the Eastern Rally this year and have offered to supply our team with two horses for the pretraining level. The competition is being held at Checkmate, one of the biggest eventing facilities in Ontario. Applications for this have gone out to DC’s. To be eligible to apply for this you must have cross country experience at the pre training level or higher, be over 14 and C level or above.
Wanted Ads
1. Field boots, size 8 ½, don’t need to be in great condition, need a calk a little on the wide side but not like extra large or anything!
2. A 17" Lovatt&Rickets Olympic DS Close contact saddle
contact : Pam at (902) 423-8993
Bits and Bites
Name the Foal - Every year Spruce Meadows holds a contest in which you submit names for their three foals. If your name is chosen you win a trip to the Master’s at Spruce Meadows in September. The instructions about the contest are on the their website at http://www.sprucemeadows.com If you don’t have a computer try going to your local library. You can print out the entry form and instructions . Last year someone (unknown by me )from Truro won with their chosen name of Frontpage.
A Real Dressage Test - Basic level
(Printed off the Internet!)
A | Enter extraordinary serpentine
| X | Halt
| G | try again! |
C | Freeze in horror at judge’s stand. Take opportunity to salute hurriedly
| C | Track left in counterflexed bolt!
| E | irregular polyhedron left, 20 metres ,plus or less 5 metres.
| FXH | Change rein in extended jig
| H | Canter, or Counter Canter or Cross Canter
| M-F | Working out-of-hand gallop
| C | Down centre line, working trot bouncing
| X | Halt Salute Exhale, leave arena in free walk, loose language under breath! |
A Recipe to Try for your Horse
I can’t comment on if this recipe works or not as I haven’t tried it. Cooking is not one of my talents! So make and eat at your own risk!
Horse Oat Cookies
1 cup of oatmeal
1 cup of bran
1 cup of water
1 tablespoon of salt
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
half cup of molasses
Mix ingredients together, grease a sheet of foil and spoon on foil. Cook until hard on the outside. Leave out to dry and cool. Refrigerate any cookies that are not eaten right away.
You Know You’re a Horse Person When....
- you save every horse magazine you have ever bought!
-You drive by any filed anywhere and look very hard for horses .
- on rainy days you organize the tack room not the house
-you know you’re a horse person when ALL of your pockets have hay in them!
- the back of your station wagon is an auxiliary tack box.
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-you are grossed out by human hair in the sink or tub, but don’t mind horse hair in your washer, on your clothes, in your food.....
- you run your tongue over your molars and idly wonder if they need to be floated!
- you count strides between cracks in the sidewalks, shadows of trees etc.
Fill in The Blanks
Diamond’s _____ was born this morning. Her name will be Star. She is a female so she is called a __________. Diamond is female also but she is over 3 years old so she is called a ____________. Star’s father is called a __________________. Star has a sister, Ruby, who was born last year. Ruby is a ___________________. Star’s brother, Silver, who is two years old was gelded last week. Silver is now called a ______________________. When Star grows up she should be 14 hh. This means she will be a _____________________. Diamond is a chestnut colour with white hairs all through her coat. Her colour is known as ______________________. Right now Star is brown with black points. This is called a ____________.
1. A noise caused by a vibration in the nostril when the horse breathes out is called ___________.
2. A factory or ready made shoe is known as a __________ shoe.
3. The head, shank, point, bevel, and inner face are all parts of a _________________ _____.
4. A process whereby a fit horse is prepared for a long period of rest is called ___________ ___.
5. A light frame fitted around a horse’s neck to prevent it from biting or licking wounds or bandages is called a ________________.
6. Putting straw under the blanket of a wet horse to help dry him off and keep him warm is called __________________
7. A cherry roller is type of _________.
MIX AND MATCH -Look at the list of possible answers and place the letter beside the best match.
1. | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | ______
| 2. | Equine encephalomyeluitis | ______
| 3. | Equine Infectious Anemia | ______
| 4. | Scratches | ______
| 5. | Distemper | ______
| 6. | Tetanus | ______
| 7. | Seedy Toe | ______
| 8. | Excessive granulation | ______
| 9. | Laminitis | ______
| 10. | Azatoria | ______ |
- Grease or mud fever
- Founder
- Sleeping sickness
- Proud flesh
- Monday Morning Disease
- Heaves
- Swamp fever
- White line disease
- Lockjaw
- Strangles
If you can not find the answers to these activities in your books you can write for the answer : Carollyn Crewe , RR #1 Truro NS B2N 5A9.