| NS/NF Region Summer 2002 Newsletter
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From the Editor
This will be our first electronic newsletter and in November/December we will be sending out a mailed newsletter with submissions from some of those pony club members who have had the opportunity to compete at both national and international levels. Once again, the NS/NF Region has had a very busy summer and fall. Results from the various events held throughout the fall and summer are on the regional website. (Go to the national website at www.canadianponyclub.org and connect to the region's website from there.) These results are usually posted on the website within a few days of the competitions.
Remember if you have information for the newsletter, please contact me at brownje@annapolis.nscc.ns.ca or (902) 665-2964. I also need your help in sending me photos of various events to include in upcoming newsletters and for the web site. If you are able to get your photos scanned, or if they are already in a digital format, you can just email me the image. If you wish to send me the photo, I can scan it and return it to you. (Box 651, Bridgetown, NS B0S 1C0).
Ticket Sales
The draw for the prizes from the Regional Ticket Sales will be held at the Regional Meeting on November 2. Results of the draw will be published in the November newsletter. Remember, that the club selling the most tickets and the individual top sellers will win prizes! Get those tickets sold and turned in!
National Chair's Award
Our very own Carollyn Crewe was selected as this year's recipient of the National Chair's Award. We all know how tirelessly and selflessly Carollyn works on behalf of Pony Club and this award is most well deserved. Congratulations Carollyn!
Virtual Trophy Case
Look on the website in the near future for our virtual trophy case. The information, list of past winners and photos of two of our regional trophies will be there soon – thanks to Carollyn Crewe for pulling this info together.
Summer Testing Results
Congratulations to the following candidates who successfully completed some of the most difficult levels this summer. (Johanne Head has promised a complete report for the next newsletter!)
Alison Johnson – Colchester PC – HA (Alison completed her HA test in Toronto.)
Lauren Johnson – Colchester PC – B2
Keep up the good work Pony Clubbers!
Mary Roop – Avon PC – B
Sarah Giovanetti – Avon PC – B
Nicole MacHattie – West Valley PC – B
National Quiz
Our Regional “C” Quiz Team this year consists of Mary Roop, Avon PC; Lauren Collins, Avon PC; Emily Dexter, Colchester PC; and Katie Gloade, Colchester PC. The team is in Winnipeg and at the time of writing was in 8th place overall. Mary Roop was 12th in a field of 57 competitors. Way to go Team!
Emily Dexter is also our youth rep and will be attending the National Youth Conference immediately following Quiz. She will be reporting in our next newsletter as well.
Several members of our Tantramar PC competed at both National and International levels this summer. Look in the next issue for articles from some of these members. Our Regional team, made up of Jenn Wilson, Ana Murray, Erin Sloan, and Laura Sloan, placed second overall at Nationals. Individually, Jenn Wilson placed 1st Sr. Women, Ana Murray placed 10th Sr. Women, Erin Sloan 4th Jr. Women, and Laura Sloan 7th Jr. Women. As usual, the Tantramar PC represented the region very well! Joseph Holownia and Jenn Wilson also competed at the International Tetrathlon Championships held in the US this summer.
Todd Sandler Award Winner
Congratulations to Jessica Gerritts of the Annapolis PC, who was the Eastern Canadian winner of the Todd Sandler Award this summer. Jessica spent two weeks at The Horse People, Inc. in Wendover, Ontario. More information on the award and Todd Sandler can be found on the National CPC website.
Award Application Deadlines!!!!!!
Please note that the deadline for applications for both the Todd Sandler Award and the Governor General's Awards of Excellence is December 1. All applications must be submitted to the Regional Chair (Judy Allen) by this date. This is an earlier deadline than in past years. Application forms can be downloaded from the National Website. If you scroll down on the main page, you will see links to the download and information sites. You need to include references for these, so if interested, you should get your applications now and start the process right away.