In between newsletters, look on our Regional Pony Club website for updates and results. (Go to the national website at and connect to the region’s website from there.) Remember if you have information for the newsletter, please contact me, Margie, at 673-2543. From the Regional Chair Fall has arrived and the riding season is coming to a close. We look back and wonder where the summer went with the many competitions and testings all squeezed into one short season. Now we look forward to our fall and winter programs. Our Regional Committee is reviewing Rules & Regulations for our region which will be reviewed at the October Regional Meeting. Much work and thought has gone into this document with the aim of defining the operations of NS/Nfld Pony Club to best suit our region. Many rules and regulations are required by national and cannot be altered. One area that we are requesting is a name change: Nova Scotia Pony Club. This better describes our active region. Also we hope to improve our ability to receive provincial grants. It is hoped that the Rules & Regs can be sent for approval at the Semi-Annual Meeting (SAM) in November. Your DC should be able to answer any questions you might have about these. This year we received a $1,000 grant from the NS Amateur Sport fund for Regional and Branch activities. A huge thanks to Tantramar Pony Club for agreeing to take this project of building a ‘Regionally’ owned Dressage Ring.. The grant covered the cost of the building materials. After much research, a design was found that would not only meet CADORA standards, but can be transported easily! Imagine, only a regular pick-up truck is needed. Chris Murray, Ana’s dad, volunteered his talent and knowledge to assemble the ring. It was only with his help that we were able to accomplish this goal. As a volunteer organization, we rely on and appreciate such dedication as this and that of the many other volunteers in the program. On a disappointing note, the Show Jumping and Dressage Championships were cancelled for the first time in over 11 years, other than the year of the hurricane. There were not enough entries to make it ‘a go’. Annapolis Pony Club spent many hours and much expense to organize the championships only to have to cancel it days before the intended date. This is a concern for all our members. It is a fact that if our regional activities are not supported, then they will cease to exist. Much would be lost in the spirit of sportsmanship and friendship of Pony Club. It is because of these regional activities that our members are prepared and can qualify for the opportunity to experience the fun and challenge at the national level. In closing, I hope your members will enjoy the new Educational Badge Program now available. It promises to be fun and I am confident that your child will be eager to earn that first badge. Judy Allen, Regional Chair
Tantramar Pony Club is hosting a Run, Shoot and Swim Tetrathlon Clinic on October 26th. We will begin with the shoot which will be held at the racetrack in Port Elgin. Shooters will begin at 9 or 10 am depending on how far they have to travel. The swim will follow at the Mount Allison pool at noon and we will finish up with the run. We should be finished the 3 phases by 3 pm. Any Pony Clubbers who are interested in competing at next year's Nationals which will be held in Truro are encouraged to attend. We would love to be able to introduce some newcomers to the sport - it's great fun and it would be wonderful to send several teams to Nationals. There's limited billeting available for anyone who would like to come the night before. Anyone wanting more information can contact Debbie Sloan at 506-538-2313 or e-mail at
IN THE BEGINNING: I will not say it was easy or stress-free getting to where I am today, but I enjoyed every minute of it. Looking back, I now know why I spent every hour at the barn after school, until my mother dragged me home for supper and homework; why I missed prom parties; and went to bed early. The morning of a horse show, with the cool, crisp air, do you ever lay in bed and before you get up ask yourself over and over why you drag yourself out of bed, before the sun rises, to go to a horse show, only to work hard all day, sweat and be exhausted by the end of it all? I must say that I still do this, but when I first started riding, I did not know where all the hard work would one day lead me. After riding for 3 years, I joined Pony Club when I was 10, taking lessons from Mrs. Henry, with my pony Tashonna. Then I switched to Susan Fraser and got my horse Ben Nevis, whom I still presently ride. I must say I have to give a lot of credit to these two instructors. They have shaped and developed me as a rider getting to where I am today. Being in Pony Club for a few years I got to see older members go off to national and international competitions. When I realized that I was able to apply to go to the Inter Pacific Exchange (IPE) 2003 held in Australia, it was my long term goal. When the time came, I sent in the application forms including my cover letter, riding resume, and reference letters. In December 2003 I got an e-mail congratulating me, as I was chosen as one of five riders to go to the IPE in May-June to represent Canadian Pony Club. (Amber Hancock was actually chosen as the spare, unfortunately no one else declined.) I knew even though I made the team, there was still a lot of work to be done until May so I could represent Canada well. Right up to the week before I left I was still polishing my riding skills, making lists, buying gifts for the families that hosted us and many other things.
Meeting the Team Members: The first challenge we came up against was out while we were shopping. Try to imagine, shopping with 5 other girls, all your age, which all seem to have their own styles trying to pick out one formal uniform. Yes, we had styles from jogging pants and hoodies to dress pants and blouses, one extreme to the other. We did narrow it down a little as we realized that the dress uniform couldn’t be too tight, no shoulder pads, skirts couldn’t be too long for the shorter people nor could it be too short for the taller people, and by no means did anyone else, but myself, like pin-stripes!! So there were many things to keep in mind when we shopped for a team of 5 females. That day we didn’t find a dress outfit, but we managed to pick up a few sweaters which was a start. After the few hours of shopping we went to Jan’s son’s apartment nearby for a team supper. Jan surprised us with an ice cream cake from DQ. On it was written “IPE 2003, Team Canada” with a Canadian Flag in the middle. It was a great bonding experience for the team. At the end of the long and action packed weekend, I was chosen by the other team members to be our team Captain, for which I was very grateful. Some of my responsibilities were to provide leadership to the team members, act as a mediator, represent the team at a meeting while in Australia, represent the team at media events, deliver thank-you speeches on behalf of the team, pull the team together prior to the trip, via e-mail, and phone calls. The end of the weekend came quickly, and everyone went home to start preparing for May. The first real task I had to do was to find the team a dress uniform. Something everyone would like, and this was the biggest problem. Not to go in any detail on how long and how many trips into Halifax and the number of e-mails I sent out, but we finally got a dress outfit everyone liked. We only had a few problems with sizes but everything worked out. To my surprise, it was a pin-striped pant suit!! I couldn’t believe it, but I must say it did look nice.
Before Going: The few days before I was to leave, I started to pack everything. I am glad I read my travel guides because once I had everything I needed (so I thought) I had emptied out pretty much my whole closet. So then I went through everything again and cut it in half. Then it still wouldn’t fit in, so I went through everything once again, with the help of my mom, we did the final packing. After reading my trusty travel guide “Lets Go Australia” I came up with a “to do” list, which went something like this: 1. See kangaroos (wild); 2. See a game of Aussie Rules; 3. Touch and hold a Koala; 4.Go to Blue Mountains; 5.Ayers Rock ; 6.Bondi Beach; 7.HunterValley (wineries); 8.Manly Beach; 9.The Rocks; 10. Kings Cross; 11.Taronga Park Zoo; 12.Harbour Bridge; 13.Shop at Paddy’s Market; 14.Stay in a Backpacker; 15.Go to Opera House; 16.See The Three Sisters. There it was; I had my clothes and list in hand ready to go. I must say even with the 36 hour travel time, including the 14 hour plane ride and the 10 hour stop over in LA, it was still worth every minute of it.
Training Camp in Sydney: Once we had our bags, and the safety grates checked our riding boots for soil, we walked out of the airport into the carpark (parking lot) and Yuwho, the President of the hosting Arcadia Pony Club, was waiting for us with his trusty wagon and we piled on our bags. Max, a PC Dad, had his vehicle and his two dogs, Dizzy and Dolly. Let me tell you this was a set up for disaster. We ended up calling Yuwho, Yahoo, and Max, with his Dizzy, Dolly Dogs was too much. They were both great and took us everywhere. During the first day, while we toured the city, every time we went inland, to a café or something, the rain would stop, but let me tell you every time we thought about going to the beach, or even got near the water, the heavens opened up and the rain pored down!!! Our camp didn’t include as much riding as you might think, but we were very busy. We ended up doing what my trusty travel book suggested which was a 3-day tour.... in less than 1 day in the rain!!! But it was good ‘cause we started checking off items on our “to do list” and we were even adding onto it as well. We went to the Opera house, saw the harbour bridge, went to Kings Cross and saw the largest Coca-Cola Sign in the world! We had takeaway (take-out) Fish n’ Chips which is one of their well known dishes. It was fried, battered, and then rolled in newspaper with British style chips. Some of us learned that their “ketchup” is just tomato sauce, which they call sauce, and is it nothing like ketchup. When we first got to our billet’s house, everyone was introduced to Vegemite. Which is a yeast by-product of the beer-brewing process. This black looking peanut butter should be scraped thinly rather than spread freely over a piece of toast or used to make sammies (sandwiches). It didn’t look very good but the rule is “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”. As I suspected, it was not good at all, very salty and bitter tasting; no wonder they instruct you to spread it thinly! We also tried milo (a chocolate product in bar and drink for varieties). It is really a copy of hot-chocolate but tastes nothing like it, if they only knew what real hot-chocolate tasted like. We also went to Muddgey and our time there was the only time it didn’t rain during our training camp. Here we watched a Pony Club Show. I must say they do some things differently then we do. The horses stayed in outdoor stalls in rows and rows, which was fine, But the stalls were made out of chicken wire like metal with the squares about 5x 5 cm. It only went up about 4 feet so one horse could touch five other horses around them!!! To my surprise the horses were very well mannered and there were no problems. This would never go over well here. Also, at the show, the parents did most of the work getting the horses and ponies ready; the hoof polish, braids, grooming and the “make-up”. I liked the fact that they took turnout so seriously, but I couldn’t believe how much they help out. Each pony club had parents dressed in uniform clothes/colors helping direct the members through out the day. I liked this idea because it helps involve the parents and also brought them more together as a team. While we were in Muddgey we also went to see a net ball game. It was kind of the same as basketball, but there weren’t any backboards, and you couldn’t dribble and a few other rules were different as well. While we were at the game, we spotted wild kangaroos. The locals knew we weren’t from around cause as soon as we saw them all the Canadian’s jumped up and ran towards them. The kangaroos saw us and hopped away. But as we walked along the field we spotted more down the way, the girls stopped and I walked along the field and up behind the kangaroos. I felt just like Steve Irwin, but I am “the kangaroo herder”!!! I got half way out and realized that they attack people. No one had told me what to do if you do get attacked by a kangaroo, so I just prayed and kept going. I was going to take one for the team. I got up behind the Kangaroos and I herded them back towards the team and everyone got good pictures even of little joey’s. On our way to Muddgey, we stopped in the Blue Mountains, hopping to see the Three Sisters, but it was so foggy and rainy that we didn’t get to see anything. But on our way back to Sydney we stopped again at night and with lights shining across the gully, we got to see the Three Sisters; they were beautiful! During out training camp, even with the rain we still had a good time and met lots of great people, we were just glad it wasn’t snowing and 40 below.
Melbourne: Jamie had been asked to host the whole Canadian team because she had traveled in Canada and enjoyed her time here, and wanted to help out. It was nice to know that Canadians had made her welcome, and we were all very proud of that. Since it was still raining, and didn’t know if it would ever stop, we opened the box of umbrella’s which Jan brought thinking we would use them for the sun and not for rain. It would have been nice to be using them for shade in the sun, but I was just glad we had the umbrella’s. At the horse show the horses did not have the metal stalls this time; instead the rows of stalls were made out of the portable fencing which is about 2 feet off the ground. I couldn’t get over the fact that the horses just stood there, didn’t try to get out, or jump the fence and they didn’t kick or bite each other, even horses that don’t know each other were fine beside each other. I don’t know of too many horses that would have done that back here in Canada. The next day, May 19th, we had free day. Jamie took us our the country side. We also go to do laundry which was nice because all our stuff was wet and full of mud from our training camp. The next day Jamie drove us to Werribee to a motel where we met the other IPE teams and stayed for about the next week. That night we went to the equestrian centre, where the one-day event was going to be held and had a tour. It was a very nice facility. Later that night we had the official welcome dinner, where the teams and organizers introduced themselves. Since it is not only a riding experience and Pony Club likes to focus on the exchange itself, we didn’t just ride every day. The first day we went to go to The Australian Equine Behaviour Centre and had a presentation by Andrew McLean. A very unique experience in itself. We also went to the city of Melbourne and went to the Melbourne Aquarium. Then had fish and chips for lunch again. May 23 we spent most of the day at the Equestrian Centre riding. The teams were given a group of 5 horses. Who rode what horse was up to the individual teams. To make it easier we let Shannon, our coach, assign the horses. Even after the horses were assigned it was not marked in stone. We could change around our riders if one rider didn’t get along with another horse. I was given a grey horse named Dermit. To our surprise, Jamie, our host was actually the owner of Dermit and couldn’t tell us until we got to the Equestrian Centre. That day, each team was slotted 30 minutes in the ring to ride. We warmed up 30 before our time and did flat work, then went into the ring to jump. Later that evening we had the official course walk with Ewen Kellette, a very well known course designer. Got horses ready and cleaned up for the show the next day. For the Kanagroo Cup, the teams were made up of one rider from each country. My team was named the Emu Team. May 24 was the one day event. It was a very good day for most of our team. By this time the rain had stopped and it was a gorgeous day. Only a few people ended up going swimming (in the water jump that is), and most everyone got around the cross country course. I had a great day, finishing second individually and my Emu Team finished second. Everyone else from Canada finished in the top 10, except for Kirsten whose horse went lame during the day. The day after the show we all relaxed and went into Melbourne and went to the Victoria Market. This market was about 2-3 city blocks and had all different kinds of knickknacks and souvenirs. On our way to the city we saw the ferry for Tasmania. Australia is well known for its gold rush. We went to Sovereign Hill, a gold mining area, where they used to be able to just walk along and pick up pieces of gold of the ground. Now it is very different. But while we were there we got to see gold melting and pouring. After it was all done and cooled down, there was $50,000 of gold in one chunk. The presenter let everyone leave except the few IPE people who were there, then put on the alarms. He took the block out of the safe let each of us hold the block of gold. Let me tell you, $50,000 dollars in my hand put a smile on my face!!! The next couple of days we did a lot of driving on our way to Tooma Farms. On our way we stopped in Beechworth and ate the Beechworth Bakery. And now I know why it is a ‘must eat’ for tourists. The food there was magnificent. Another favourite dish in the ‘land down’ under is meat pies. So that is where we had our first Ozzie meat pie, and it was as good as they said. After driving what seemed like forever, we reached Tooma Farms. We were all a little skeptic about this place, but in the end it was one of the most memorable times of the trip. We went on a trail ride over the rolling hills. But these hills were nothing like I have seen before. They went straight up and straight down. While going up once, I wasn’t holding on to the mane enough and my bum slipped over the back of the saddle, I grabbed on tightly and didn’t let go till the top. If I hadn’t I am sure I would have rolled right down to the bottom. We also got to go sailing, and rock climbing. They also had a flying fox which was lots of fun. We left Tooma Farm and were headed to Wodonga where the Nations Cup was going to be held. Wodonga & District Turf Club where I watched my first horse race. There was even betting going on but I didn’t have very much money left, so I didn’t’ bet on any horses. At the horse race I met a famous rider named, Harold Boone. He, in his day, as he just celebrated his 80th birthday, was one of Australia’s best riders; he held the record for the highest jump. He had done everything from racing, to show jumping, to cow penning, you name it, everything. Later that night we had the Mayor’s Reception to go to where we met the Mayor of the town and went home with our new billets. Talking with my new billets I found out that hay coast $20.00 a bale. Yes that’s right, it isn’t a typo, $20.00! But don’t have a heart attack because they feed much differently than we do. Their horses are out on grass 24 hours a day, all year round. So they only need to feed 1-2 flakes a day. I also learned that horses there are much cheaper than here. For a horse that we would pay $20,000 for, would only be $5,000 there. Not a bad deal at all. The next day we went to Wodonga Turf Club to watch the owners of the new horses participate in the owners competition. After that was over we had time to try out and warm up the horses we got the same way as the one-day event, but this time there was 6 horses to choose from. That night, the IPE group had a barbie (barbecue) with everyone who was involved with IPE, and even Harold came! It was nice to talk to him again and hear more stories about back in his day. The last day of the exchange was June 1st which was the Nations Cup Competition. Team Canada didn’t do as well as they would have liked, but we still had a good time. I didn’t win anything riding, but I did win the ‘Happiest Smile Award’ presented by Harold. That night we all stayed in a motel and celebrated our last night all together as everyone departed the next morning. We were up late, and had to get up at 5 a.m. to catch our plane. But the fun wasn’t over yet as Melisa Gunn and I were staying for another week. After Melisa and I got our tickets we were waiting for the others, the teller told us that we should probably go as our plane was leaving in 15 min. We were thinking that Melisa and I left after everyone else… so we turned and ran down the hall to our plane.... we got there just in time. We were on our way back up to Sydney thinking it would be a little warmer there than down south by the water. The last week was an other story all together. Where we finished off our list by seeing an Aussie Rules Game (Aussie Rules Football), played on cricket ovals, the game was originally designed to keep cricket players in shape in the off-season at the Olympic Stadium. We had the worst seats in the house, with only 6 more rows behind us to the top, and the players looked like little ants. We were able to see the whole field and because we didn’t know what was going on it was better. At least we keep telling ourselves that. We also went to the Blue Mountains again, and saw the Three Sisters in daylight. We stayed in a Backpackers, and saw Manly without the rain and sat on the beach for a day watching the surfers. We went to Taronga Zoo on a ferry and saw more Australian animals. We even touched a koala at the koala park. Then the last week was over and we were on our way home with a life time of memories. For the future I am planning to go back to the ‘land down under’, as soon as I finish school to work and travel. It was a wonderful country, the people were great and the horses were amazing. Whatever happens, I know I will keep getting up early for horse shows and see where my next destination will be. Remember, with hard work and determination you can do anything!! Thank-you, I would like send a special thanks to Annapolis Pony Club and NS Region for their over- whelming support and donations. It was very much appreciated. Thank you to my coaches over the years for your dedication and advice. And to my parents for always supporting my love for horses and making this possible. Thank you all for helping make my time in Australia so enjoyable. I have many wonderful life-time memories that I will never forget. I appreciate everything you have done, thank you all once again.
Highlights from the NS/NFLD Region
Rally - Teams were mixed Starter and Pre-training. Seven teams participated: West Valley, Annapolis, Opportunity, Fairwind/Avon, Avon ,Colchester #1, Colchester#2. Teams moved in on Friday eve and Saturday am to set up tack and feed rooms. Competition began at 1 p.m. on Saturday with the Dressage portion judged by Roz Moskovits. A barbeque was held at suppertime and seemed to be enjoyed in spite of the rain. A cross-country course walk was held Sat evening. On Sunday a.m., the weather improved and the cross country portion was held.The Jumping followed after lunch. Parents were permitted to tour the barns after the jumping while scores were being tabulated ,and see the impressive work done on the tack and feed rooms in such a short period of time. Team awards were:Stable Management 1.West Valley; 2.Annapolis; 3.Fairwind/Avon; 4.Colchester #1; 5. Colchester #2; 6. Avon. Team Riding: 1..West Valley; 2.Colchester #1; 3. Colchester #2; 4. Avon; 5.Opportunity; 6.Fairwind/Avon; Over All: 1.West Valley; 2.Colchester #1; 3.Colchester #2 4.Avon; 5.Fairwind; 6. Annapolis.
Individual Awards Donald Grant Perpetual Trophy - Ginny-Lou Crosby received the Donald Grant Perpetual Trophy for the highest C-B score at Regional Rally,as well as the Lynn Heinz Memorial Trophy for the highest C score at the Regional Rally. Starter: 1. Erica Johnson; 2. Kate Mattocks; 3. Krista Brower; 4. Elizabeth Crewe; 5. Marlee LaCourciere; 6. Michelle Hood Thank you to everyone who participated, organized and volunteered during Rally. It was a learning experience for us all! Cheryl Johnson , (Colchester DC ), C Rally Chair
D Starter Rally Results Individual Placings (Starter): 1. Charlotte Wightman, Avon #1; 2. Leagh Roop, Avon #1; 3. Nicole Harvie, Annapolis; 3. Jessica Best, Annapolis; 5. Tracey Brouwer, Opportunity; 6. Katie Brown, West Valley; 6 Trish Sanford, Avon #1; 6. Sydney Goodfellow, Annapolis. Team Stable Management: 1. Annapolis; 2. West Valley; 3. Fairwind; 4. Opportunity; 5. Avon #1; 6. Avon #2. Team Riding: 1. Avon #1; 2. Annapolis; 3. West Valley; 4. Opportunity/Colchester Scramble; 5. Opportunity; 6. Avon #2. Overall Team (Riding Stable): 1. Annapolis; 2. West Valley; 3. Avon #1; 4. Opportunity; 5. Fairwind ; 6. Opportunity/ Colchester. Quiz - Our National Quiz Team is off to PEI on Thanksgiving Weekend to compete. The team consists of Emily Dexter and Kate Mattocks (Colchester), Michelle Hood (Avon) and Jessica Swinkels(Fairwind), chaperoned by Brenda Swinkels. Good luck to our NS Team. Use your PC Christmas Parties to play some Quiz type horsey games as a quiz practice!! Tetrathlon - Just a reminder to sign up for the clinic as described earlier in the newsletter. Watch for our December Newsletter with information on National Tetrathlon. Regional Test Chair - Check your testing procedures for deadline to apply if interested in A Testing in 2004. Youth Representative- Emily Dexter
Check with our DC about the opportunities of becoming a Youth Rep for your Branch for next year. Branch Updates (as provided by individual Branches): Annapolis PC - Summer 2003 Activities - This year our club decided to hold regular monthly meetings in order to help new member families become acquainted with the general running of the club. This seemed to be well received, with very good attendance at these meetings. When riding lessons commenced for the season in mid may, these meetings were held ringside to allow parents to observe lessons in progress and to also allow the meetings to take place during a time when most parents were already out for a Pony Club activity. We held our stable management lessons bi-weekly throughout the winter/spring in three different groups. Written tests were done in the spring before riding lessons began for the summer. This seemed to work well in that it meant that members were only coming out for one night a week for their riding lesson instead of twice a week as was done last year. With the closing of school for the summer break, club activities took off with a vengeance. We had eight different riding lesson groups running on two nights from two different locations each week. We also had many members participate in the Dressage is Fun in Truro with a quadrille team and three pas de deux teams. On June 21st, we hosted an Open House where we showcased the musical rides of these teams. It was greatly enjoyed by family and friends who were unable to attend the show in Truro. We once again continued our club practice of holding extra lessons for teams who participated in Regional activities, these included Dressage is Fun, “D” Rally, “C” Rally, and Dressage & Show Jumping. Extra lessons will also be provided for riders attending “D” Challenge in October. We were also again very happy to hold our Camp at Sarsfield's Farms in Medford. This was again a residential camp run by parent volunteers and enjoyed by all. We are always so thankful to the Sarsfield family for making their wonderful facility available each year for our use. Camp week consisted of two riding lessons daily; daily marking for member's stall, tack & horse, as well as campers; and daily “challenges” which consisted of fun activities such as assembling a bridle, bareback mounting, and a memory game. Members were in groups which were a blend of younger and older Pony Clubbers. At the end of the week, groups were scored on their overall combined scores for the week and a prize presentation was held at week's end. Evening activities included a scrapbooking workshop of pictures which were taken throughout the week and a swim break at Aylesford lake. Our “D” Rally team had a very successful day, placing 1st overall. As part of our camp activities we traveled to Hobby Horse to assist Jennifer Healy in flagging the cross country course. This was also a very informative session as it allowed new and younger members to walk a cross country course for the very first time and see what they have to look forward to as they progress with their riding. Testing results: We had one member who was not successful in testing for her A; two members tested B - one successfully; we had a successful C2 candidate and two members received their C; and we had three successful D2 candidates, four D1s and two Ds. A great deal of preparation work was put into planning for the Dressage and Show Jumping Championships to be held on August 17th. Part of this planning also included lessons for both the C team and D team riders from our club. It was with a great deal of discussion that we had to cancel the show due to lack of participation on the part of other clubs in the region. We had commitments from just a couple of other clubs which would have provided four C teams; but only 2 D teams and one B individual rider. We felt that as this was a Regional Championship competition, these numbers did not fairly represent the Regional membership. Discussion at the Regional level must take place to determine the desire to hold this Championship competition in the future or planning which would allow a higher level of participation. Weekly lessons continued until the beginning of September. Kids are back at school and plans are being finalized for our bi-annual fund raising Dinner/Auction for September 27th. The theme is “A Night at the Races” with a turkey dinner and many wonderful items up for bidding during the auction. There will be musical entertainment and members/families will be dressed in costume for the evening event. Things will quiet down a bit for the club after this until our AGM and the beginning of a new season. We already have a number of keen new members & families waiting to sign up for the 2003-2004 year. Carolyn Harvie, District Commissioner Fairwind PC - This summer proved to be a very busy one for our club. Some highlights included: In May, members attended the Friday night session of the Chris Irwin Clinic in Truro. The session was of special interest to members as Mary Lew Murray's Hanoverian gelding, Strauss, was part of Friday night's demonstration. The May Clinic at Fairwind saw most members in attendance. In June, five riders attended the Dressage-is-Fun Show on June 8. Some younger members were also in attendance, just to watch. Thanks to organizers of this event. Also in June, the club held it's first bottle drive and considerable funds were raised. It was decided that members would continue to fund raise by collecting recyclables(sp). On June 29, members also attended a jumping and x-country clinic at Fairwind Farm. The club sent a "D" team to Rally at Hobby Horse in Coldbrook on July 13. The team consisted of Captain, Jessica Swinkels; Helpers, Christine Deyoung and Sam Haley; Riders, Alana Robertson, Caitlin Doyle and Haley MacDonald. Thanks to Hobby Horse for the use of their facility and to rally organizers and volunteers for their efforts. On August 2 and 3, the club sent it's first "C" team to Rally at Central Nova in Salmon River. The team was a scramble team with Avon. Team members were Captain, Alana Robertson; Helpers, Caitlin Doyle and Lindsay MacGillivray; Riders, Laura MacEachern, Jessica Swinkels, Caitlin Swinkels, and member from Avon Pony Club, Chelsea Thornton. Special thank you to Sarah Murray for being the Chaperone for both the "D" and "C" Rallies. Also, thanks to Colchester Pony Club for organizing this event. On August 9 & 10, members attended a clinic at Fairwind Farm. The club did a testing on August 23 with five successful candidates; three C1's, one C and one D2. Alex Beaton and Lauren Johnson were the examiners. Alex stayed over and did a x-country lesson the next morning with members of the club. On September 14, three members were tested at the D1 and D2 levels , all were successful. The examiner was Elizabeth Crewe. Over the summer, some members on their own attended local shows and exhibition, Central Nova Series Shows, Central Nova Horse Trials and Horse Trials at Hobby Horse. On Thanksgiving weekend, Jessica Swinkels will travel to Charlottetown, PEI as part of the NS/NFLD team to compete at National Quiz. Fairwind Pony Club will have a sign-up meeting for 2004 on the weekend of October 18. Brenda Swinkels, DC Colchester PC - A late spring held back conditioning a bit but a busy summer followed for our members. On April 27th, 10 members attended a lungeing and long-lining clinic with Marylew Murray at Fairwind Farm. On May 2nd written tests were held for those planning to test this summer. On June 8th 6 Colchester members participated in the Regional 'Dressage is Fun' Show at CNHP.Everyone gained dressage experience and had a lot of fun.We enjoyed the performance of our own ‘Purple People Eater’ (Emma & Blossem) in the costume Kur. On July 13th two of our D2 members (Crystal & Marlee) rode in their first rally as part of a scramble team with OF Pony Club at the Regional D Rally the team placed 4th in riding and 6th in stable management. The week of July 14-17th we held our annual summer camp with almost all of our members in attendance and Daniel Mason as a guest. Unfortunately two of our members were out with broken arms from horse accidents. D levels were instructed by Elizabeth Crewe in the AM and participated in PPG each afternoon with Lauren Johnson and Kate Mattocks.They were taught stable management lectures each day by all of these girls. C-B levels were instructed by Andy Wadowski on Monday for a Dressage Clinic and Tuesday for a cross country clinic.They had jumping instructions from Jill Redden on Wednsday and Thursday. Each of the C level members either guided or inspected D level stable management teams who competed for SM team awards at the end of the week. Great parent participation helped to make this a successful camp.Thank you everyone! On July 18th testing was held for D &C members.We had 10 successful candidates,D - Beckie and Lindsay; D1- Megan,Andrea,Chantal and Robyn; C - Crystal, Marlee and Amanda ; C1- Claire. On July 20th Many of our parents and members participated in and helped to run the CNHP Horse Trials. Four of our members participated in the Pony Club Starter Division, as well as one in Sr Starter and one in Jr Pre-training.This was a great warm up for Rally. On Aug 2&3 12 of our C-B members participated in the Regional C-B Rally held at CNHP and hosted by our club.Many of our parents were involved in the running of the event.Our teans placed 2nd and 3rd over all. During the remainder of Aug and Sept many of our members chose to participate in individual pursuits, Exes, Shows and Horse Trials. Congrats to Megan Annand and Becky Bains on the purchase of their new mounts during this time! Fall is in the air and we are starting plans for registration for 2004.Several of our younger members are also anxiously anticipating D Day. Thanks to all who helped to make this year an active and educational one. Cheryl Johnson, DC |