| Nova Scotia Region December 2004 Newsletter
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From the Editor
As you all know, our activities are run by volunteers and it is their willingness to do this for others that keeps our program very active in Nova Scotia and across the country. Without these giving, caring (about the development of our youth) people, we would not have a full and busy program.
In between newsletters, look on our Regional Pony Club website for updates and results. (Go to the national website at www.canadianponyclub.org and connect to the region’s website from there.) Remember if you have information for the website please pass it to your Branch web master or your DC to be forwarded to the Regional Communications Chair.
Greetings From the Regional Chair
I am going to devote my share of the newsletter to giving you some information on the structure of our organization. A lot of this will be known to those of us who have been around for awhile, but hopefully useful to new parents, members and volunteers.
The "grass roots" of the Pony Club is the local branch, of which we have 10 in Nova Scotia. Each Branch has its own name and colours, runs its own education and instruction program, and often hosts a regional event. Branches are also responsible for arranging testing for members up to C2 level.
Each Branch is run by a Branch Committee headed by a District Commissioner (DC). Each Branch can set its own Branch membership fees and those fees vary widely depending on the services provided by the Branch as part of the fees.
The DC is the Branch’s representative on the Regional Board. Nova Scotia is one of 13 regions across Canada. Each Region is run by a Regional Committee which is made up of a varying number of people depending on the size and needs of the Region. In the Nova Scotia region the Regional Chair (me) heads up the Regional Committee and our National Director is Judy Allen, who represents us on the National Board. Each Region sets fees to support its operation. The regional fee for 2005 is $35. We meet approximately 6 times a year.
The Regions are responsible for overseeing the operations of each of the Branches in their area, of providing help with education and other activities which may be beyond the resources of some individual Branches, and for promoting the growth of the Pony Club by assisting with the organization of new Branches. The region is responsible for arranging testing for B and B2 level. The Region is also responsible for regional Rules& Regulations. The Region Board coordinates Regional competitions and activities. In our region there are usually 2 to 3 Quiz competitions, a Dressage show, D Rally , ABC Rally, PPG (Prince Philips Games), Tetrathlon, D Challenge, Dressage & Show Jumping and clinics: cross country clinics, examiner’s clinics, etc.
Our National Director ( Judy) sits on the National Board of Directors of the Canadian Pony Club. The Board of Directors is responsible for all operations of the Pony Club, sets the achievement standards for Canada, maintains National competition rules, and holds some responsibility for national and international Pony Club competitions. It is the final level of authority in Canada. There is an association with the British (and other) Pony Clubs, however that association does not include the Pony Club in any country having authority over the Pony Club in another country. The National Board sets a fee and for 2005 it is $55. National is responsible for testing at the A level.
Each branch has a Youth Rep. and there is also a Regional Youth Rep. Kate Mattocks, our Regional Youth Rep will sit on our Board for two years as well as working on committees. Our previous Youth rep, Emily Dexter moved on to be the Eastern Youth Rep and now sits on the National Board of Directors.
CPC does have one employee, Val Crowe, who is our Administrative Assistant and runs the Supply House. She lives in Manitoba. If you are looking for Pony Club manuals or other books from the required reading lists check the Supply House on the website. The CPC website () is a wealth of information and you will see the many positions and people involved. Be sure to check out our site too under Regions as I think ours is the best!
So how do we know what is going on? Our National Director attends two meetings a year and reports to the Regional Board. We also send representatives to conferences. In Jan 2005 there is a Testing & Education Conference in Toronto. It is at these meetings that changes are made to Testing levels and requirements, reading lists, etc. Such things as Study Guides, Badge programs, check lists, testing procedures, etc. are developed at conferences. In 2006 there will be a Disciplines Conference, where discipline rules are reviewed, International competitions discussed, and National and Zone competitions planned.
So how do you find out what is going on? Your Branch DC sits on the Regional Board and is your representative. It is their job to keep the Branch informed of things happening at the Regional and National level. He/She knows about the up coming events, deadlines, and receives information such as entry fees to Regional Events, changes to rules, etc. Feel free to contact them. I am sure if they don’t know the answer they will try to find it out for you. If you would like to attend a Regional Meeting to find out what goes on just ask your DC. I have already mentioned the website as a source of information and there are also our newsletters. At least one each year is mailed directly to members, others may be distributed by your DC and they all go on the website.
Results from D-Challenge
Dressage D level
Dressage D1 level
Erin McDermont
Avon 2
Annapolis 2
Avon 3
Kelly Harnish
Avon 1
Erin Cecchetto
Avon 2
Annapolis 1
Annapolis 2
Nina Harbers
Avon 1
Alisha Burns
Avon 3
Annapolis 1
Avon 3
Jocelyn Bellafontaine
Colchester/Eastern Shore Scramble
Equitation D Level
Equitation D1 Level
Alisha Burns
Avon 3
Avon 3
Emma Geldart
Erin McDermont
Avon 2
Julia Reagen
Erin Cecchetto
Avon 2
Nina Harbers
Avon 1
Annapolis 2
Rebecca Onga
Annapolis 2
Avon 3
Kelly Harnish
Avon 1
Avon 3
Avon 1
Kelly Harnish
Ben Burns
Nina Harbers
Alisha Burns
Kaleigh Smith
Annapolis 2
Luta Hansen
Jenna Bellafontaine
Rebecca Onga
Julia Reagen
Victoria Duggen
Colchester/Eastern Shore Scramble
Annapolis 1
Emma Geldart
Jullian Hatcher
Jocelyn Bellafontaine
Damita Hansen
Avon 2
Erin McDermont
Erin Cecchetto
Michelle Bonin
Olivia Ledson
Feature Article - The International Tetrathlon Exchange
(England and Ireland), August 2004
by Jennifer Wilson
Tetrathlon is an exciting Pony Club discipline that includes stadium jumping/cross-country riding, swimming, running and air pistol shooting. There are tons of opportunities to get involved with Tetrathlon in our region; every year theTantramar pony Club holds several clinics and hosts a Regional Championship.
This past August, eight Pony Club members from our region took part in the national Tetrathlon Championship in Truro, N.S. After the four day competition in Truro, two local Pony Clubbers were lucky enough to also participate in an International Tetrathlon Exchange in Europe. Inga Hansen and myself. (Both of the Tantramar Branch) who have been competing in Tetrathlon nationally for several years, were selected as members of the Canadian Tetrathlon Team. The Canadian team consisted of eight athletes, five women and three men. One team member was from B.C. Islands, three from Alberta, two from Ontario and of curse, two from Nova Scotia. The team competed against Pony Club teams from England, Ireland and the US during the three week tour.
Two Tetrathlon competitions took place in England ( Sussex and Birmingham Market) and the final competition was held in Tipperary, Ireland. The Canadian Team performed very well in the competitions but the highlight of the tour was at the final competition in Ireland, when the Canadian women’s team placed third (and beating the US, finally!) out of seven teams in the international division.
In between traveling and competing, the teams had an amazing time sight seeing, visiting National Stud Farms, bonding with other international athletes, staying with host families and taking part in numerous ‘discos’ (which always seemed to be held the night before the running competitions!). Each of the athletes had the experience of a lifetime representing Canada on the tour.
Anyone looking to compete in Tetrathlon should definitely set internationals as a long term goal. International Tetrathlon exchanges are held every second year. The locations rotate between Canada, the USA, Ireland and England. The next exchange is in the US and Canada in 2006. You can ask anybody who’s ever been involved with Tetrathlon, it’s a ton of fun and a great way to meet some of the coolest Pony Clubbers out there! So give it a try, and maybe you’ll be one of the next Tetrathletes on your way to an international competition.
Quiz Report Oct 2004
The region had a very successful year for Quiz. First one a C level at Eastern Shore, then a D and C level at West Valley, followed by a Novice /D Quiz at Tantramar. Tantramar also hosted a fall Quiz Nov 13.
This year we sent a team of four to the National Quiz in British Columbia. Maryann Yuill went as chaperone and the four candidates were: Merilee Yuill, Emily Dexter, Kate Gloade and Jessica Swinkels. They had a good time. As a team they were 6/14. All the girls worked well as a team, congratulations. It sounds like the year 2005 will be great too.
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa Speelman
Since accepting the position of Regional Youth Rep during the winter of 2004, we have had two meetings; the first was May 16th in Windsor, and the second was Oct. 31st in Brookfield. Both meetings were very successful, with lots of enthusiastic voices and good ideas generated.
The items of most importance on our agenda for the first meeting were badges, the NSPC website, and the format for C/B Rally. With respect to badges, most clubs said that the badges were more popular with the younger members, with the exception of Opportunity who said they had lots of older members interested. Opportunity hosted the badge weekend in March and everyone agreed that it was a great idea. The display of badges was also discussed. Erin brought “badge banners” that Gay Hansen had made; these banners were later approved by the Regional board as the “official way” of displaying the badges after a motion was made on behalf of the youth reps.
With respect to C Rally, members expressed concern that we are losing the real “rally feel” by incorporating it with the CNHP Horse Trials this year. After some discussion of this with the Board, the Youth Reps made a recommendation that a 3-day C/B rally be held in 2005 if at all possible.
The second meeting saw Reps attending from West Valley, Colchester, Eastern Shore, and Hants County. We realized the poor turnout might be due to many clubs not having elected a Youth Rep for their club for the 2005 year, and I am confident that attendance will be up for the next meeting. Nevertheless, we had some very good discussions about very important topics.
A lot of discussion was generated on the topic of Regional SJ & Dressage Championships. The results of our discussion were as follows:
- moving the Championships to late July or early August would be a good idea
- Members could enter divisions as opposed to competing at their PC level. This would allow older members with green horses to compete at a level they felt they were ready for.
- A rotation system could be put in place so that certain clubs are not driving long distances each year.
In addition to the SJ & D Championships talk, we discussed Regional Clinics for the 2005 season. We all felt that the area that members most need the instruction in was Dressage, followed by Cross-country. Offering a “Dressage Weekend” was suggested, with a clinic on Saturday, followed by a show on Sunday.
The Communications seminar is currently under investigation. We are aiming for early Winter 2005.
The NSPC Youth Reps have created a website. It can be seen at . Right now, it features our contact information, the meetings of our minutes, as well as a feedback page. We hope to develop this website more in the coming months. I would like to thank Margie Johnson with all of her help with getting the website up and running.
Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank both the Regional Board and the branch youth reps for their continued support throughout the year.
Respectively submitted,
Kate Mattocks
Something for Our Younger Members:
Following is a little quiz practice:
See if you can fill in the blanks:
a. A bay horse is brown with these colour points.
b. Plenty of fresh, clean ?
c. Feed at least one of these every day
d. One type of curry comb
e. Used to pick out your horse’s feet
f. The wrong side to get on
g. A colour of horse that has large patches of black and white
h. Narrow white line on the horse’s face
i. White mark on the forehead
j. Front part of the saddle
k. Back of the saddle
l. A horse that kicks should wear a red ribbon in it’s ?
m. The correct side to get on
n. You should use a ? release knot to tie your pony
o. Another word for rising at the trot
p. A stable ? Is used to give a final polish after grooming
q. There are ? beats to the canter
r. Thing that goes in the horses mouth.
Did you get all the blanks filled in? Check your answers with other Novice Pony Clubbers or check the Nova Scotia Region ‘Youth Page’ on the Canadian Pony Club website for possible answers then under the pull down menu for ‘Regions and Branches’, open Nova Scotia and the Regional page...at the top of the page you will see an opportunity to select the ‘Youth Section’.
Tantramar Quiz November 2004
Because of the weather, several teams were forced to cancel, however we ended up with 15 members making up four teams. One team from West Valley, two from Colchester and one from Tantramar. Finishing in first place was West Valley, 2nd Tantramar, 3rd and 4th Colchester. A great time in spite of the weather.
Competition and the Development of Young Riders
In North America today, horse shows are an important part of a young rider’s development and learning process, often from a very early stage. This is a double-edged sword. While our children learn right from the start to ride in good style and to present themselves and their horses well in competition, it can also lead to too much single-minded emphasis on showing only, without taking the time to develop a broad base in real horsemanship, which is the backbone of any lasting success.
A very young child (up to age ten or twelve) or a beginner should start out on a quiet pony or school-type horse. During this time, he should have fun on horseback – bareback riding, trails, gymkhanas, and the like. He should also learn about taking care of his pony and good horsemanship. However, no matter how young he begins (and I don’t recommend starting children younger than seven or eight), he should have good riding lessons. They should be short lessons, depending on the age of the child, but he should learn and practice position, use of the aids, simple schooling movements, and elementary jumping. This jumping can begin with an “imaginary jump” – a line drawn in the dirt, or a single ground pole. The important thing is to learn to do it right from the beginning.
….. Their only concern (and their parents’ and trainers’) at this stage should be to become educated in a basic way about riding and all-around horsemanship.
-Excerpt from The American Jumping Style by George Morris -
Annapolis Pony Club - A lot of work in August went into hosting D Rally at Hobby Horse Farm , a first for our club. Five teams participated; the weather and site were fabulous and we hope all in attendance enjoyed the day. The Annapolis team of Nicole Harvie, Rachel Lightfoot, Rachele Foote and Dezaray Balcom-Winkelman, with helpers Claire MacDougall and Kori Lightfoot and tag-team captains of Kelly Gillespie and Cree Taylor, placed 1st in Stable Management, 2nd in Riding and 2nd overall with a mere 3 points behind the 1st place team. Individual riding accomplishments had Nicole in 2nd and Rachel Lightfoot in 5th place in a field of 19 riders. Kori took Top Helper for the day as well!
Our C/D Pony Club Testing was held on two separate days at Clayhill Farm. The C Test was held on August 26th. Jessica Best and Cree Taylor achieved their C1 designation. Nicole Harvie successfully completed her C level. D Testing was held on September 18th. Sarah Swetnam and Emma Foote received their D; Luta Hansen, Brittany Parker, Heather Doran, Kori Lightfoot and Rebecca Ongo, received their D1; and Rachel Lightfoot, Rachele Foote and Laura Davidson received their D2 designations. Congratulations everyone! Ariel Roy-Sutherland was also successful in her written portion of her B level which she wrote on May 8th.
We had two full teams participate in D Challenge in Windsor on October 24th. “Annapolis 1” consisted of Jillian Hatcher, Claire MacDougall, Brittany Parker and Damita Hansen placed 6th overall. “Annapolis 2” consisted of Luta Hansen, Heather Doran, Rebecca Ongo, and Emma Foote place 3rd overall. Heather Doran placed 1st in Individual Dressage for D1s.
Fundraising activities for this season included providing canteen services for the D Rally and the Hobby Horse event. Our club was invited to participate in the Scotian Gold Fun Day which was held in conjunction with Apple Blossom weekend. Our members helped to run the various activities associated with this event. Proceeds from the day were split with our club and one other group who were also present that day.
As this was Annapolis’s 40th Anniversary year, we held an Anniversary Dance at the beginning of October. We had a 50/50 draw and silent auction at this event as well. Due to the successes of our fundraising activities over the past couple of years, our club is in very good financial standing which allows us to continue to keep our fees low and to subsidize our lesson program and summer camp. We are also able to provide stable management lessons throughout the winter season at no charge to our members.
Attending the Regional AGM on November 27th will mark the end of my term as District Commissioner for Annapolis. My time in this position, although a very busy one, has also been very rewarding. There is no more surefire way to learn the ropes in the Pony Club world than to be involved in the organization at both the branch and regional level. I would like to thank the Regional Board , Judy Allen and Pam Graves, in particular, for their guidance through all of the learning experiences which our club has had over the last couple of years as we became more involved in hosting various Regional events. We have a very enthusiastic group of members and parents who, I am sure, will continue their commitment to be involved in these activities.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Harvie
Colchester Pony Club had an active fall.
Testing was held July 14th with 8 successful candidates. D1 Emily , D1 Jessica ,D1 Becky, D1 Janice ,D2 Megan ,C1 Crystal ,C1 Amanda J ,C1 Marlee. Congratulations everyone.
Four C members participated in the ABC Rally at the CNHP horse trials, placing 6th. Five members enjoyed their 1st PPG competition placing 3rd in the A division. Aug 1-5th, Erica and Carrie participated as grooms for Nat Tet and enjoyed the week meeting many Pony Clubbers from across Canada. Sept 18th, C2 testing was held with Erica and Amanda L being successful candidates. Oct 10-13 Emily and Katie participated on the NS team at National Quiz in BC placing 6th .Good job by all! Oct 24th, three members participated in the D Day at Avon PC ,placing 5th. Nov 7th we held a pot luck dinner and awards to mark the end of the year giving out participation awards and regional badges earned throughout the year.
Lots of ponies and horses changing hands. Looking forward to seeing some new partnerships next year: Andrea and Tundra ,Emma and Flo, Erica and Beach Boy ,Katie and Sundance. Registration for 2005 was held Nov 21/04 .
Cheryl Johnson DC
Eastern Shore - We began the year with 15 active pony clubbers. We lost and gained over the year and ended with 14.
Over the last few months we participated in the D Badge weekend at Tantramar, sent a team to the D Rally, and participated in Avon’s D Challenge in October. Throughout the year we held several hunter clinics by Sheila Pickerel and two clinics by Jenn Hamilton. Pam Graves delivered a Dressage clinic and Alex Beaton held a lungeing clinic.
We had another successful summer camp at Hobby Horse Farms in Coldbrook in early August with Alex Beaton as our instructor. Our kids and parents had a wonderful time spending a few days with the Wades. They were extremely hospitable and helped us make the most of the experience.
Our testing was successful this year, nine people tested and nine passed. Our instructors and the clubbers worked hard and it paid off!
We had a few fundraising events this year, including bagging groceries at the Superstore, we sold tickets and we had a booth selling strawberry shortcake during the Acadian Congress in Chezzetcook. Acadia Days. Many of the clubbers also participated in other riding activities, including CEF and Primary shows, Jumping and Eventing.
Thanks to all the parents who volunteered and the members who work so hard to learn and reflect the values of the Pony Club.
Robert Chisholm, DC
Fairwind Pony Club - On July 1, we had our first of two testings, this one being for the lower levels. Elizabeth Crewe and Lauren Johnson were the examiners for the day. We had two members attend C Rally as part of a scramble team which was held as part of Central Nova Horse Trials. On July 25, some members and a parent went to watch the PPG Cup competitions. Looked like lots of fun. A group of parents and members traveled to Central Nova to help out with jump judging at National Tetrathalon on August 3. The testing for higher levels was held on August 17, the examiners were Alex Beaton and Julia Young. On August 21, our D Rally team left for Hobby Horse to compete in D Rally on August 22. Thanks to Annapolis for hosting this event. Some of our members competed at the Opportunity Jumper Show on September 11-had a great time.
On September 22, the Club held a Parents meeting at this time the 2005 Club executive was elected and plans were discussed for 2005.
On October 8, Jessica Swinkels left for Prince George as part of the NS Quiz team.
Fairwind Pony Club Autumn Show was held on October 9, we had a great turnout for this show, with over 30 entries. Excellent weather helped make the day a success.
On October 16, the club held an Information Evening for prospective and returning members. At this time the members watched the informative video, Every Time Every Ride, watched some taped video of lessons and clinics from the summer, we also presented members with the badges that they had earned in 2004.
A PPG clinic was held November 7, with Jackie Allan, with lots of interest for doing more in 2005. Registration for 2005 membership was also on November 7. On Nov 21 a Yoga for Equestrians workshop will be held, with our first lecture to be held Dec 5. Our members were unable to attend Novice/D Quiz in Tantramar on November 13 or the Tet Clinic scheduled for November 14 due to the stormy weather. Plans are underway for badge projects for the winter months along with a full lecture schedule.
Mary Partridge
Fairwind Pony Club, DC
Friendly Breezes - Our small but active Pony Club kept busy in 2004. Some members completed their D2 practical and written tests in the summer. On August 22nd, some of our members were able to watch the D Level Rally at Hobby Horse Farm, and hope to participate next year.
Several fund raising activities included a bottle drive, hot chocolate and bake sale at the barn, grocery packing at Super Valu, and the 'Big Race' event at Friendly Breezes Stable.
Pony Club members would like to thank their coach, Pam Bower, and all those who hosted the Pony Club events.
Leslie Buckland-Nicks
Opportunity Pony Club - The National Tetrathlon Championships, held here in Truro! We had 6 members participating daily during the week. Two of our members were riders on the Nova Scotia team, Madelaine Trider and Tiffany Blaauwendraat. Four more members helped by being grooms, Nikita Blaauwendraat, Emma Eisses, Jenna Lee Reid and Merilee Yuill. Other members and their families helped by picking up competitors and chaperones at the airport and providing billeting for a night.
We had a team participate at the D Rally along with a team captain and two helpers.
September 11 was our annual Open Jumper Show Fund Raiser. It was a big success. This year being held in Truro at the McMillan Show Center. We had 70 entries. Our net revenue was approximately $3500.00. We had a lot of positive feedback. Thanks to all who participated and helped. Please plan to attend next year.
During the Thanksgiving weekend the National Quiz was held in British Columbia. The Nova Scotia team included our member, Merilee Yuill. Merilee's mom, Maryann, also attend as a chaperone. Congratulations to the team for placing 6th overall.
Our year ended with a banquet on Nov. 16th and registration for the upcoming year. The banquet was attended by 80+ members and their families. We handed out the past years participation certificates, badges and banners to display them. Members, Madelaine Trider and Merilee Yuill, both gave speeches on their experiences attending national events.
I would like to take this time to thank my Executive Board members for all of their help during my term as DC. It was a great experience and I learned a lot. Thank-You.
Janet Eisses, DC
Tantramar Pony Club - Our Branch consisted of 17 members: Jenn Wilson, Ana Murray, Keltie MacDonald, Inga Hansen, Joseph Holownia Julian Holownia, Erin Sloan, Laura Sloan, Jackie Johnson, Jordanne Goodwin, Megan Sears, Courtney Watson, Rebecka Aurell, Michelle Bonin, Stephanie Bonin, Liam Hollett, and Daniel Aurell.
30th ANNIVERSARY - This year is Tantramar Pony Club’s 30th anniversary, so to celebrate we invited past DC’s and founding members to join us for cake, July 1 at 4.30. Around twenty-one people attended and pictures were taken of people in attendance including our campers. Badge banners were also handed out.
In July, Inga taught lessons twice a week at the Hansen-Holownia farm to Megan, Stephanie, Michelle and Liam. In August, Ana and Erin taught lessons to the above children. The D and C candidates wrote their written tests at Betty Donaldson’s on April 24th and 25th. Practical tests were held at the Port Elgin Exhibition Grounds July 16th, 2004. Testers were Julia Young and Sara McLellan. Rebecka passed her D1, Stephanie passed her D2, and Laura passed her C2. We had two B level candidates write in May and practical tests were conducted in August. Erin and Ana both passed the stable management part of the test.
National Tetrathlon Championships were held August 1-6 in Truro, NS. The team of Jenn, Inga, Laura and Tiffany Blaauwendraat placed 1st. The team with Keltie and three other girls from BC, Alberta, and NS came 9th.
On October 24, three members traveled to Windsor for the D Challenge, Rebecka, Michelle and Megan. The girls did well in their classes.
At the end of my second year as District Commissioner, I would like to thank everyone involved with Tantramar Pony Club for helping me during my term. I would like to say a special thank you to the board members – Gay, Debbie, Karin, Margaret, Carla, Lisette an especially Betty for all their hard work. I would also like to thank you for letting me work with such a wonderful group of people.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Hall
West Valley Pony Club - West Valley finished off the year with an Annual General Meeting on Nov 1. We had our elections and are planning for the New Year. Our members participated in the Opportunity Jumper Show, Applewood HT, Hobby Horse HT and Red bank Combined Testing. We had a summer cottage party.
This summer most members tested. We had one successful B level; 30 members attended camp. This was followed by D testing.
We hope to get more involved in the programs over the next year. The badge program was a success, and badges were passed out at camp, along with a banner for the members to decorate. We are hopeful that our membership remains steady into the New Year.
Our new executive is Teresa Speelman for one more year as DC, Zena Rice as Asst. DC, Marilees Kirby as Treasurer, and Sheila Jacquard as Secretary.
Respectfully Submitted,
Teresa Speelman