As you all know, our activities are run by volunteers and it is their willingness to do this for others that keeps our program very active in Nova Scotia and across the country. Without these giving, caring (about the development of our youth) people, we would not have a full and busy program. In between newsletters, look on our Regional Pony Club website for updates and results. (Go to the national website at and connect to the region’s website from there.) Remember if you have information for the website/newsletter, please pass it to your Branch web master or your DC to be forwarded to the Regional Communications Chair. You can become an examiner. Applications to become an examiner are in your testing procedures. Why become an examiner? It’s a learning experience that will help increase your knowledge, develop skills in communications and in working with people both youth and adults and help out the organization. Becoming a Regional Examiner helps to build your resume and open doors to other opportunities. Governor General’s Award: For C2/B level there is a $500 scholarship and for B2-A there is a $1000 scholarship. Information is available on the website. The selection committee looks for members who are active in their clubs and the region. Taking part on teams, being an examiner, youth rep., helping out in your club are all activities that are taken into account. Check it out! If you are 16 and over you can become a Pony Club instructor: If you are interested in taking the Riding Instructors certificate through Equine Canada, your C2 level provides you with the Riding and Stable Management qualifications ( Rider Level 6) Tetrathlon: To be eligible to represent Canada on an International Tetrathlon team you must have passed your C2 level. International Tetrathlon Exchange. Every 2 years, Pony Club tetrathletes from England, Ireland, Canada and USA join forces for a two week long competition and cultural exchange. Each team consists of four female and four male competitors. Athletes must have strong cross country and stadium jumping background and be good all-round athletes. Locations alternate between England/Ireland and Canada/USA. 2006 is the next exchange hosted by Canada and USA. Application deadline is Dec 30. Application forms are on the web page. Interpacific: The selection committee will look for active members who have a lot of experience in show jumping and cross country. This cultural exchange occurs every two years. In 2003 Jackie Allen, Annapolis PC was part of the Canadian Team that went to Australia. In 2005, Canada hosted this event and Nicole MacHattie was chosen as a member of the Canadian team. The next exchange is in 2007 in Japan. Did You Know? That the Canadian Pony Club is celebrating its 75th Anniversary in 2009. A special page has been put on the CPC website to contact PC Alumni and bring them together to share experiences and memories. That you can download the Testing Procedures off the website? And members should have these and READ them. That Feb 1 is the deadline for applications to take B/B2 level in 2006. Look for the applications in the Testing Procedures That the top team at the regional PPG Championships takes home the Allen Cup, donated by Judy/Jackie Allen and family. That the top rider at ABC rally takes home the Donald Grant Trophy. This challenge trophy was first given out in 1960! Check out the virtual trophy case on our regional website and see some familiar names. That National is working on a promotional CD for CPC and are looking for good pictures depicting what Pony Club is all about. If you have some good pictures you can email them to the National Office. That Jackie Allen has been introducing clubs to a new discipline called TREC. TREC is an acronym for Techniques de Randonnee Equestre de Competition, which roughly translates to Technical Competition of Pony Trekking. TREC is governed by the International Federation of EquestrianTourism (FITE), which was created in 1975 by France and Italy. You can download the CPC TREC Handbook off the website. That CPC has a Badge Program. There are numerous badges you can earn. There are such badges as Equine Publisher, Breeds, Barn Safety, Bookworm. I Love My Horse, Driving etc. Tantramar Pony Club designed a very nice banner to display badges. This banner can be hung from a wood rail and made in your club colours. Youth Rep Wanted: Are you 16 and over? Are you an active Pony Club member? Would you be interested in sitting on the Regional Board of Directors of the Nova Scotia Pony Club? As the Youth Rep. you will represent the views of Active members. Starting as a Branch rep and /or a Regional Rep when you reach 18 years old you can submit your name to be a National Youth rep. National Youth reps sit on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Pony Club. Welcome to the 2006 Board of Directors: I would like to say welcome to new members on the Board of Directors and to say thank you to those we are not returning to the Board this year. Being a member of the Board is a big commitment and responsibility and we are fortunate to have such great volunteers. Our Canadian Pony Club Motto: Loyalty, Character and Sportsmanship: So What is Character and Sportsmanship? Sportsmanship, character and ethics are all related. Ethics are principles of right or good conduct Character is ethical integrity. Being a person of character requires: - An ethic of trustworthiness, - An ethic of respect, - An ethic of responsibility, - An ethic of fairness, - An ethic of caring, and - An ethic of citizenship. Sportsmanship is conduct becoming to an individual involving fair and honest competition, courteous relations and graceful acceptance of the results. In other words, sportsmanship is honourable character in action! This quote is from a seminar called Developing Sportsmanship given at the NSEF Horse Summit. This seminar and program was developed by the Ohio State University Extension – 4-H Division in response to increasing displays of poor sportsmanship. This does not just apply to this group as a lot of other sports groups, youth groups, non profit organization are experiencing an increase in these incidents. We have all read about the problems in hockey! Members, parents, supporters, volunteers, spectators, organizers all have an important role to play in developing the Loyalty, Character and Sportsmanship stated in our motto. This responsibility begins with demonstrating good sportsmanship in everything we do, as well as teaching and encouraging our youth to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes of good sportsmanship. Conducting ourselves in a courteous, respectful way, demonstrating honesty and fairness in our actions, learning and following the rules, gracefully accepting the results and being a positive example of good personal behaviour are good places to start. Lets all work together to help our youth develop into caring, capable people who are fair and generous competitors, good losers and graceful winners. Feel free to contact me for information or clarification should you need assistance at or 902 895-4059. Carollyn Crewe Debbie Sloan, Regional Tetrathlon Chair Gay Hansen Kate Mattocks
Annapolis had members compete in this year's D Challenge in Windsor. I was unable to attend, but heard wonderful comments on the riders attending and the day in general! Congratulations! Our clubs general meeting will be held in the near future, and I look forward to my final year as DC. It has been a very busy year and I have appreciated the help of the executive members and volunteers who have helped me over the past season. Respectfully submitted, Linda Gillespie, DC, Avon Pony Club – The past year in comparison to many others has been a busy one for all. There seems to be such a variety of things going on that it has been hard to choose for many as to what they want to attend. We started our year with lectures and lessons from early January until late April, which is our legging up time, getting not only the horses in shape but the riders as well. We held four training shows and two EC shows during the 2005 year, all very successful and thanks to all that participated. The annual March break & summer camps were held each being a huge success as we had lectures and riding instruction taking place during the day, a huge thanks to Meg, Laura & Sarah G. After summer camp was held we entered our testing period where we had a number of kids tested and all went very well. We had so many riders for testing this year that a second testing session was held in late August. We also attended the C Rally at CNHP, Salmon River and D Rally at Hobby Horse this year, which was a great time, all the kids enjoying it very much. Michelle Hood, Tara Hood, Daniel Mason and Tricia Sanford competed on the C team, while Jessie Sanford, Erin McDermott, Kayleigh Smith and Laura Bond competed on the D team for Avon. A huge thanks to the helpers and chaperones that attended these rallies with our riders. As many of you know we also hosted the D Challenge and had a great turnout. The day went very well and I believe all the kids walked away with ribbons and something special to remember the event by. We also hosted two Jen Hamilton clinics, which like every year in the past were exceptional. We thank Jen for taking time out of her busy schedule to put these clinics on for the clubs. Each year we have our annual branch meeting and one thing in particular that was mentioned was the volunteers who make an extra special contribution in respect to their time. We want to thank those individuals who make the club what it is. Also, at our meeting this year a new executive of 8 members was voted in as we have had such an increase in club membership we stand at a total of over 40 riders at levels from E to riders testing for their level B. On another special note many of you know Chris Sanford is our outgoing DC and has done an incredible job for the last three years! So, on behalf of the incoming executive, parents and kids we want to say thanks for your hard work, dedication and commitment as DC. You have given so much to the kids of Avon Pony Club. Bravo Zulu! Job well done. In closing, I would like to mention a big welcome to Jill Redden, as she has become part of the Avon family of instructors. We look forward to the upcoming year at Avon. Valerie A. McDermott, DC Colchester Pony Club Annual Report - Registration for 2005was 20 members, 17 returning members and three new members. Our AGM was held on Nov. 26, 2004 at Knox United Church Hall in Brookfield. Our new executive was elected: Janet Geldart, DC, Norman Paupin, Assistant DC, Shawnn Webb, Secretary, Stacey Paupin, Treasurer, Debbie Leslie, Test Rep, Ann Hamilton, D Rep, Cathy Johnson, C Rep, Patty Annand & Cathy Johnson, Communications, and Vicky Baines, Fundraising. Our Christmas Party was held at the Hamilton farm in Onslow. A horse drawn wagon ride through the woods to the camp with hot chocolate and snacks was enjoyed by 32 members and their families. We began our stable management lectures in January 2005 and continued with the first three Friday nights of January, February & March. Our lecturers this year were D & D1 level: Shirley Lacourciere, D2 level: Jessica Swinkels, Laura MacEachern; C level: Amanda Leslie, Katie Gloade, C1 level: Lauren Johnson, Elizabeth Crewe and Nicole MacHattie were our lecturers for 2005. In addition barn lectures were held at Bello Crest Farm, Onslow Mountain and Horseplay Stables in Brookfield. The badges completed by our members in 2005 included: Blankets & Bandaging, Equine Publisher, Bookworm, Barn Safety, I Love My Horse and Farrier badge. Fundraising events for 2005 included: a wreath and Christmas tree sale, the sale of sewing kits and our primary circuit hunter show. Colchester Pony Club sent teams to three Regional Quizes in 2005. A team went to the Novice/D quiz hosted by Tantramar Pony Club in November 2004, one team attended the ABC Quiz hosted by Fairwind Pony Club in March and three Colchester teams competed at the D quiz hosted by our club in May. We had two members qualify for National Quiz. Kate Mattocks and Crystal Weatherbee both attended the National Quiz in Ottawa on Thanksgiving weekend. Kathy Mattocks chaperoned team Nova Scotia. Colchester hosted a Novice / D Level Quiz on April 9 in Truro with 77 pony clubbers attending and enjoying the day. On May 6, we held a review night and written tests were done on May 13th. On May 14, a few of our members and parents traveled to the Atlantic Dressage Development Centre in Mount Uniacke and Rolling Hills Stable in Coldbrook for a tour. Everyone enjoyed the day and were very excited to view these new and modern stables. A PPG Conditioning Seminar with Jackie Allen was attended by three of our members in Windsor. This was a very informative seminar and Jackie did a wonderful job explaining the proper conditioning techniques of ponies and horses. On June 18 we hosted a Primary Circuit Hunter Show at CNHP in Salmon River as our major fundraiser. It was well attended and we received many compliments on a job well done. A few members of our club attended the Cross Country clinic with Andy Wadowski at CNHP in late June in preparation for pony club rallies. On July 9 two members traveled to Hobby Horse Farm in Kentville for the D Rally Clinic. They received cross country instruction with Alex Beaton and had a chance to ride their dressage tests in the outdoor ring. They returned home to prepare for camp which was held July 11 -14. We had 17 members attend camp with instruction from Danica Cooke for show jumping, Jill MacPhee, dressage and Andy Wadowski, cross country. The week was packed with lessons, stable management lectures and a stable management competition. On Friday, July 15 we had eleven girls do the riding and oral parts of their tests. We sent one team of seven girls to the Regional ABC Rally on July 18 – 20 in Salmon River and one team of seven girls to the D Rally in Kentville on July 31. Everyone worked hard and learned lots!! On August 6 a team of four girls and ponies participated in the Regional PPG Cup at CNHP in Salmon River. The girls had a wonderful, fun day. They also had a chance to try a small TREC course in the afternoon. On September 25, 2005 a second oral and riding testing was held in Salmon River. We had one candidate for D2 and one for C2. Our year ended on October 30, 2005 with a pot luck supper at the Geldart home in Debert. Year end certificates and badges were awarded. Respectfully submitted, Janet Geldart, DC Eastern Shore Pony Club - ESPC had a membership of fourteen for 2005. The majority of the girls were E/D or D1 with only three members C or above. Just under 50% of the membership relied on school horses out of Anne Merritt's stable for riding activities. The rest of the girls either owned or part-leased their horses. Education activities for the year included: Bagging groceries in February at the Atlantic Superstore in Porters Lake. Despite a snowstorm the club made over $300.00. A July BBQ for Dartmouth Dodge earned the club $400.00. Manning the Kubota Cup Booth at the Maritime Fall Fair earned the club a donation. Annual General Meeting was held November 20 at St. Therese Community Centre in Grand Desert. Report respectfully submitted by, Lorinda Brinkhurst, DC ( 2005) Evangeline Pony Club - Evangeline had a very busy first year in operation. We started our year in late January with 15 members, 6 E's, 2 D2's, 2 D's, 1 D1, 1 C and 1 C2. We had 2 E's join later in the year. Our executive: Zena Rice, D.C.; Lisa Messenger, A.D.C. / Treasurer; Cheryl Spurr, Secretary; Shelley Cue, Testing Rep. Stable Management was held every Monday night at Rohan Wood Stables in Auburn from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Lectures were given by our C2 volunteer Alissa Cue and assisted by Michelle Smith. Games and lots of hands on work were included in the stable management sessions. Parent meetings were held the first Monday of each month during stable management . During March break 6 members and 4 volunteers achieved their Standard First Aid at a course put on by Quality Safety. We also sent 2 E / D teams to the quiz in Salmon River. Our club attended a number of clinics during the year: PPG Clinic - Jen Sarsfields; PPG Clinic – Rohan Wood Stables; Dressage Clinic – Cheryl Cassista ( EPC camp); Western Riding – Pat Kidson's Stables. Other individual members attended Pony Club related clinics with Andy Wadowski and Jen Hamilton. Due to a date conflict we were unable to send our team to the D Rally Clinic but had our own one-day clinic at Hobby Horse Farm with private instruction to prepare our team for Rally. EPC hosted its first Dressage is Fun Show June 18th at GHRC. Approximately 35 riders from all over the province attended. It was a great day and we look forward to hosting it again in 2006! We held a week long camp in July at the Greenwood Horse and Recreation Club. Alissa Cue volunteered her week to give the 13 members in attendance daily riding lessons and stable management. The children and chaperones slept in tents on site for the week. Cheryl Spurr provided a hot breakfast each morning and parents provided great lunches and suppers the rest of the time! We had teams participate in PPG Cup, D Rally and D Challenge. We are very proud of our members for their hard work and participation in these activities! D and D1 testing was done in July with D2 and C testing in August. We had one member attend B testing in July. Fundraising last year included the sale of cookie dough, Sport NS Tickets for the Regional Fundraiser, a sucker pull and horseshoe toss at the Dressage Is Fun Show. Our AGM was held November 7, 2005 where elections took place. The new executive is as follows: Zena Rice, D.C; Lisa Messenger, A.D.C.; Cheryl Spurr, Treasurer; Kelly Murray, Secretary; Shelly Cue, Testing Rep; Katia Lavallee, Assistant Testing Rep; Mark Buchanan, Web Page. Membership is complete with a total of 15 members. We have 5 E's, 1 D, 4 D1's, 2 D2's, 1 C and 2 B's. Our fall meetings started with a Halloween Party on October 29th. Stable Management started on November 7th with Alissa, Michelle and Ginny doing the lectures. On Nov. 26th EPC is traveling to Ross Farms for a Harness Clinic. A Christmas party is being planned for December after which we will take a break until the second week of January. Respectfully submitted by, Lisa Messenger, ADC Fairwind Pony Club – Fairwind has been busy throughout 2005. Lectures were held January – June with a break in summer, resuming in November. Topics included equipment, fitness for you and your horse, bandaging, poisonous plants, and pony club goals. An equine vet was guest lecturer in April. A visit to West River Stock Farm gave members an opportunity to work on their Harnessing badge. The Farrier and Shoeing badge will be complete when the shoe board is presented. All of our pony clubbers and families have been busy with fundraising. A bottle drive and grocery bagging at Superstore were our main money-makers so far. The AB/C quiz our club hosted March 19, was a great success. The day went well and thanks to all those who attended and helped out. Two teams from Fairwind traveled to the DQuiz hosted by Colchester in April. Many of our members attended the May Clinic at Fairwind Farm Equestrian Center (a great way to get horse and rider ready for the new season). In June, many of the members went as a group to the RCMP Musical Ride in Halifax. The summer months were busy with horse shows on the eastern end of the province and our club sent a group to AB/C Rally in July to help on the cross country course (jump judge and flags). It was a good opportunity for some younger members to see how a three day rally proceeds. This was followed by a cross country clinic at Fairwind Farm, in preparation for D Rally. D Rally the end of July was a challenging but enjoyable weekend and thanks to Annapolis for hosting. The CPC tests were written in May with the mounted part of testing done in mid-August. We had one C2, three C's and two D2's test successfully. A clinic was held at FFEC September 17-18, followed by our PC show September 25. Caitlin Swinkels represented FPC as a member of the NSPC National Quiz Team in Ottawa this October. We are pleased to report on the continued good progress of both Jessica and Neeko after their riding accident this summer. Jessica has been re-elected to serve as youth representative for our club's 2006 season. October 16th was information and sign-up meeting for 2006 with pot luck and social following. On November 6th lectures resumed for the new season. A Christmas party is planned for December 11th at Fairwind Farm with a bowling party in early January. Mary Partridge (DC) Friendly Breezes Pony Club - The Friendly Breezes Pony Club was off to a busy start. I am happy to report that our small club grew this year to 10 members, up 3 from last year. We held stable management meetings every two weeks through the cold months. In late April, we started riding again to get our ponies conditioned for the show season. Our fund raising committee went to work early in the season and were very successful. We received a $1000 donation from Exon Mobile and we are extremely grateful to them. With these funds it provided us with the opportunity to have a two-day PPG clinic with Jackie Allen. It was a great experience for the children and their coach. Thank-you Jackie. We were also able to attend the PPG games. Once again we thank-you Exon Mobile for the opportunity you have given to our Pony Club. Other fund raisers we had were, grocery packing at Super Store in April. Our own small show for the childrens' parents, family members and friends with a BBQ and all donations to our club were welcomed. We were also fortunate to receive long sleeve t-shirts, that were kindly donated by Finley Brophy Trucking and James Glenn Trucking. We thank these companies also for contributing to our club. We were on the road in April to the E/D Quiz in Colchester. It was a great introduction for our new members to learn and experience quiz for the first time. We also attended the PPG games in Salmon River at Central Nova. We did our testing in September. Six members tested, 2 did the D level written and riding and four did the D1 level; all were successful. Our registration and information session was held on November 13/05 for new members and parents. A very special thank-you to our coach Pam Bower, for her time, dedication and facilities, without this we would not belong to this great organization. Debby Pelly Friendly Breezes DC. Opportunity Pony Club - The 2004/2005 year began with our banquet which honored those who participated the previous year and welcomed new members. Most of the winter was spent doing lectures either in the barn when it was warm enough or at a member's house when the weather got too cold. Opportunity Pony Club decided to put a float in the Santa Claus Parade held in November. It was exciting for all the members and is going to be repeated. March began to get a little busier. Besides the normal lectures our members attended quizzes and a Kevin Crosby Jr. clinic. From the ABC Quiz one of our members, Merilee Yuill, was fortunate and skilled enough to be chosen for the National Quiz in Ottawa. In July we held our annual week long camp which was open to all members. The camp offered crafts, lectures, PPG instruction, flat coaching, cross country and jumping. Friday and Saturday after the camp were used for testing. I am proud to say that all of our members who tested on this weekend passed and are looking forward to the next level. Also in July the ABC Rally was held at the Central Nova Horse & Pony Association grounds. This was so popular with our older members that we sent two teams. The girls had lots of fun but also learned a great deal. August began with our PPG Regional and Zone Cup. Although the numbers were a little disappointing the weekend turned out quite well. Opportunity had an A team and a Masters team attend. As luck would have it our Masters team walked away with the brand new trophy, carrots for their horses and huge smiles. Around the same time as PPG three of our members were off to Alberta for the National Tetrathlon Championships. The girls had a great time. They returned with new friends and many wonderful memories. September proved not to be any quieter. OPC held their annual Open Jumper Show. The numbers were down this year for a number of reasons, gas prices being a major factor, but we still ended up making some money to help support the kids. The show was held over two days instead of one. From every event we must learn. This year we learned that no matter how well you plan something it doesn't always go as planned. All in all the members had a busy, fun, educational year. I know all the parents and members are ready for the new year to begin and to find out what is in store for OPC this year. We held our annual banquet November 17 and have a couple new members. Respectfully submitted by Joanne Stevens, DC Tantramar Pony Club - Our branch consisted of 10 members, Ana Murray, Keltie MacDonald, Inga Hansen, Theo Holownia, Erin Sloan, Laura Sloan, Megan Sears, Rebecka Aurell, Michelle Bonin, Stephanie Bonin. Our Branch participated in a number of Branch, Regional and National Activities. Over the Christmas holidays (Dec. 2004), seven members attended a two day camp at Burnside Farm. On April 9, some of our members attended the Colchester D quiz. On May 7, four children attended the quiz held by Charlottetown. Michelle, Rebecka, Stephanie and Megan placed 4th. At the ABC rally on July 18 to 20, our team consisting of riders Laura, Ana, and one member from Charlottetown, with Megan and Stephanie attending as grooms. The Tantramar team placed 1st in stable management and 2nd in riding. On July 9, two of our members attended the D Rally Clinic at Hobby Horse farm. Stable management: sessions for the D members were held at the Hansen-Holownia Farm every second week throughout the winter. The children also worked on various badges. Thanks to Gay for taking on the sessions. Fundraising: Our Spring Horse Show was our only fundraiser, held May 29 at the Port Elgin Raceway. We had a successful day with 42 entries. Camp: Our 4 day camp at the Port Elgin Raceway was held June 30 to July 1 with coach Alex Beaton. Eight Tantramar members attended, 3 members from PEI and 3 members from Opportunity Pony Club. On the evening of June 30, the group went swimming and on July 1, we went to the Strathgartney Horse Park to school over the cross country course. Lessons: Anne Newman gave riding lessons each week to our members throughout the summer. Testing: D and C candidates wrote their tests at Betty Donaldson's on May 20. The candidates were not ready for practical tests in August so the testing was cancelled. Tetrathlon: Four of our members (Ana, Michelle, Laura, Stephanie) attended the NS Regional Tetrathlon Championship in June. In August, four of our members attended the National Tetrathlon Championship in Calgary Alberta. For senior women, Laura placed 1st in riding; Erin placed 2nd in the ride, 3rd in the shoot, 7th in the run and 6th overall; Ana placed 8th in the shoot, 2nd in the run, 4th in the ride and 7th overall. Stephanie placed 8th in the shoot for junior women. Regional tickets: We sold 2 books per member. I would like to thank everyone for returning their tickets on time! At the end of my third and final year as District Commissioner, I would like to thank everyone involved with Tantramar Pony Club for helping me during my term. It certainly made my job a lot easier. Respectfully submitted, Lori Hall, DC West Valley Pony Club - The nineteen members began Stable Management Jan 31, 2005 taught by our coach Alex Beaton. Riding lessons began in May, with Alex Beaton at Kileavy Stables. Early bird lessons started in April. Our official Club Kick Off on April 30th, a social, pizza and barn cleaning was well attended. Our new fundraiser, building jumps was a great way to break the ice between our parents and children, everyone helped in some capacity, even brothers and sisters of our members. We built 20 jumps. Our main fundraiser was our Primary horse show held June 26. The members attended a number of events and activities this year. A tour of the Atlantic Dressage Dev. Center, Shelagh Starr gave a talk on Chris Irwin type techniques, a Jenn Hamilton clinic, a cross-country clinic, and a dressage clinic. We had girls attend quiz, ABC rally, Dressage is Fun, and the PPG clinic. Our summer camp was successful with riding, badge work, PPG, and a lot of fun setting up tack rooms and getting to know each other better. All girls passed their testing up to C1. Three girls passed their C2. Nicole passed some of her HA/RA and hopes to complete it this coming year. We have a general meeting every month to keep parents informed and involved as well as a monthly newsletter. A Christmas Party was organized for December 2nd. We plan on hosting a quiz in May 2006. Our new executive is in, our AGM was held and we have 20 members for 2006: D.C. 2006 - Sheila Bower-Jacquard; Assistant D.C. - Michelle Bent; Secretary - Sarah Ells; Treasurer - Marliese Kirby; Test Rep.- Nancy Goodine; Youth Rep: open for vote at our next members meeting. Respectfully Submitted, Teresa Speelman In an effort to keep you informed, Your Regional Committee |