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From the Editor
As you all know, our activities are run by volunteers and it is their willingness to do this for others that keeps our program very active in Nova Scotia and across the country. Without these giving, caring (about the development of our youth) people, we would not have a full and busy program.

In between newsletters, look on our Regional Pony Club website for updates and results. (Go to the national website at and connect to the region’s website from there.) Remember if you have information for the website/newsletter, please pass it to your Branch web master or your DC to be forwarded to the Regional Communications Chair.

News from National
Well another year has galloped by and it is time to reflect on the accomplishments of 2006 and start dreaming of new challenges and friendships ahead. Congratulations to the following three graduates: Jessica Best (Annapolis), Alissa Cue (Evangeline) and Ana Murray, (Tantramar).

The following members are 10 year members: Sydney Hines (Avon), Ginny-Lou (Evangeline), Ana Murray (Tantramar), Laura Sloan (Tantramar) and Megan Fraser (West Valley).

Photos for 2008 Calendar - The first CPC calendar has now been distributed and we can all get to look at some very fabulous photos. I think it represents CPC very well. This year we had only two photos submitted. Jessica Swinkels and Neeko are featured in the month of August. Jackie Allen and Ben Nevis are shown on the side panel. I am confident that we will have many photos to make a choice for our next calendar. Each region can send 10 photos to National for selection. We ask you to please give them to your DC by the end of January. We will be selecting 10 tremendous photos at the regional meeting in February. The criteria for photo quality will soon be available on the website. The photo is best sent on a disc however a hard copy is OK too.

You will notice that the quality of all photos is not consistent when enlarged. The selection committee attempted to use photos from each region which resulted in some clearer than others. The photos do not need to be from the current year. If you have a favorite from the past please send it to us.

Each photo should have the name of the rider, horse, branch and activity. This information should be on a separate piece of paper taped on the back of the photo or disc case. DO NOT write on the back of the photo. Unfortunately the photos will not be returned so please keep your original.

Remember all folks in the photo must give a release to use the photo for this purpose. That includes those background people too.

The funds received by national from the sale of the calendars will be directed to a” Youth Anniversary Reserve” account. There are tentative plans to hold a youth conference during the 75th anniversary in 2009.

NARE - The first North American Rally Exchange will be held in BC 2008. It is tentatively planned for the last week of February. The teams are from US, Ireland, Britain and Canada. Each team will consist of 4 people. Members will be billeted. This is not a rally as we use the term. There is an educational component with lectures and clinics. The topic and/or discipline will be the choice of the hosting country. If there is a competition, the teams will be made up with a member from each country. Criteria will be posted on the website.

Inter-Pacific Exchange - IPE will be held in Lexington, Kentucky, July 10-21, 2007 in conjunction with International Quiz, July 18th-28th and the 2007 Big Festival. Application deadline for IPE is Dec.15, 2007.

International Quiz - International Quiz will be held in Lexington, Kentucky, July 18-28, 2007. The team will consist of 2 C and 2 A/B members. Application deadline is Jan. 12, 2007.

Affiliate Memberships - Affiliate Member Policy change is that they must have either: (a) Been an Active Member of the Pony Club for any seven or more years OR (b) graduated as an active member at age 21, (20 as of Jan.1) and has been an Active Member of Pony Club for at least 3 of the last 7 years of their eligibility.” Affiliate members are encouraged to participate in CPC activities at all levels. They may compete against other affiliates but not against active members. Two affiliates participated in the 2006 National Quiz. Testing fee remains at $350 for the RA and HA for affiliates.

The Rockwell Princess Elizabeth Trophy - A new trophy to honour A members, past & present, has been established. It was donated by Dick Rockwell in memory of his wife Adele, CPC’s first member to receive the A level. This trophy will be placed on the CPC virtual trophy case on the website. Each year names of all A members will be included. Please forward any names who received their A prior to 1987 to the Regional Chair so they may be included.

National Uniforms - National is looking into selecting a national uniform for our international competitors. There will be a dress uniform and also a variety of other components to choose from.

75th Anniversary - A committee has begun to plan the celebrations. The site will be Calgary and held during/near the Stampede and International Show Jumping at Spruce Meadows. Ideas would be most welcome. The National Youth Directors will contact the Regional Youth Directors.

NS Pin - The logo is complete and an order for a NSPC pin will be placed shortly. Pins will be available for purchase thorough the region at cost. Your DC and Youth Representative will advise you when the pins arrive and the cost. They make great collector and trading pins.

Warmest wishes for the holiday and the coming year,

Judy Allen, NS Director

Kind Thoughts
The editor has learned that Mary Henry is recuperating from surgery. Best of luck Mrs. Henry. Our kindest thoughts are with you and wishing you a quick recovery.

DC’s & Assistant DC’s Workshop
NS Region of Canadian Pony Club is holding a DC Workshop on January 14, 2007 (Storm date of January 21, 2007), Avon High School, Windsor NS, Classroom #101, 10-3. Any interested examiners/members are welcome. Talk to your DC and she/he will contact Pam Hooper, the organizer. Mark your calendars and watch for more information. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Pam Hooper, DC for Eastern Shore.

Youth Workshop
There will be a Youth Workshop at Avon High School, January 14, 2007 (storm date of January 21) in Classroom #103. See also the Youth reports in this newsletter, or if you have any questions, contact Jessica Swinkels.

Protective Vests
Just a head’s up to watch for upcoming Rule changes (Equine Canada/Horse Trials) regarding protective vests while riding cross country...looks as though they are going to be ‘required’ as early as 2007. Like other protective equipment, proper fit is important so be sure to do your homework on this one in advance of any competitions. We will post any further information we receive on the website or in a future newsletter.

Tax Credit (pass on to your parents)
What is the Healthy Living Incentive? - The tax credit, or healthy living incentive, is the result of a commitment made by then Premier John Hamm to provide an allowable tax credit of up to $150 per child to help with the cost of registering children and youth in sport or recreation activities that offer health benefits.

Who is eligible? - Children and youth aged 17 and under who are registered in an approved organized sport, physical recreation, or physical activity program will qualify for the tax credit. Only receipts from those groups who have registered with Department of Health Promotion and Protection are eligible.

Nova Scotia Pony Club (thanks to our then Regional Chair, Carollyn Crewe) is registered.

Lapel Pins
A design for a Nova Scotia Regional lapel pin has been decided on after input from Youth Reps representing all members and Branch representatives. These should be available before we get too far into the new year. Keep in touch with your DC for their availability.

A Thank you to the Nova Scotia Pony Club Community and Beyond
Our family would like to say a really big THANK YOU to everyone for their messages, cards and support over the last few months. It is hard to describe the emotional stress of receiving news of the terrible accident that put our son, Jason, in the hospital with a brain injury, a dislocated hip and a badly broken arm. Adding to this was the fact that he was half way around the world in South Korea and that it was difficult to communicate with the doctors directly because of the language differences.

It is now four and half months later and Jay is doing well. Thank goodness he was wearing a helmet!! Jason did have a second surgery on his arm and will be coming home for a short visit over Christmas then returning to work in South Korea. Thank you all.

Carollyn Crewe

NS Region Executive for 2007
Chair - Gay Hansen
Vice Chair - Anne Irwin
Treasurer & NSEF Rep - Carollyn Crewe
Secretary - Julia Cecchetto
National Director - Judy Allen
Membership - Margie Johnson
Communicaations - vacant
Quiz - Brenda Swinkels
Education - Teressa Speelman
Testing - Johanne Head
Rally - Debbie Best
Stadium Jumping - Diana Locke
Dressage - Julia Foote/Teressa Speelman
Tetrathlon - Debbie Sloan
PPG - Jackie Allen

The next Regional Board Meeting is set for February 4th; location to be determined; Meeting date also was set for March 3rd.

News From National Quiz
This year, National Quiz was hosted by Saskatchewan Region in Saskatoon during October 6-9.

This year, ‘C’ level members who qualified for the 2006 Nova Scotia Quiz team included: Michelle Hood (Avon Pony Club), Jessica Swinkels (Fairwind Pony Club), Amy Buckland-Nicks (Fairwind Pony Club), Caitlin Swinkels (Fairwind) and alternate, Merilee Yuill (Opportunity Pony Club). The chaperone for the team this year was Sherrie Hood from Avon Pony Club.

During August, the quiz team got together for a tour and lecture at the Atlantic Vet College. They met again later in the month for a day of lectures on poisonous plants/ID and feet and shoeing.

The girls met Friday morning, October 6 at 5 am at Halifax Airport to catch a 6:30 am flight to Calgary , then back to Saskatoon for an afternoon arrival at 2 pm. The schedule for the weekend was hectic, very little down time. Saturday was busy with the written test and the games (stations) phases. Artifacts phase was held Sunday morning. Other activities held during the weekend included Youth Rep meetings, a print marketing competition, a murder mystery, visit to the Wanuskewin Heritage Park and Western Development Museum.

At Sunday’s banquet, the girls were presented with 4th place ribbons in team competition - 4th place out of 14 teams, possibly Nova Scotia’s finest showing yet at National quiz – great job, girls!

Individually, the girls ranked as follows: Amy (15th), Jessica (18th), Caitlin (23rd), Michelle (27th) out of 55 individual competitors. Complete results of the 2006 competition are posted on the CPC website.

National Quiz is slated for Alberta North Region (ANR) in Edmonton in 2007.

Jessica Swinkels

Tetrathlon News
This year we sent six athletes to the National Tetrathlon Championships which were held in King City just outside Toronto, from August 5th -11th. They were accompanied by coach Inga Hansen and two chaperones. We entered two teams with one senior and two junior competitors on each one. The team of Tiffany (Sr) and Nikita Blaauwendraat and Sarah Locke placed 3rd and Laura Sloan (Sr), Chelsea Schneider and Stephanie Bonin placed 6th. There were also some very good individual results. In the run, Tiffany placed 3rd, Chelsea 6th and Sarah and Laura 8th. In the shoot, Tiffany placed 3rd and Sarah was 5th. In the swim, Laura placed 1st, Tiffany 4th and Nikita 7th and in the ride Chelsea placed 2 nd and Sarah and Tiffany were 5th. Chelsea and Sarah were two of five competitors who had double clear rounds in the stadium and cross-country phases and the tie was broken by taking the closest to optimum time in cross-country. Tiffany finished 4th overall in the senior women’s division.

The weather was great and the presence of the International teams from England, Ireland and the United States added to the spirit of the competition. I found out after we returned home that of all the teams that were competing, ours was the only one to personally thank the owner of the riding facility. This gesture was very much appreciated and certainly reflected well on our Region.

The 2007 Championships are being held in Alberta and we hope to see some new faces out for what will undoubtedly be another fun week of competition.

Congratulations to Stephanie Bonin and Erin Sloan who have been named to the New Brunswick air pistol team for the Canada Winter Games which are being held in Whitehorse this February. And best of luck to Tiffany Blaauwendraat and Sarah Locke who have been attending trials for the Nova Scotia team this fall.

Debbie Sloan, Regional Tetrathlon Chair

Education Report
This past year, we held the Examiners Clinic, DC and Test Rep clinic, and the Evaluation Clinic for the B, B2, and A's.

The Examiners and Examiners in Training Clinic - Nineteen people attended the Examiners Clinic, held at the Windsor High School. Six Examiners in Training attended. Topics covered included, who makes a good examiner, guidelines for the examiners, and a review of testing procedure manuals. Then a round table discussion was held on how to handle different situations. Finally, the DC and Test Reps joined the clinic and with the Examiners clarified expectations at Testing.

Evaluation Clinic - The Evaluation clinic was held on June 17 and 18. Our clinic was designed to cover all phases of riding and stable management. In the morning, all the riding phases were covered. In the afternoon stable management was discussed. Several members of West Valley Pony Club came for instruction during the teaching phase. Thank you to all the riders. All the participants learned a lot. By having the clinic earlier this year, it gave the participants time to improve their weak areas. The clinician, Sara Runnells was excellent. All the participants felt her critique and comments were very supportive and instructional.

Respectfully submitted,
Teresa Speelman
Regional Education Chair

Rally Report
Rally is the one discipline that pony club offers where a member gets to show just how much stable management they have learned, how to use it and why it is important. It is also a great hands on learning opportunity and team competition.

We had an awesome rally clinic this year with the focus on stable management. The two clubs that took advantage of this clinic had a definite advantage in organizing their day and feeling confident in their planning. Pam Graves did a great job! Her wealth of knoweldge, experience and pumped up enthusiasum had the members there wanting to do their best!

One important comment from competitors at ABC rally was that there was little opportunity for mingling with other teams socially. When they went back to their rooms at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College, they were exhausted and some went to the organized swim but most retired for the night.

The rally committee talked about combining ABC rally with D rally next year. This is common in other provinces because of travelling distance and it works very well. We could hold it after Central Nova Horse Trials in Truro with D rally being on the first day (generally these horses would have gone starter at the event if they competed) and we would have our upper level members there to be stable management judges which are hard to find especially on a week day. ABC rally would start on the second day (a day of rest for horses if they had competed at CNHT) and the D level competitors would be there to be helpers for ABC rally competitors. This would be a great opportunity for all levels to grow in knowledge and experience.

We also thought about camping on the grounds at Salmon River where interaction with clubs would be huge, kitchen use is a big advantage and financially it would reduce costs. An adequate amount of sleep might be an issue. This is up for discussion and I am interested to see what other clubs think of this to try next year. Entries for rally have been low in the past couple of years and it would be great to increase our numbers. Feel free to get comments back to me or to your Youth Rep. An accurate record of comments is important when making decisions.

Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Best, Regional Rally Chair

PPG Update
Club Clinics and Camp Days will be offered for Branches who are interested. Do to a busy summer schedule with us (Nova Scotia) hosting PPG Nationals this summer, it is suggested to get older members teaching younger members games during weekly lessons, club fun days and camps for the experience and to build club character.

There will be a PPG Clinic on April 28/29, 2007. The location is still being worked on, perhaps a day in Windsor and a day in Truro. Lisa Pascoe from Toronto will be the clinician. Lisa was the coach for the 2006 Canadian International PPG Team that travelled to England in July. Lisa has participated on Provincial and International Games Teams herself. She is also a member of Mounted Games Across Canada - MGAC (.

Zone PPG competition will be held July 29, 2007 in Truro. All Master and A’s will follow the PPG rules; B’s will have some modifications only. Fifteen to twenty games will be played.

National PPG will be hosted by us (Nova Scotia) on August 25, 26, 27, 2007, in Chester. Tentative schedule: Friday - teams arrive; evening get-together; Saturday - Group activities; Sunday - PPG Cup.

International Pony Club Mounted Games Exhange - 2007 IPCMGE will be hosed by the USPC in July. A Coach and Chaperone are needed. Criteria and application form are found on the CPC website under the downloads section. Applications need to be forwarded no later than December 31 to the Elora, Ontario address found on the website.

Jackie Allen, Regional PPG Chair

Nova Scotia Pony Club Youth Section
Holy smokes guys! It’s December! The entirety of another year (well, almost) has come and gone which means that its time to ready to bring the new one in. This means branches can elect members interested in their club to be a youth representative! All the active youth reps in each branch can be a youth rep again if they like, which would be great. If not, now is a good time to step down and let another interested member have a go at it. For all the branch youth reps, I am planning to have a meeting with everyone in the new year, on January 14. The meeting will be held on that same day and location as the DC leadership workshop so I hope to see everyone there! More details will be to follow as soon as possible.

As well as that, I’d just like to mention if there is anything that anyone would like to see go up on the youth page then forward it along to me and I’ll see to it that it gets up there. Also, with regards to the youth page, I realize that I’ve been a little slack with monthly profiles and whatnot, so I’ll try to curb my “slackerness” and keep on top of that.

Something that I have been in contact with the active members about is the upcoming pony club 75th anniversary. If anyone has some brilliant ideas of what kind of things to hold for this event those would be excellent. We also need to design a logo for the event so if anyone would like to try their creative hand at that and see what they can come up with then great. The youth have also been notified of this as well.

And, for the puzzle below, unscramble the words and put them into the spaces to the right. Once you do that, you’ll notice that some of the boxes have numbers on them. Put the letters in the numbered boxes into the corresponding numbered spaces below to decode the message. In closing, I’d just like to give everyone my best regards and wish happy holidays to all!!




Jessica Swinkels
Regional Youth Rep

National Youth Meeting National Youth Meeting- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - Chairs- Danielle Bedard (Active Member, East) and Isabelle Forsstrom (Active Member, West) - The national youth meeting was started after the station portion of National Quiz. It went from roughly 4:30 to 5:45 pm. In the meeting, the points brought up were:

Members are leaving! The east and west national youth reps relayed to us the information that they had on membership which had stated that membership had gone down 30% this year as compared to last year. Relative to last year, one third of our members are leaving and we want to know why. This is something that the youth are aware of and will look into it to find a possible reason and solution for this, enticing older members to stay somehow- we need these members for testers and to help bring younger members up the scale.

Communication - This was a big topic in the meeting. General feeling of all levels of communication was that it was poor- among youth, among executive to members. For instance, things that are important that members know do not always reach the members themselves (for instance applying for national teams, scholarships, etc.) The problem we believed was that communication from national to members was not direct- things get lost, things get forgotten. From going to national, to region to branch DC to member- things get off track. For instance, the new dressage competition that there was talk of at one of the regional meetings earlier this year- many of the youth did not know about that. There was talk of perhaps holding a youth conference in conjunction with another national meeting so that maybe the CPC youth reps from across the country from different regions could come together and share everything that they felt would need to be heard.

New members - One of the attendees at the meeting, a youth representative of Alberta North region, stated that this year she was a new member coming into pony club. She felt for incoming new members, we should communicate to them in a better way somehow what pony club is. When people first join pony club, they are flooded with loads of papers and books and things that can make it seem a tad overwhelming.

Volunteers - The members at this meeting felt that the people who run pony club and make it happen are all volunteers. These volunteers need to be recognized for their work and appreciated for it in some way. The work that these volunteers do, the members are so grateful for so we were hoping to look into this to see what we could do.

Testing - We briefly talked about some points from testing- more specifically testers. We need more testers! This isn’t a problem just in Nova Scotia apparently; this is a problem with most other regions across the country (excluding Ontario regions). What we want to do is also maybe look into a way to entice our older members to test and be testers for our younger members. Testers are necessary to make pony club run. There was discussion of talk on maybe making becoming a tester more appealing in some way…this is something that is still being discussed and worked out.

Jessica Swinkels, Regional Youth Rep

2007 Dates
Dates are already shaping up for 2007. Mark these tentative dates on your calendars now and discuss your 2007 goals with your parents and even your youth rep and DC. Watch for changes that might occur as time passes.

January 14 - Workshop for DC’s, ADC’s, Test Reps, Youth Reps,, Windsor High School
January 21 - Storm date for Jan. 14th Date
February 4 - Regional Committee Meeting
Late Feb.(?) - Opportunity considering hosting a Scramble Quiz
March 3 - Regional Committee Meeting
March 5 - B-B2 Testing Applications must be received by this date by Reg. Test Chair.
March - Avon Novice/D Quiz
March 25 - Fairwind D Quiz
April 14 or 21 - Colchester C Quiz (National Quiz Team Qualifier)
April 28/29 - Regional PPG Clinic, Clinician Lisa Pascoe; location Windsor/Truro
June 1-10 - Range of Dates for Evaluation/Pretest Clinic for RA/B/B2
July 22 - Cental Nova Horse Trials
- Rally (A, B, C, D)
July 29 - PPG Zone Competition, Truro
August 17 - 25 - Range of dates for RA/B/B2 Testing
August 25-27 - National PPG, Chester

Branch Reports

Annapolis Pony Club - On October 22nd, Annapolis sent two teams to D Challenge in Windsor. Many thanks to Avon Pony Club for hosting a successful day – I think everyone went home with smiles on their faces and thankfully it wasn’t freezing cold this year!

In addition to the many Pony Club events throughout the summer, our members also participated in the Salmon River Central Nova Horse Trials Event, Upper Sweet’s Corner Show Jumping Show, Valley Reiners Open Show in Lawrenceton, Alex Beaton’s Dressage and Show Jumping Fundraising Show, Applewood Horse Trials Event, Hobby Horse Horse Trials Event, Berwick Gala Days, Harbour Hideaway Fun Show, and the Greenwood Saddle Club Halloween Fun Show. It was a busy and successful season for everyone and all our members should be very proud of their accomplishment throughout the year.

The club was busy with a few fundraisers. Members picked apple drops to help raise money for club jackets, we held a yard sale early in the spring and we plan on holding a dance in Grand Pre at the end of November. The canteen committee was very successful this year. Proceeds from both D Rally and Hobby Horse Event were a welcome contribution to our clubs efforts. We got a little innovative this year and sold a CD with digital pictures taken of our members during camp, disks sold for $20.00 each.

Annapolis Pony Club held their Annual General Meeting on November 29th at the Centerville Community Hall. We will be having a potluck party.

While the parents are involved with the AGM, members participated in a badge activity. One of our agenda items at our AGM this year was to discuss new ideas for pony club program delivery. Annapolis will be looking to ‘modernize’ our program delivery so that it better meets the challenges of today’s family. Preliminary ideas presented by members show that the club is ready for change and innovation!

Respectfully submitted by
Theresa Steele, DC

Avon Pony Club - Avon did a little experiment this summer; we applied for and were successful in receiving a work grant for a student instructor. Thank you to Sara Giovannetti! for a great summer camp, rally preparation and lesson program. We will definitely apply for this grant again next year!

The fall brought great success for the NS National Quiz Team (including Avon’s Michelle Hood) placing 4th in Saskatoon- Job well done team! D challenge went off on Oct 22nd without a hitch and was very well attended a total of 8 teams competing. November founnd us at an annual meeting and registration; we anticipate a return of 36 members for 2007.

Our stable management and riding lesson schedule began again in the PC barn Nov 10th.

We look forward to a happy and safe new year.

Respectfully submitted,
Valerie McDermott, DC

Colchester Pony Club - Our club hosted a D Challenge on Sept. 9 at CNHP Equine Park in Salmon River with four teams attending: (two from Opportunity, one from Eastern Shore and one team from Evangeline). We held our year end get-together in early November followed by our 2007 registration session.

Respectfully submitted,
Janet Geldart, DC

Eastern Shore Pony Club -Eastern Shore Branch finished our summer off with a Pre-test clinic with Pam Graves at Windcrest Stables and the D-Challenge competition in Truro. We sent 4 members and 2 ponies. They had a very successful day!

We had 2 members compete at the Hobby Horse Event on Sept 10.

We held a BBQ fund raiser at Dartmouth Dodge-Show and Shine on Sept 23rd. and raised $300.

One member from our branch attended the Sue Fraser fundraising clinic on Sept 24th.

Our club members completed their written testing on Sept 16. and and followed up with our Practical on October 21. 12 members tested and all were successful.

Once again Eastern Shore Pony Club was asked to assist with the Kubota Cup Booth at the Maritime Fall Fair. We covered off the Thanksgiving Monday and Saturday October 14th. It was great to be a part of the bigger world of Canadian Show Jumping!

As we wound up our year, November 19 was our AGM.

Respectfully submitted,
Pam Hooper. DC

Evangeline Pony Club - This was a development year for our club and while we did not have riders for C or D Rally, we were able to send a team to the D Challenge in Truro and again in Windsor. This was a great experience for our girls and they did very well.

Unfortunately, we were forced to cancel the Dressage Is Fun Show due to lack of entries. We had several people contact us to register after the deadline had passed. Please keep this in mind if the show runs this year. We cannot afford to order ribbons, pay for facility rental and hire judges without a commitment from riders. Hopefully, we can all work together to have this show next year.

Our riding tests were held in July and September. We had 5 D1, 3D2, 1 C, 1 C1 and 1 B2 test. All our riders were successful in their endeavors! Congratulations to them and many thanks to their instructors Alissa and Michelle who volunteer their time throughout the year to make it all possible!

In September we held our elections and have a new executive: DC – Lisa Messenger; ADC- Katia Canciani, Secretary – Cindy Giffen Johnson, Treasurer – Leona Conrick, Test Chair - Becky Lutz. Our web page will be maintained by Mark Buchanan.

Many thanks to Zena Rice, Cheryl Spurr and Shelley Cue for volunteering the past two years to serve on our executive! They continue to participate with the club and are ready to help us along as needed.

The 2006-2007 year is already off to a good start. Registration nights have been held, cookie dough fund raiser and a Halloween party. Our stable management meeting was scheduled for November when we had the local fire department are coming to speak to us about fire safety in the barn!

Hope you all have a great year and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!

Respectfully Submitted,
Zena Rice

Fairwind Pony Club – Fairwind PC members joined by the member from Avon had a great weekend representing the region at National Quiz in Oct. The last weekend of October, Fairwind hosted a cross country clinic, with Mike Gallagher as clinician. Members from Fairwind and Friendly Breezes took part. Sign up for the new season also took place that weekend along with a pot luck supper. On November 8, the lecture season will begin when our club attends an Equine Nutrition lecture by Marc Andre, sponsored by Holna Farm Services. Fundraising is underway with bottle drives and selling Pizza Delight tickets.

Submitted by Mary Partridge, DC

Friendly Breezes Pony Club - Our PC teamed up with 4-H members this year due to time restrictions, so we could have a visit from the farrier Rick Bailey.

The fundraising committee was busy as usual. This year we sold tickets on lobsters. It was a successful fundraiser, we made approx. $1100.00. Thank-you to Bruce Jack and Wallace Bingley Sr. for their kind donation. We also did grocery packing at Super Store were we made approx. $250.00.

In late summer we had seven members do written tests with the riding/stablemanagement in October. The members did well in both tests.

A big thank-you goes to our coach Pam Bower for all her time and dedication to Pony Club. We held an info session and sign up for PC for 2007 as well as a Christmas Party.

Debby Pelly, DC.

Opportunity Pony Club - The new executive for next year is: DC - Diana Locke; ADC - Debbie Penney, Youth Rep - Megan Johnson, Secretary - Beth MacKenzie.

Diana Locke, DC

Tantramar Pony Club - A full team took part in the D Challenge; which included four riders and one coach, this event was held in Windsor. All members enjoyed themselves and placed 3rd overall. To take advantage of the beginning of fall, the club held a trail ride, followed by a pot luck dinner in appreciation for our stable management coach.

Margaret Wheaton, DC

West Valley Pony Club - We plan to begin Stable Management in January. Kari Brown and Laura Jacquard will be our Youth Reps for 2007. We are once again fortunate to have Alex Beaton join us for another Pony Club year. We also are implementing suggestions from the Regional Committee by having a mentor for some of our new members.


Nat. Quiz Team

Nat. Tetrathlon Team

In an effort to keep you informed,

Your Regional Committee