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From the Editor

As you all know, our activities are run by volunteers and it is their willingness to do this for others that keeps our program very active in Nova Scotia and across the country. Without these giving, caring (about the development of our youth) people, we would not have a full and busy program.

In between newsletters, look on our Regional Pony Club website for updates and results. (Go to the national website at and connect to the region’s website from there.) Remember if you have information for the website/newsletter, please pass it to your Branch web master or your DC to be forwarded to the Regional Communications Chair.

Greetings From the Regional Chair

Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself, I am the new Nova Scotia Regional Pony Club Chairperson. I am not new to Pony Club but very new to this job and still learning the ropes. My hat is off to Carollyn Crewe who filled this position so capably for many years, she made it look so easy!

I am very excited about all the Pony Club activities that we have planned for the upcoming riding season. It is going to be a very busy summer! I can’t resist mentioning a few of my favorites. Be sure to mark these on your calendar!

Rallies: Two Regional Rallies will be held right after the Central Nova Horse Trials in Truro. The D Rally (July 23) will be a one-day rally offering stabling for horses and stalls for teams to set up tack rooms. The ABC Rally will be held over two days (July 24 & 25), immediately following D Rally. Competitors can camp at Central Nova Horse and Pony Grounds or find lodgings in Truro. All meals will be provided on site. It is bound to be a great competition and a whole lot of fun. We hope to see a really big turn out for both rallies! Entry forms will be available soon.

PPG National Championship: We proud to be hosting the CPC Master’s Prince Philip Games National Championship on August 25 to 29 in Chester. Twenty-five top PPG competitors (aged 15 to 21) from across Canada will get together for this very exciting event! This will be a fantastic opportunity to watch the top mounted games riders in the country compete for the National Cup. Jackie Allen, Regional PPG Chair and championship organizer, is presently looking for the loan of large ponies and small horses for this event. Loaning a mount for a national championship is such a wonderful opportunity to get involved, learn more about the sport and meet other Pony Club members from across Canada. If you have a mount that you think might be suitable, don’t hesitate to contact Jackie at .

Atlantic Zone and Regional Championships are planned for most disciplines. Tetrathlon Regional Championship (June 23 & 24 - Contact Debbie Sloan, Zone PPG Championship (June 23 - Contact Jackie Allen) and Zone Stadium Jumping Championship (July 14 & 15 - Contact Diana Locke ) are all being organized. And don’t forget the D Challenge, our regional championship for E’s, Ds and D1s only! We plan to hold two of them this year, one in Truro in September and one in Windsor on October 21.

Testing Tidbits: There will be a C2 pre-test clinic on May 27. This year we are examining all C2 candidates together in regionally organized tests. The first test will be held June 30/July 1 in the Annapolis Valley and the second one on September 15 or 30, tentatively in the Truro area. We hope that Regional C2 testing will reduce the testing costs for branches and better prepare our C2s for eventual B testing. If you are planning to test for your C2 in 2007, please be sure that your DC has sent your name to Johanne Head, our NSPC Testing rep and that you attend the clinic in May. The B pre-test clinic will be held on June 9 &10. B testing will be held on August 18 - 20 in the Annapolis Valley.

A practical testing clinic for all Examiners and Examiners-in-Training will be held in Windsor on October 13.

Our NSPC Web Page: - All Regional Pony Club activities are listed, with date and location, on the NSPC web page. We try to update this every few weeks as new activities are announced. Look under “Calendar” and “Notices”

Did you know that many NSPC forms, guides and rules are also posted on our web page? We update this regularly, so check it often!

So, I am looking forward to seeing all of you at our summer activities. Have fun, be safe and give your pony an extra pat for me!

Sincerely yours,
Gay Hansen,
NSPC Regional Chairperson

News from National

The Canadian Pony Club Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held March 30th-April 1st, 2007. We have a new National Chair, John Moehring, from Manitoba Region. John has been involved with CPC for many years and has a great understanding and belief in our program.

Governor General Award - Congratulations to Sydney Hines from Avon Pony Club who received a $500 scholarship for the Governor General’s award for a C2 /B member.

Volunteer Recognition - The following people were recognized at the AGM for 15 years of volunteer service: Gay Hansen, NS Regional Chair, Carollyn Crewe, NS Treasurer, Margie Johnson, NS Communication Chair and Membership Chair, and Judy Allen, NS Director.

2008 Calendars - I’m pleased to report that 10 photos were sent to the selection panel for the 2008 calendar. Although only three branches, Annapolis, Colchester & Avon, submitted photos there are some great shots!

This fundraiser has proven to be very successful for both national and regional levels. Over $25,000 has been raised for the Regions/Branches. The national portion has been earmarked to go directly towards the “Youth Anniversary Reserve” account. There are plans underway to hold a 75th Anniversary Youth Conference in 2009. The regional portion has gone into our general funds as it has replaced our previous fundraisers. Calendars are distributed to each region on a per capita basis of two per member. I applaud the team of individuals who organize this fundraiser for us from the process of selecting the photos through to individually counting every calendar sent to the various regions.

Regional/Branch Education Conference - There is a RBE conference scheduled to be held in Halifax on October 28-30, 2007. Both NS and NB/PEI regions are invited to attend. This will be the 3rd such conference being held in various regions across the country. Each branch will want to send his/her executive. Any other interested persons are also welcome to attend. For the first time, there will also be a youth rep component to this conference. Danielle Bechard & Isabelle Forsstrom, National Youth Reps, will be attending. Jessica Swinkels will receive more information to pass along. It is very important that each branch select a mature youth representative to attend. These individuals are your voice to national!

Affiliate Testing Fees - The Affiliate fee is $350 per test. The fee for retaking any phase of the RA Test will be $175 per phase and the Affiliate fee for retaking any phase of the HA Test will be $100 per phase, to a maximum of $350. This is effective for the 2007 season.

Trailering Insurance - CPC insurance covers horse mortality when borrowed horses are hauled for CPC activities. The arrangements are to be completed by a CPC designated person, e.g. PPG Chair. Each horse is covered for a maximum of $10,000 up to a total of $100,000 per accident. It is not considered “borrowed” when the owner is transporting their horse to ride at an event.

CPC insurance offers Directors and Officers liability which includes volunteers.

Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation offers insurance for the individual. HEP is the insurance provider and no longer provides trailering insurance with the current package.

NB members should check with their PSO as Capri is their insurance provider and does offer additional insurance for a relatively small fee.

National Fee - National fees will increase from $55 to $65 in 2009. Membership fees have not increased since 2003. Membership has been decreasing and in order to ensure that our programs are maintained a motion was passed to increase our fees. If at that time, 2009, it appears that the increase is not needed than the increase will be delayed.

National Uniforms - Your national youth representatives, members of the uniform committee, selected the national uniform. The dress uniform will consist of a red blazer with the CPC international Team crest, white shirt, tie, khaki shirt or pants. This is to be worn on all formal occasions. In addition, team members can select to a mix and match appropriate clothing from the following list: walking shorts, track suit/walkout suit, T-shirt, nylon jacket (preferably the maple leaf jacket), polo shirt, with or without sleeves, sweat shirt, cap. Embroidery could include the CPC crest, name of individual, name of exchange and date on the sleeve and/or chest, as desired by the team. Suppliers are now being approached to submit quotes.

Judy Allen, National Director

Quiz Report

All regional quizzes for 2007 have been completed. Thank you to Opportunity, Fairwind and Colchester branches for hosting a quiz this year, your time and effort hosting quiz is greatly appreciated by all. Thank you.

Included in the above quizzes, two were ‘C’ qualifier quizzes for members who applied prior to the deadline to qualify for the 2007 Nova Scotia Quiz team. There were a total of 20 members who applied to qualify.

The following members have qualified to represent Nova Scotia Region at the 2007 National Quiz being hosted by Alberta North Region in Edmonton during October 5 to October 8, 2007: 
Caitlin Swinkels Fairwind +11.37 pts above avg at Opportunity quiz
Teigen Bond Colchester +10.53 pts above avg at Colchester quiz
Merilee Yuill Opportunity +9.37 pts above avg at Opportunity quiz
Rachele Foote Annapolis +9.23 pts above avg at Opportunity quiz
alternate: Mary Beth Kehoe Avon +5.66 pts above avg at Opportunity quiz
Chaperone: Susan Foote Annapolis
Congratulations to all team members. Good luck and have fun in Edmonton.

Opportunity Regional Scramble Quiz - Opportunity PC ran the first quiz of the year in a completely scramble format with seven clubs represented (about 72 members). This was well received by the members who went away from the day with new friends from other branches.

Ribbons and prizes were given out to all for participation, and one team chosen for each of best team spirit, best team at games and best team at skit.

C individual placings were given out to 8th place as follows: 1st- Orla Murphy-Fairwind, 2nd-Caitlin Swinkles-Fairwind, 3rd-Amy Buckland-Nicks-Fairwind, 4th-Rachele Foote-Annapolis, 5th-Merilee Yuill-Opportunity, 6th-Mary beth Kehoe-Avon, 7th-Teigen Bond- Colchester, 8th- Jessica Bowlby-West valley.

Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Swinkels, NS Quiz Rep

National Show Jumping Competion

Criteria were developed and applications for a position on the National Show Jumping Team were reviewed by a committee. This National Show Jumping Competition will be held June 29- July 2 in Alberta North. The candidate chosen was Erin Sloan with the 1st alternate being Inga Hansen and the 2nd alternate being Krista Brouwer. All candidates were very close and any one of them would represent us well. Congratulations.

Diana Locke,
NS Regional Show Jumping Chair

Tetrathlon Report

Opportunity Pony Club hosted a run, shoot and swim clinic on April 22. Sixteen members attended from four branches. There were some great scores from the enthusiastic group of athletes and the strong turnout of junior and novice members bodes well for the future of the discipline in our Region. Thanks to Diana Locke for organizing the event and to Inga Hansen for giving of her time to help introduce the next generation of tetrathletes to the sport.

Regionals will be held on June 23rd and 24th with the riding scores taken from the cross-country and stadium phases of the Strathgartney Horse Trials. Those members who are unable to ride are invited to participate in the run, shoot and swim on the 24th. While one of the purposes of the Regional Championships is to select the team for Nationals, beginners at any level are encouraged to attend. To register for Regionals, please provide me with the following information: Name, age, year of birth, branch and Pony Club riding level. Fee is $15 and registration may be done via e-mail or phone 506-538-2313 by June 15th. The competition will be held in the Sackville area and details of the venues will follow.

Nationals, this year, are being held near Edmonton from August 6-11.

The date of Tantramar Pony Club's camp, with its emphasis on cross country and tetrathlon has been changed to July 3-6. There are a limited number of spaces for members from other branches. Please contact me for more details or to reserve a spot.

Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Sloan, Regional Tetrathlon Chair


The 2007 summer is going to be a very exciting time in the Pony Club world. There are a lot of provincial, national and international events in which you can be a part of.

The PPG Zone will be Saturday, June 23rd in Truro at the MacMillian Center (indoors). This should work for the majority as it is after all exams and before the busy summer starts. Camping is available on grounds for those of you who wish to do so, but there will be no electricity/water available. I will have entry forms and more information soon.

Nova Scotia Pony Club is hosting the National Master Prince Philip Championships August 24-27th, 2007 in the beautiful town of Chester. What an experience of a lifetime right in your own backyard!

WANTED- Ponies 15.2 hh and under - To make this event happen and a success we must have ponies for visiting teams to ride, just as when you travel to other provinces to participate in national events. We will require 25 ponies for a day. When lending your pony you will be encouraged to attend and groom for your pony. This will give you an opportunity to experience a national PPG competition first-hand. The mounts will be required to arrive Sunday 26th by 9:00AM and will be able to leave by 5:00PM. Stalls will be available for ponies arriving Saturday. Ponies will need to come with a saddle, bridle (with a smooth mouth bit), and boots. Over the past three months I have been busy soliciting financial assistance from various sponsors so that we can provide reimbursement for the traveling expenses for borrowed ponies.

Benefits for lending ponies are:
- Your pony gets experience with another qualified rider.
- Great advertisement for sale ponies (let us know and we will even announce throughout the day)
- Each pony receives a gift along with plenty of hugs and kisses
- Your pony will be treated with the greatest care and respect.

Our Masters Team (members 15 yrs and over) - Team selection will be at the Atlantic Zone Championship in Truro June 23rd, 2007. The team will be chosen the first week in July to allow enough time for practices to build gaming skills and team bonding. If we do not have enough members of age, younger members (below 15 yrs old) will be selected. Most importantly all interested in representing Nova Scotia and experiencing a National Competition are encouraged to try out. Applications will be available on the NS PPG web site.

Our A Team (members 14 yrs and under) - It has been decided that the Club Team who wins the A Division at our Atlantic Zone June 23rd will be our Nova Scotia Team that travels to Ontario July/August (date to be announced) for the National A Prince Philip Games Championship. If not all members on the Club Team can attend, then applications and tryouts will be held to select the remaining team members. This should give all clubs motivation to not only win the Allen Cup but a chance to travel, ride borrowed ponies in Ontario and compete against other teams across Canada. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!!

Invitation - I would also like to take this time to invite all NSPC members to come to the National Championship held Sunday, August 26th to cheer on your fellow Nova Scotia Pony Club Team. This is the first time in over 15 years the Atlantic Zone has sent a team to a National PPG Competition.

I hope this answers most of your questions, for now. A detailed schedule will be posted on the website. I know some of you may have more specific questions regarding borrowed ponies so please feel free to contact me at 902 538 8703 or . I will gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have.

In closing I ask that every NSPC member consider lending their pony to make this event a reality. Truly, how can we expect to send NSPC members to any national event to ride borrowed ponies from our fellow CPC members if we are unwilling to extend the same courtesy? I believe our members will be great hosts and make this event a huge success.

Horses and children, I often think, have a lot of the good sense there is in the world. 
~Josephine Demott Robinson

Jackie Allen
National Prince Philip Championship Director
Nova Scotia Prince Philip Games Chair

NSPC Lapel Pins/Horse Bracelets

Both of the above items are now available. The Lapel Pins are available from your DC’s and the Bracelets from your Youth Reps for a small fee. Be sure to get yours and one for a friend before the supply runs out.

Canadian Pony Club Instructors - Insurance Coverage

The Canadian Pony Club Master Liability Insurance Policy provides liability coverage for all Canadian Pony Club “volunteer” Instructors while they are instructing “sanctioned” pony club lessons to Canadian Pony Club Active and Affiliate members. Instructors are considered to be volunteers provided their function is not dependant on a contract or invoice.

Volunteer Instructors may be paid an honorarium to cover reasonable expenses. CPC encourages the remuneration of volunteers to recognize their voluntary contribution; however, these payments should not be expected by the volunteer, as they may be considered payment for employment, which could be subject to Revenue Canada deductions.

Professional Instructors who enter into a contract with a Branch or who submit an invoice for service are considered “Contractors” and should have their own liability insurance coverage. The Canadian Pony Club Liability Policy may not provide sufficient coverage for a professional “contract” Instructor.

75th Anniversary of CPC

In 2009, Canadian Pony Club will be celebrating their 75t h Anniversary. Ideas for celebrating this event have been discussed at the Regional level and if you have any suggestions, please pass on to your DC.

One thing that has been discussed is a Virtual Album on our website showcasing Pony Club in NS over the years. In order to do this, we need everyone’s help and that of your parents/grandparents ....please round up pictures of past PC activities, indicate names, activity, location, year picture was taken and if at all possible scan and forward to or if scanning is not an option, mail to Margie Johnson, #867, Hwy 2, R.R.#2, Brookfield, NS B0N 1C0. If you would like your picture back, please put your name and mailing address on the back of the picture. I am sure your DC would be happy to forward pictures as well if you can get them to her. Spread the word and let’s start developing our album.


I am a coach for Fairwind Pony Club and I have a horse and pony for sale. The pony has been a pony club mount before I bought him and since I have owned him, has been a great lesson pony for intermediate to advanced riders. He has also been a very patient pony for therapeutic riding. His name is "Surefire" aka Sparkey. He is a 12 year old, 13.3hh, Welsh/Quarterhorse, chestnut gelding. He is definitely ready to advance another pony clubber up the levels. He is for sale for $4000.

The horse that I have for sale is Jenny. She is a 15hh, Percheron/QH/Thoroughbred, 13 year old mare. She is very quiet and steady and has taught beginners and has been a gem for therapeutic riding. Her respiratory system requires management but she hasn't missed a lesson. She is for sale for $2500. The reason for selling these two great horses is that I have decided to no longer keep lesson horses. If you would like to know more about Sparkey or Jenny feel free to contact Mary Lew Murray 902-386-2200.


We have a beautiful registered 1/2 Arab (23 years old) horse with a tremendous amount to teach a young rider just starting out. ‘Midnight's’ heavy jumping days are over but she would make a wonderful introductory pony (13.3h). If you know of anyone in your Pony Club that may need Midnight to teach a young rider the basics, please let them know that Midnight is available and they can contact us at . References required.


Pam Macintosh would like to thank the thoughtful person who anonymously sent her a Pony Club Calendar. Much appreciated.


Check the NSEF website to register your equine events for Horse Week, June 2 - 10th or contact Heather at NSEF to register your event; Phone: 902-425-5450 ext.333, Email: .


Regional has decided to post these dates for better communications among Test Reps. Be sure to pass along your dates via your DC so they can be put on the website. Don’t forget to make application for testing to Johanne Head, Regional Testing Chair, as outlined in the Testing Procedures....follow those and you can’t go wrong. As you decide on dates, pass those along to the Regional Communications Chair, Margie Johnson and they will be posted on the website for reference.
Test Dates 2007:
May 26 Annapolis PC C, C1
August 18/19 Fairwind PC D2, C, C1 & C2
August 18-20Regional B, B2 and A Testing 
Late Aug/early Sept. Annapolis PC D Levels
September 15 or 30 Regional C2 Testing 

2007 Dates

Dates are already shaping up for 2007. Mark these tentative dates on your calendars now and discuss your 2007 goals with your parents and even your youth rep and DC. Watch for changes that might occur as time passes.

May 11 - 13 Jen Hamilton Clinic (Avon)
May 12 NSPC Regional Meeting, Brookfield 10 a.m.
May 17-20 Windsor Spring show
May 20 Tantramar Horse Show
May 27 Regional C2 Pretest Clinic, Wilmot
June 9/10 B/B2 Pre-evaluation Clinic
June 23/24 Regional Tetrathlon Championship
June 23 PPG Zone Champs, Truro - MacMillan Show Center
June 23 Primary Hunter Fundraiser Show (Colchester - Central Nova)
June 28-July 1 Windsor Summer Show
June 30 - July 1 Regional C2 Testing
July 3-6 Tantramar Tetrathlon Camp
July 8-13 Avon Summer Camp
July 9-14 Colchester Camp
July 14 SJ Championship, Truro
July 15 Truro Regional Show Jumping Fundraiser Show (Opportunity)
July 23 Regional D Rally, Central Nova Horse & Pony
July 24-25 Regional A/B/C Rally, Central Nova Horse & Pony
August 5-10 National Tetrathlon Championship (Red Deer, AB)
Aug 8-10 Annapolis Camp
August 11 Fairwind PC Primary show (Dressage & SJ)
August 18-20 B/B2 and A Testing
August 18 Fairwind PC Test Date
August 25-29 National PPG Masters Championship (Chester)
September 15 or 30 Regional C2 Testing
September 18 D Challenge (Colchester)
October 6-8 National Quiz Championship (Edmonton, AB)
October 13 Examiner’s Practical Clinic, Windsor
October 21 D Challenge (Avon)
October 26-28 Regional/Branch Education Conference, Hilton, Airport Hotel at John Stanfield (Halifax) Airport. This conference is open to all Regional and branch Committee members from NB/PEI and NS Regions.
November 4 Training Show (Avon)
November 5 Gymkhana (Avon)

Branch Reports

Annapolis Pony Club - Annapolis PC was involved in a valentine fundraiser which was highly successful. Our stable management program got underway in early February for six consecutive weeks under the direction of our coach, Julia Young. We have a number of members wanting to test within the C levels this spring. We are currently exploring the opportunities of partnering with our clubs in our area to host a C test day.

Annapolis Pony Club lesson program got underway on March 31st and continues until the long weekend in May. D1 and up levels are riding on the weekends, with the E-D lesson program scheduled to get underway early summer.

Annapolis is holding their C and C1 level riding test at Clayhill Farms on May 26th. D level tests are scheduled for late August or early September depending on examiner availability. Written tests for all levels were held on May 1st at the Sheffield Community Center. On behalf of the club, we would like to thank our test rep, Cinda Kalkman for organizing the testing, and to Jackie Allen for volunteering to mark the club's written tests.

Summer Camp is confirmed for August 8, 9 and 10th. We are finishing up a day early so the club can support the Applewood Hunter Training Day scheduled for August 11th.

Annapolis will hold their Applewood Cross Country and Picnic Day on August 19th. This day is part of our camp program, however because of the early wrap up the day has been scheduled for the following Sunday.

We had nine (9) members (from novice to master level) participate in the PPG Clinic in Windsor on April 28th. Annapolis looks forward to submitting a team(s) for the PPG Cup on June 23rd.

Annapolis members were asked to complete a Club Participation Commitment Form this year so we can plan and budget early for team entries. To date, it looks like Annapolis will be sending a team to each of the scheduled pony club events for 2007 (PPG, D and ABC Rally, Show Jumping, and D Challenge).

The club is planning to celebrate Horse Week with a trail ride and picnic along Kings Port Beach. We are currently organizing the event and hope to hold this during the first week of June.

During our April monthly meeting, the club welcomed Jeanne Pace to the executive as the club's Assistant DC. This role has been vacant since the beginning of the year, and we are pleased that Jeanne has accepted the club's nomination.

On behalf of Annapolis members, I would like to extend the best of luck and good wishes all the members in the region for a successful and fun pony club year!

Respectfully submitted on behalf of Annapolis Pony Club,
Heather Ongo, District Commissioner

Avon Pony Club - January brought us back on the 12th to begin our stable management lectures at the Avon View High School in Windsor. These ran every Friday night from the12th of January until the 2nd of March. Early March found us moving our four legged friends into the pony club barn to commence our series of mounted lessons. Several events are planned for spring: March break camp, training shows, and Jen Hamilton clinics to name a few.

Here is a short schedule of events to come: May 12-14 Jen Hamilton Clinic; May 17-20 Windsor Spring Show (Class6); June 28-July 1 Windsor Summer Show (Class 6); July 9-13 Summer camp; Oct 21 D Challenge; Nov 4 Training Show.

We have had a change in our executive welcoming a new treasurer and a new member at large for 2007.

Respectively submitted,
Valerie A. McDermott DC, Avon

Colchester Pony Club - We are now up to 21 members, ten of which are new members. Stable management lectures have ended at Knox United Church in Brookfield. Written tests were held on May 4th; all that’s left now is to get their marks (who’s more nervous, the parents or the members?).

Some members attended Fairwind Quiz on March 24; for a number of our members this was their first quiz. I think they’re excited for their next chance to go to a quiz. Our C Quiz was held on April 24th. We had seven teams participate. The quiz went well, not a lot of complaints other than some stations being quite challenging.

The horse phase of our fitness badge took place at Fred and ane Hamilton’s farm in Onslow on April 15. Janet Geldart lectured our members on how to condition our horses (after a winter break, maintenance, general condition, etc.).

We held a parent’s meeting April 27th to go over testing procedures and the up-coming regional events. Our Show Committee met on May 2 to plan for our Primary Hunter Fundraiser Show. We will also get our Camp Committee together very shortly to plan for camp.

Things are moving quickly; summer will be here and gone before we know it.

Submitted by Norm Paupin, DC

Eastern Shore Pony Club - The Education Committee met in December and laid out a tentative schedule for lectures. An executive meeting was held in January to make decisions on the tentative schedule and other business. We held an Executive Meeting as well as an open Parents meeting in April.

Education - Lectures- Feeding and conditioning were held in January; A FIRST AID Certification course was held with St John's Ambulance in Dartmouth; we had 14 members attend and receive their First Aid certification; lectures continued during the winter. We held an open lecture with the Farrier at Windcrest Stables as well as a D lecture at one of our parents homes. Clinics- We hosted a Sheila Pickrell clinic (Jan and April) and Pam Ledrew (PineHill Stables) for a dressage clinic.

Fundraising- We have had a huge focus on fund raising to help support costs for Summer Camp and education. We sold Epicure packages as well as 50/50 tickets. We hosted a canteen at the Windsor training show and are currently selling tickets on a Lottery tree. We have plans to host the canteen for the Ride and Drive in Sackville NS on June 2.

Summer Camp- July 17-20 at Killeavy Stables with Alex Beaton. We are looking forward to another eventful fun time with Alex and her crew.

Respectfully submitted,
Pam Hooper, DC

Evangeline Pony Club - Evangeline started up Stable Management on January 8th and have surprisingly missed a couple lectures due to snowy weather. A few of our members attended clinics in December and January. One hosted at Horsin' Around Stables in Lawrencetown and the other at the Greenwood Saddle Club, clinicians were Alicia Cue and Michele Smith. We look forward to the warmer weather and long days of riding.

Lisa Messenger, DC

Fairwind Pony Club – Stable management lectures were held the first Sunday of each month for our ten members. Topics covered to date are: tack cleaning and care, safety concerns, turn-out, horse and rider. A Christmas social took place at Fairwind Farm in December. We hosted a quiz in March. Our members attended other Regional quizzes. At one meeting, members shared their pony club goals for the 2007 season. We have set May 16th as the date for the written test with the riding component to take place in mid August. Fairwind will host a dressage and show-jumping Summer Primary Show on August 11.

Submitted by Mary Partridge, DC

Friendly Breezes Pony Club - Friendly Breezes has 16 members. At a meeting in February, we discussed events we will be attending for the year. We have a number of members interested in PPG and look forward to participating.

Debby Pelly, DC.

Opportunity Pony Club - This winter we completed out lectures every second Saturday for those under 14 yo, and twice monthly for those over 14 yo. We enjoyed hosting the C/D scramble quiz with over 70 members participating. This past month we hosted a tetrathalon clinic with 17 members attending from four different clubs and a PPG clinic with 11 members from three clubs(two members from PEI). We hope to have teams compete at most regional events this summer. We will host the regional Show Jumping Championships on July 14th , our Primary Jumper Show July 15th, and look after the stadium portion of D and ABC rally. For our members we will run two camps this summer: one July 3-6 geared towards younger members( PPG, dressage and small jumps), and the second July 17-20 focused on eventing. Suzanne Perry will be coaching both camps as well Andy Wadowski will coach cross country at the second camp. Finally we had a family lose their home to fire in April. Our club will be hosting a BBQ to raise money for the family to replace some pony club items lost.

Submitted by Diana Locke DC OPC

Tantramar Pony Club -.Tantramar Pony Club Branch Report The Tantramar Pony Club held stable management lectures every second week. Our members have been working on getting their badges and we hold monthly meetings.

Margaret Wheaton, DC

West Valley Pony Club -West Valley Pony Club has approximately 17 members. We have several new members but will sadly miss the members who have been unable to rejoin. We look forward to our new stable management structure which involves three smaller groups and allows our older members to get more involved with our younger members. Stable management was held approximately every other week beginning February. Our pre-test is scheduled for April 30th and the written test date is May 7th. .

Our club has decided to use a mentoring system which is similar to what other clubs have done in another attempt to have our older members spend time with our younger members. Our executive decided that our focus this year would be on clinics as they have been successful for us in the past and provide our members with much needed instruction. Members from other clubs are welcome to attend our clinics.


1. cken -
2. luzzem -
3. etifles -
4. hecke -
5. aormfre -
6. klafn -
7. nonnac nobe -
8. kohc -
9. lopl -
10. topni fo pih -
11. lostrin -
12. lehe -
13. trecs -

In an effort to keep you informed,
Your Regional Committee