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From the Editor
Asyou all know, our activities are run by volunteers and it is their willingness to do this for others that keeps our program very active in Nova Scotia and across the country. Without these giving, caring (about the development of our youth) people, we would not have a full and busy program.
In between newsletters, look on our Regional Pony Club website for updates and results. (Go to the national website at and connect to the region's website from there.) Remember if you have information for the website/newsletter, please pass it to your Branch web master or your DC to be forwarded to the Regional Communications Chair.
Greetings From the Regional Chair
In 2007 we had 10 active Branches and 210 members. The Regional Board of Directors met six times. The Nova Scotia Pony Club region has a wonderful new logo at last! It may be viewed and downloaded on our web page. We also had 1000 lapel pins made which are available to members through their DC or Youth Reps.
Our region was well represented at National Meetings and Conferences as follows: National Testing and Education Conference: In January, our Region was represented in Winnipeg by Testing Chair Johanne Head and testers Alex Beaton and Anne Irwin. National AGM and SAM: Judy Allen, our National Director attended both meetings and reported on the proceedings at Regional meetings. Regional Branch Education Conference: In October, nine Nova Scotia branches were represented at this meeting held in Halifax. This conference included both Nova Scotia and NB/PEI delegates and was conducted by John Moehring, Crawford Dales, Val and Phil Crowe from the National Board. Sessions covered such topics as Governance, Insurance and Risk Management, Finances, Membership and Administration. Branch Youth Reps also held meetings and both Active Members, East and West (the National Youth Reps) attended. It was wonderful to have such a good turnout for this conference!
National Events: Our region was well represented at National Tetrathlon, National Quiz, National PPG and National Show Jumping as described under individual reports in this newsletter. Congratulations to all.
Regional Activities: We offered a great many opportunities to our members again in 2007 and reports on these various events are also detailed in this newsletter. Be sure to read them and start setting your goals for 2008.
Youth Activities: Our Regional Youth Rep, Jessica Swinkels organized the sale of 500 plastic bracelets as a fund raising activity. They were distributed among the branches and sold very fast.
The money was to go toward a year-end Youth Day, to be held in November in Truro. Unfortunately this had to be canceled due to low numbers.
Testing and Education: Most branches held D and C testing. A testers clinic for Branch Test Reps, DCs, Testers and Testers-in-training was held in April in Windsor. A B/B2 pretest clinic was held in June with an Ontario tester acting as clinician. Four Bs and an A candidate were successful in achieving their test levels in August.
We held Regional C2 testing for the first time this year. A C2 pretest clinic was held in May and two tests were held, one in June and the second in September (in the Annapolis Valley and Truro, respectively). Five candidates were successful in achieving their C2 test level.
At our NS PC Annual General Meeting in December 2007, a new slate of officers was elected. Special thanks to our Nominating Committee of Sheila Bower-Jacquard, Diana Jones-Locke and Pam Hooper for all their work.
Our Officers for 2008 are as follows:
Regional Chair - Gay Hansen
Vice Chair - Julie Cecchetto
Secretary - Carollyn Crewe
Treasurer - Andy Woolaver
National Director - Margie Johnson
Test Chair - Johanne Head
C2 Test Co-ordinator - Valerie McDermott
Stadium Jumping Chair - Sheila Bower-Jacquard
Dressage Chair - Brenda Swinkels
PPG Chair - Jackie Allen
Tetrathlon Chair - Inga Hansen
Rally - Debbie Best
Quiz Chair - Susan Foote
Education Chair - Heather Ongo
Communications - Pamela Hooper
Youth Reps - Megan Johnson, Morgan Conrick
Congratulations to all new Chairs and DC's. Special thanks to outgoing Chairs and DC's. Your time and energy has certainly been appreciated.
We look forward to a busy and successful PC year in 2008.
Respectfully submitted,
Gay Hansen, Chairperson
National News
National has chosen a logo for our 75th Anniversary in 2009. It will be used for pins, letterhead and stickers. Plans so far include Calgary in July for the International Mounted Games Exchange, Pony Club International Alliance (PCIA) Meetings, Anniversary Dinner; and in Toronto in November 2009 a Disciplines Conference, Testing Conference, Education Conference, Youth Conference, 75th Anniversary Banquet and presentation of various awards and scholarships.
National has a new slate of offcers with John Moehring as National Chair. The rest of the positions can be seen on the website.
A committee has been set up to look into setting up a Stable Management Stream for testing right from the lower levels to the top. Details are to be worked out with a deadline of April 2008 in mind.
Suggestions for creating new badges are a camp badge, a Le Trek badge, a lungeing badge, a Training a GreenHorse Badge and a Hunting badge. Other suggestions are welcome and can be passed on via your DC. A 75th Anniversary Badge is planned which will go to ever member registered in 2009.
Across Canada Exchange - A committee has been formed to look into the possibility of running an informal program of exchanges between branches. Up to four members at a time could spend some time with another Branch of PC in some other area of the country, experiencing PC life and activities. All members would be billeted with PC families from that Branch. If you are interested contact your DC or Judy Allen for more information.
Canadian Pony Club has a new virtual trophy case listing names of full 'A' members. Check out this virtual trophy case on the website to see how many names you recognize.
In addition, at the Nova Scotia level, we will start to develop a list of HA and RA graduates. Send names and year accomplished to . This way we will be ready should National begin to develop those lists.
National Quiz Report
Well, it was a fun, busy weekend. We left Halifax airport Friday a.m. at 7:30 and touched down in Edmonton to snow flurries! That evening we attended a meet and greet, followed by members and chaperone meetings. By 10:30 Edmonton time (1:30 a.m. to us) we were back to our rooms and ready to settle in for the night. The next morning the written exams took place, then stations all afternoon. There were a lot of new and interestingstations which everyone ejoyed, although jet-lag was starting to catch up with us.
The results of the written tests were posted and our team results were Rachele - 12th, Caitlin and Merilee tied for 14th and Teigen 30th. Very impressive, as there were 64 members in the C Level.
The next morning the station marks were calculated and our team was in 3rd place out of the 16 teams. We were excited, but knew that artifacts were coming and none of the girls felt overly confident. They did their very best all morning and were exposed to some very hard stations. That afternoon we had time off and went to West Edmonton Mall for a couple of hours. A couple days was really required, but we took in as much as we could. The evening ended with a wonderful banquet and Merilee was presented with both her 10 year PC pin and her graduation from PC as she turned 21 that day. Finallythe awards were presented, and our NS girls earned 4th place. Hooray!
It was a great experience for all team members to compete with so many of their peers, and as a chaperone I couldn't have been prouder. All four of the girls represented our region with confidence, maturity, character and sportsmanship. Showing the true Pony Club members they are.
Susan Foote, Chaperone
2007 Nova Scotia National Quiz Team
2008 National Quiz Qualifier Application - 'C' Level
Deadline: February 15, 2008
Check the website (should be posted shortly) or with your DC for an application form and criteria. Do not miss the deadline to be postmarked as there are no extensions....soif mailing, do so early.... now even.... show your appreciation for the volunteers by sending it in early.
Regional Quiz Report Annual Report
A total of three Regional quizzes were held during 2007 in the Nova Scotia Region. On February 24, Opportunity PC hosted a Scramble Quiz (also, a 'C' Qualifier Quiz) in Truro. Fairwind PC hosted a 'D' quiz on March 24 in Antigonish and on April 14, Colchester PC hosted a 'C' Qualifier Quiz in Brookfield. Member attendance at all quizzes was excellent in 2007. Thanks to those clubs who put their time and effort into hosting quizzes this season.
Early in the year, members who were eligible applied to qualify for the Nova Scotia “C” Quiz team that would eventually travel to Edmonton to compete at National Quiz. A total of twenty members from all around the Region applied for the team. The members with the most points above average from any quiz qualified for the team. This year our quiz team from Nova Scotia included: Caitlin Swinkels, Fairwind PC; Merilee Yuill, Opportunity PC; Rachele Foote, Annapolis PC; and Teigen Bond, Colchester PC. Susan Foote from Annapolis PC was the chaperone.
This year's National Quiz was held in Edmonton during October 5-8. The team had lots of fun, learned lots and placed 4th Overall out of 16 teams, representing our Region very well indeed.
National Quiz 2008 is hosted by the Central Ontario Region and will take place in Vaughan, just north of Toronto during Thanksgiving weekend.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Swinkels, Quiz Rep
We tried, we feel we succeeded and for the most part was well received. A,B,C and D rally were held simultaneously after Central Nova Horse trials July 23, 24 and 25th. We had six C teams and three D teams. We had hoped to see the numbers increase at the D level, younger members, lack of parental commitment and conflicting events with exhibitions seem to have prevented that.
This huge undertaking would not have been possible had it not been for all our clubs volunteering their time and energies! I would like to thank you all again for doing such a great job. We were thrilled to have nine out of ten branches assist with some aspect of the rallies. Some of these branches were not even competing, but pitched in anyway!
Annapolis arranged everything for the dressage portion and filled in on Tuesday and Wednesday providing a safety officer. Fairwind provided all our jump judges for the x-country. Eastern Shore sent a tack checker and a safety officer for Monday; Avon had rounded up all the prizes, ordered ribbons and tracked down our perpetual trophies for awards; Friendly Breezes supplied lunch, snacks and supper on Monday; Opportunity designed the stadium jumping portion and put on a barbecue for lunch on Wednesday; Colchester provided snacks and supper on Wednesday and all meals and snacks on Tuesday. Norm started our camp fire and games. West Valley took care of the score keeping all three days; Tantramar organized registration for ABC and D Rally as well as prepared the programs. Amber Hancock, Carollyn Crewe and Gay Hansen were our Stable Management judges. Rally committee provided breakfast on Wednesday morning.
This format was very advantageous in many ways. We did not exhaust our resources holding separate rallies, the courses were already approved by a technical delegate, the course was also flagged and numbered, tack rooms were shared and co-created by D's and C members., trailering could be combined and rally organizers work was cut in half and weweren't begging for help twice in one season for a ABC rally and then a D rally.
Disadvantages were limited but referred more to the running of the rally and not the fact that combining didn't work except one club found that implementing this was challenging from the members point of view (referring to a member who had been a captain for D level and C level competitor?).
Comment sheets were supplied to all clubs that had competed to find out what they liked most and what they didn't like. We received a lot of feed back which we have reviewed and will look at for the 2008 rally to rectify and improve for our members where we feel is just and or warranted.
We are grateful for the constructive criticism and thoughtful suggestions from the participating clubs and we will implement what we can for the next rally.
Clubs that stayed on grounds thought it was great. Stabling issues (horses with special needs) were accommodated and handled nicely. Timing and schedule liked by all. Liked meeting other members by staying on grounds. Loved campfire and games. D's liked having stalls for feed rooms and tack rooms. D competitors found other competitors respectful to one another. Walkie talkie set up was liked. We were unable to have provided a rally practice or clinic this year as time would not allow. However, this spring we would like to try and have an unmounted clinic with Pam Graves or combine this with a horse trials clinic at Central Nova.
Any and all comments and suggestions are very useful and will be discussed before our next rally in 2008.
Respectfully Submitted Rally Chair,
Debbie Best
Our region hosted the National Master's Prince PhilipGames Championship in August at Coveside Stable in
Chester. Four teams attended, including Central Ontario, Alberta North, BC Lower Mainland and Nova Scotia. Members of our team were Damita Hansen (Annapolis), Sarah Isherwood, Kaylin MacInnis, Kayla Landry and Amanda Foster (all from Friendly Breezes).
Also in 2007, a clinic was held in April and theChampionship was held in July with 5 teams participating.
This was an extremely busy program in 2007 for the volunteer chair, parents and members. Great job everyone.
Show Jumping Annual Report
Erin Sloan was selected to represent the NS Region at Nationals and did very well placing 4th overall.
Zone/regionals were held July 14th . Eight teams attended representing eight clubs. We had 18 members compete at 3' or higher so all 18 would be eligible to apply to represent the region at Nationals in 2008.
The event was held with a Schooling Show over a gymnastic course in the morning, Followed by the competitive phase. This included a gymnastic course, a medal round and a group flat ride. All riders received a score out of 100% and a Critique Sheet from the Judge. Margie Lewis, the Pres. of NSEF, was the Judge for theday.
The NS Region has been selected to host the National Show Jumping in 2008. We will be able to send up to sox members from NS and NB/PEI regions. CNHP show grounds have been booked for July 1st -4th /08 . Please keep these dates in mind when planning for 2008 as we hope to run our Regionals along side Nationals. Regionals may be restricted to those showing 3' and higher for 2008 only.
Finally I have put my name forward and been accepted as the National Show Jumping Chair for 2008.
Diana Locke, SJ Chair
Dressage Report
There is not a lot to report for specific Pony Club dressage activities in Nova Scotia. As always I encourage PC dressage enthusiasts to go out and support our PC Dressage activities as well as the existing Dressage shows. It is great experience for those flat rides in our testing program.
2007 saw the first National Dressage Championship for Pony Clubbers. It was hosted by the Central Ontario Region (COR) on October 12-14. The levels offered wereStarter, Pre-training, Training, First level and Second level.
A “heads up” that Jane and Susan Fraser are planning a dressage education day which will be geared towards to Pony Clubbers. Date TBA.
Respectfully submitted,
Julia Young
Regional Tetrathlon Annual Report
Opportunity hosted a run shoot and swim clinic on April 22 with 16 members attending from four different branches. Tantramar ran a tetrathlon camp during the first week of July, with opportunities to run, shoot and swim as well as school over cross-country fences at Strathgartney. Because of scheduling difficulties, there was not a formal regional competition this year but scores were obtained during camp for 8 members which were used as qualifiers for those interested in attending Nationals.
Nationals were held in Lacombe, Alberta in early Augustand 3 members represented our Region: Tiffany Blaauwendraat, Sarah Locke and Michelle Bonin. Tiffany placed 5th in the run, 6th in the shoot and 7th in the swim, Sarah placed 3rd in the shoot, 5th in the ride and 10th overall, and Michelle placed 8th in the run and 10th in the swim. The team, joined by Rylee Currie from the Charlottetown Pony Club, placed 7th. Thanks to Lisette Bonin for chaperoning and thanks as well to the Region for their very generous support.
As I step aside as Regional Tetrathlon Chair I would liketo thank everyone on the board for their support of the discipline- it has been a pleasure working with you.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Sloan, Tetrathlon Chair
Communications Annual Report
Two newsletters were prepared and sent out in 2007 with another to go out in December. The three issues a year makes us eligible for reimbursement of a portion of the expenses from National.
An ad was once again placed in the October issue of Horse & Pony. At no extra cost, we include a contact name for the NB/PEI region.
A special thank you to everyone who supplied information and articles to go on our website in an effort to keep it updated. There is a lot that could be done here with a little input from everyone. I looked at changing the way the dates are displayed on our website but instead offlipping a calendar page from one month to the next, decided to stay at a one page list that quickly displays all dates and an easy to read list if printed off. This list for 2008 is already started with an attempt at noting deadlines for specific events also.
After gaining approval at a Regional Meeting, I ordered stamps with our new 'logo' to be used for mailing a newsletter in 2009, plus a few extras for miscellaneous mailings. These have been received so watch for them in 2009.
Margie Johnson, Communications Chair
Improving Your Eye for Functional Conformation
'Learn to see and evaluate horses and their performance potential in a whole, new way.' ( The above clinic is being sponsored by the Nova Scotia Agricultural College on Saturday, March 8, 2008, 8:30 - 4 p.m. Registration deadline is Friday, February 8th. The instructor will be Judy Wardrope who has spent nearly 30 years amassing research on the pedigrees of topperformance horses in both sport and racing as well as analyzing the functional aspects of equine conformation. Cost for this one day clinic is $60 ($30 for NSAC staff and students). Learn more about Judy and the clinic by visiting the above noted website or contacting your DC if you don't have that access
75th Anniversary of CPC
In 2009, Canadian Pony Club will be celebrating their 75t h Anniversary. Ideas for celebrating this event have been discussed at the Regional level and if you have any suggestions, please pass on to your DC.
One thing that has been discussed is a Virtual Album. While it may not be feasible to have this featured on our PC website we are looking into an alternate site so still accepting pictures show casing Pony Club in NS over the years. In order to do this, we need everyone's help especially that of your parents/grandparents ....please roundup pictures of past PC activities, indicate names, activity, location, year picture was taken and if at all possible scan and forward to or if scanning is not an option, mail to Carollyn Crewe, 294 Black Rock Road, Clifton, NS B6L 1B9 or Margie Johnson as indicated earlier. If you would like your picture back, please put your name and mailing address on the back of the picture. I am sure your DC would be happy to forward pictures as well if you can get them to her. Spread the word and let's start developing our album.
Branch Annual Reports
Avon Pony Club Annual Report - The past year in comparison to many others has been a busy one for all. Each year we try to get our members engaged in as many activities as we can, there seems to be such a variety of things going on that it has been hard to choose for many asto what they want to attend. We started our year with lectures and lessons from early January until late April, which is our legging up time, getting not only the horses in shape but the riders as well.
We held two training shows and two EC shows during the2007 year, all very successful and thanks to all that participated.
The annual March break & summer camps were held each being a huge success as we had lectures and riding instruction-taking place during the day. After summer camp was held we entered our testing period where we had a number of kids tested at the branch to C level and C2 & B level Regionally and all were successful.
We also attended the C Rally at Salmon River and brought home the top team in stable management “ the coveted prize”. We stayed on the grounds, which was a great time, all enjoying it very much. Liia Roop, Kayleigh Smith, Mary-Beth Kehoe, Erin McDermott, competed on the C team for Avon. A huge thanks to Jackie Allen coach and the helpers Amy Shupe, Robert Connell and Captain Tricia Sanford and chaperones that attended the rally with our riders.
As many of you know we also hosted a D Challenge and had a great turnout of 6 teams. The day went very well and all the kids walked away with ribbons and something special to remember the event by.
We also hosted two Jen Hamilton clinics, which like every year in the past were exceptional. We thank Jen for taking time out of her busy schedule to put these clinics on for the clubs.
Each year we have our annual branch meeting and I particularly want to thank the outgoing executive for their time and dedication. We also want to thank those individuals who make the club what it is. To conclude our meeting this year a new executive of 5 members was voted in as we have had a decrease in club membership we stand at a total of 23 riders at levels from E to riders testing for their level B2. We look forward to the upcoming year at Avon.
Respectfully Submitted,
Valerie A. McDermott, DC
Colchester Pony Club Annual Report - We had 21 members this year. We held our lectures in Brookfield, January to March. Several members attended our annual camp in July and a flat clinic at Don Porters in October. We hosted a regional C Quiz in April and a D Challenge in September. There was a great turn out for both and everyone seemed to have fun and may have learned some things as well.
We had several members attend various events such as, C-D Quiz, C Quiz, C Rally, Driving Badge and Conditioning Badge. We had one member qualify and attend National C Quiz. Nova Scotia had a great showing at this quiz, as a team and individuals.
Our annual Primary Hunter Show (main fund-raiser) was held in June and was a great success. In December, members sold cheese and Christmas wreaths.
Our club held “D” testing in July at the end of our annual camp and “C” testing in October. At our “D” testing we had 9 successful candidates (1 “D”, 6 “D1” and 2 “D2”). At the “C” testing, 1 member obtained their “C” and 3 members obtained their “C1”.
Our club was represented at the National Pony Club meeting held in Halifax in October by the DC, Treasurer and a Youth Rep. Lots of great information was shared during the information sessions.
Respectfully submitted by: Norm Paupin, DC
Eastern Shore Pony Club Annual Report - Eastern Shore Pony Club held the annual general meeting in November 19, 2006. New executive and memberships were formed.
We saw 17 members in our club in 2007. At the start of the year we had 3- Entry , 1- D, 4- D1,4- D2; 3- C and 2- C1. After written and practical testing 9 students in late summer and fall we ended the season with 1- Entry; 1-D; 4-D1; 2- D2; 2- C; 4-C1 and 1 C2.
A lecture schedule was held throughout the winter months which included lectures for D level at Windcrest Stables and members homes as well as travel to Avon PC in Windsor for some C-Level lectures. A First Aid course was provided through St John Ambulance and certificates were awarded for all who attended and completed the 2 day course.
We held clinics with Sheila Pickrell regularly over the winter and spring months at Windcrest Stables. Danica Ellis taught and coached the Jumper Team for the Atlantic zone championships. We held one Jen Hamilton Clinic at Windcrest Stables.
Our club held ticket sales on a lottery tree, sales ofEpicure packages, 50/50 ticket sales at a business in Porters Lake.
ESPC sent a D team to the Quiz held in Fairwind. We competed in the PC Atlantic Zone jumper Championship hosted by Opportunity. Finally we sent a team to the Avon D-Challenge in October hosted by Avon.
We held our week long summer camp at Killeavy Stables in Wilmot with Alex Beaton in July. We had 14 members attend with nine parent volunteers. The focus was on Cross Country.
Pam Hooper, DC
Evangeline Pony Club 2007 Report - Evangeline Pony Club was off to a very busy start. With a brand new executive and 23 members it proved to be a very exciting beginning to a successful year. Stable management commenced on Monday evenings. Evangeline was pleased to have Michelle Smith back again helping with stable management and lending her vast horse knowledge to our members. Kudos to Ashley Spicer who raised over $400.00 at our fund raiser! Well done! Her efforts were rewarded by a gift from Swagman's Tack and Supply in Berwick. Our members are now looking forward to ending the 2007 year with our annual Christmas party. This year, it will be a riding activity with lots of games having a Christmas theme, followed by pizza. Evangeline is looking forward to participating in many Regional activities in 2008 and many trips have also been discussed and are in the planning stages.
Respectfully submitted,
Alissa Cue, DC (2008)
Fairwind PC – 2007 Annual Report - Stable management lectures were ongoing from November to June, meeting the first Sunday of each month. Some topics covered were: tack cleaning and care, safety concerns, turn-out, horse and rider. We had a membership of twelve this year. Quiz season saw our members participating at the C Quiz (Colchester PC), the Scramble quiz (Opportunity PC) and we hosted D Quiz in March. Caitlin Swinkels was our representative on the NS National Quiz team, in October. Fundraising efforts were successful this year. Club members did grocery bagging, pizza and water bucket tickets, canteen and hosting our summer show. The written tests were done May 16th, with the riding portionAugust 24th. There were two successful C1's, one C and one D. Members took part in clinics in May and August, Horse Trials, Dressage Shows, Show Jumping, AB/C Rally and our Summer Primary Show. Sign up for 2008 took place in October, combined with a social and potluck brunch. Membership is smaller this year but we have an enthusiastic and dedicated group of riders. Four active and associate members went to the RBEC, end of October. Much good information sharing and networking took place. The first lecture of the new season took place November 24th, with a presentation on the foot and shoeing by a local farrier. On December 15th the club will have a western riding lesson. Plans are underway for many more learning opportunities.
Submitted by: Mary Partridge, DC
Opportunity Pony Club Annual Report - We had 29 members signed up for 2007. Winter lectures were held every second Saturday, November through April for the younger members. Older members had lectures one to two times per month at various member's homes and on various evenings and weekends to accommodate different schedules. It was a bit confusing for all and will be re-assessed for 2008. Guest lecturers Included: Jackie Allen-PPG, Dr. Liane Nelson(vet)- Conformation/lamness/x-rays and Dentisty, Paul Thibideau- Foot and Shoeing , Pam MacKenzie from Clarence's - Feeding.
Social Activities Included: Christmas Parade Float, Skating Party, and Pool Party. A fund raiser was held with profits going to the purchase of shirts for all members. We hosted our 8th Annual Jumper Show as our main fund raiser for 2007.
Opportunity hosted several regional events including: Scramble Quiz Feb 07; Tetrathalon Clinic April 07; PPG Clinic May 07; Regional Show Jumping Championship July14/ 07; We had teams attend D and C Quizzes, PPG Regionals, C Rally and Show Jumping Regionals. We had a scramble member attend D Rally.
Six of our members were selected to attend national competitions: Quiz-Merilee Yuill; Tetrathalon- Sarah Locke and Tiffany Blaauwendraat; PPG A Level- JuliaLocke, Carrisa Blaauwendraat-Wheeler, and Nikita Blaauwendraat. Only 3 members were able to attend nationals due to several organizational problems. Plans arebeing considered for a fund for travel to such events.
Camp was held at CNHP Show Grounds July 17-20. Suzanne Perry was the Coach with Guest Coach Andy Wadowski for Cross Country.
Nine members were successful in Testing: Merilee Yuill – B; Emma Eisses –C2; Emma Murray and Shannon Mackenzie-D2; Helen Shaver D and D1; Emma Marquis, Rebecca Dodsworth-Lush, Molly Nelson, and Melissa Wile-D.
Seven members (6 parents and 1 youth) attended the Regional/Branch Education Conference Hosted by National in Halifax. All who attended went away with new information.
Respectfully Submitted by Diana Locke, DC
Tantramar Pony Club 2007 Report - Tantramar Pony Club began the summer by hosting a four day camp, for members and other pony club members. Erin Sloan and Stephanie Bonin participated in the ABC Rally, and Michelle Bonin participated in the D Rally. Erin completed the B testing and passed. Erin also placed fourth at the National Show Jumping Championships, which was held in Edmonton, Alberta. Inga Hansen and Erin Sloan participated in the Dressage and Eventing Clinic held at Alex Beaton's. Michelle Bonin was one of the members on the Nova Scotia team which participated in the National Tetrathlon Championships, which was held in Red Deer, Alberta. Finally, Erin and Inga helped out at the Prince Philiip Games, in Nova Scotia, this year.
Margaret Wheaton, DC
West Valley Pony Club Branch Report - The West Valley Pony Club recently held a combined AGM/Registration night on November 5th with many in attendance. To date we have a total of 15 members signing up for the new year. Our Club will be hosting a Christmas Party on December7th . A pot luck is planned with and lots of fun activities including the ever popular “Yankee Swap” gift exchange.
Our members were very active and successful over the past year participating in Quiz, two “D” Challenges, both “C” and “D” Rallies, several clinics including Show Jumping, Tetrathlon and PPG, and two Eventing Shows. We also had members participate as grooms and volunteer ponies attend the National PPG event. Our regular activities included Stable Management lessons, early bird and regularly scheduled riding lessons, a summer camp and fall riding lessons.
We were very fortunate this year to have our members experience training under several well respected people, included in this group were Jane Fraser, Jen Hamilton, Cheryl Cassista and Jackie Allen. Alex Beaton, our coach, is once again to be commended on a job very well done with our riders. We're very fortunate as a club to have someone as highly qualified and knowledgeable as Alex on our team.
Several of our members were successful in testing this year. We had four members pass their “D” level, two members pass “D1", one member pass “C”, one pass “C2" and one pass “B”. Congratulations to all members passing on their hard work, job well done!
Currently we have begun our Stable Management Program with ten sessions being planned. Our club is hoping to host a “Dressage is Fun” show at the Killeavy Stables in Wilmot in the upcoming year.
We'd like to extend our many thanks to all Clubs who hosted events this past year, thanks to the organizers, many volunteers and participants. It was a very enjoyable Pony Club year and we are all looking forward to the next!
Sheila Bower-Jacquard, DC
2008 Dates
January 27 | NS Regional Meeting, Brookfield Fire Hall |
February 15 | Deadline for National Quiz Qualifier Must be Received by the Quiz Rep prior to this date |
March 7 | B/B2 Testing Applications Deadline |
March 8 | Conformation Clinic, NSAC, See |
March 22 | NS Regional Meeting, Bedford Public Library |
April 12 | C Quiz, Colchester |
April | Testing Workshop, Windsor area |
May 4 | NS Regional Meeting, Brookfield Fire Hall |
June | B/B2 PreTest Clinic |
June 21 | Colchester Hunter Show (Fundraiser) |
July 1 - 4 | Reg/National Show Jumping |
July 12 | Opportunity Jumper Show (Fundraiser) |
July 21 | D Rally, CNHP, Truro |
July 22,23 | A,B,C Rally, CNHP, Truro |
September 6 | D Challenge, Colchester |
For Our Younger Members....
A Word Search of Stable Items: the following items of stable equipment are hidden in the grid. See if you can find them:
In an effort to keep you informed,
Your Regional Committee