Regional C- B Rally 2003 Results
This year the Regional C-B Rally was held at CNHP grounds in Salmon River, and hosted by Colchester Pony Club. Members participated at the Starter and Pre-training levels, with C2 and above members accruing negative points for riding at the Starter level,thus enabling as many members to participate as possible in spite of the level of their mounts.
Teams were mixed Starter and Pre-training. Seven teams participated: West Valley, Annapolis, Opportunity, Fairwind/Avon, Avon ,Colchester #1, Colchester#2. Teams moved in on Friday eve and Saturday am to set up tack and feed rooms. Competition began at 1 p.m. on Saturday with the Dressage portion judged by Roz Moskovits. A barbeque was held at suppertime and seemed to be enjoyed in spite of the rain. A cross-country course walk was held Sat eve. On Sunday AM the weather improved and the cross country portion was held.The Jumping followed after lunch. Parents were permitted to tour the barns after the jumping while scores were being tabulated ,and see the impressive work done on the tack and feed rooms in such a short period of time.
Team awards were:
Stable Management 1. West Valley; 2. Annapolis; 3. Fairwind/Avon; 4. Colchester #1; 5. Colchester #2; 6. Avon.
Team Riding: 1. West Valley; 2. Colchester #1; 3. Colchester #2; 4. Avon; 5. Opportunity; 6. Fairwind/Avon;
Over All: 1. West Valley; 2. Colchester #1; 3. Colchester #2 4. Avon; 5. Fairwind; 6. Annapolis.
Individual Awards Pre Training 1. Ginny-Lou Crosby; 2. Kyna McGuire; 3. Jessica Gerrits; 4. Lauren Collins; 5. Marina Ritchie; 6. Nicole MacHattie.
Donald Grant Perpetual Trophy - Jinny-Lou Crosby received the Donald Grant Perpetual Trophy for the highest C-B score at Regional Rally,as well as the Lynn Heinz Memorial Trophy for the highest C score at the Regional Rally.
Starter: 1 Erica Johnson; 2. Kate Mattocks; 3. Krista Brower; 4. Elizabeth Crewe; 5. Marlee LaCourciere; 6. Michelle Hood
Thank you to everyone who participated, organized and volunteered during Rally. It was a learning experience for us all!
Cheryl Johnson , (Colchester DC ), C Rally Chair