STABLE MANAGEMENTTurnout: Boots or muckers, gloves, suitable barn clothes. Medical armband is required. Elementary feeding, watering & cleanliness of the pony. Feeding rules . Knowledge and identification of common feeds. Bran mash. Good/bad pasture/stable conditions relating to own horse. Demonstrate cleaning a stall. Use of tools. Recognize loose or worn shoe; risen clench, excessively long foot & know what action to take. Basic knowledge of foot, care, reasons to shoe.Know when a horse needs shoeing & what to look for in a newly shod foot. Measuring & height of a pony. Thrush - cause and treatment. How to care for minor injuries. Signs of laminitis and colds. Causes of colic. Some idea of when to call the vet and what to tell him. Know normal pulse, temperature and respiration. Able to adjust own saddlery, care of new tack. How to put up and store tack. Rug up and off rug. Efficient grooming routine. Use of complete grooming kit. Conditioning: Developing a plan to condition. Understand proper cooling out procedures and why they are important. |
RIDINGRepeat D2 Level (Review). Turnout: Approved helmet, boots, breeches, gloves, pin; jacket optional. Medical Armband is required. Quit stirrups (drop stirrups with option to cross them). Trot without stirrups.Alter stirrups when mounted. Free walk. Walk on a loose rein. Trot on a long rein. Transitions through canter. Canter on named leg on circle. Independent work. Halt and salute. Use of half seat. Stadium – gymnastic height 2'3” recommended. Courses 2'9" maximum. Minimum 6 fences. (1/3 of fences to be at maximum height) Ride open fields, and over obstacles with confidence and good judgment of pace and control. Jump small fences & tree trunks. (2'6" maximum) |