When the District Commissioner and Branch Instructor are satisfied the member is proficient in the C2 LEVEL REQUIREMENTS listed below, and otherwise qualified according to Branch and Region Regulations, they are then eligible to try for upgrading to C2 Level.


The examiner will look for a C2's ability to demonstrate good feel of the C1 requirements plus a sense of rhythm and timing of the aids. Understand how to put a horse on contact and on the bit. Over fences in addition to C1 requirements C2's to ride a bending line. Ride with confidence and authority in the open at a pace up to 400 mpm over many types of obstacles and varied terrain showing appropriate adjustments to position.

Stable management should demonstrate greater depth of knowledge and greater detail in answers. Relate to own horse and experience but with further background knowledge.


Medical armband is required.

Efficiency in stable. Features of stable.

Know principles of water and feeding and able to put these into practice. Some knowledge of items of forage.
Balance feeding with conditioning; idle horse; things or conditions that affect feeding program.

Know principles of exercising & how to get a horse fit. Care of horse before, during and after competition.

Rugging up. Stable, shipping & tail bandages.

Shoeing - names & uses of farrier's tools. Names of different parts of the foot. Names of different parts of the shoe. Different types of shoes. Points in good shoeing. 'Roughing', Traction devices such as frost nails, screw cogs, studs.

Bitting - Identify a wide variety of snaffle bits, understand action of snaffle bit and common evasions.

Teeth and Ageing - know types and numbers of teeth. Know age when permanent incisors appear. Understand floating - when, why, which teeth.

Conformation - limb unsoundnesses.

First Aid - wounds, common diseases, able to carry out simple treatments prescribed by vet.

Reasons for clipping and recognize different clips.

(OPTIONAL) Hunting: by scent and drag, cub-hunting. Cubs. Young Entry. The Field. Casting hounds.


Repeat C1 Level (Review).

Work hard at strengthening seat. Some lengthening of stirrups on flat. Stronger use of legs in rhythm. Use of hand & leg in harmony. Leg yield at walk or trot, at the discretion of the candidate.
Bits and their uses.
Working canter and some lengthening.
Turns: Planning, riding.
Circles: 20 meters, trot and canter. Half circles. Change rein at trot.
Show ring manners and knowledge.
Working on contact - on loose rein and maintaining free forward movement.
Suppling exercises. Evasions & corrections. Proper 'warm-up'.

Gymnastic - simple progressive grid, maximum 2'9”
Stadium course: verticals, spreads, combinations, turns, ride a bending line & regular distances. Maximum height & spread 3'3". (1/3 of fences to be at maximum height)
Jump various small fences & ditches at trot & canter. Deal with refusals. Use of stick. Independent work.

Ride up and down hills & over varied terrain. Gallop.

Cross country pace: 350 to 400 meters/minute. Fences pre-training 3' maximum (height & spread).
Walking the course.
Use C.P.C. C2 Level - Worksheet

A 'B' Examiner of any classification must be used on the testing panel.
Successful candidates' passport endorsed as C2.

For further information, you may wish to check out the Lesson plans for the C2 level.

For full details on requirements, facilities, and responsibilities of candidates, parents, and examiners, please refer to the Canadian Pony Club C/D Testing Procedures which you can get from our downloads page