Candidates must be at least 9 years old as of Jan. 1 of the year in which they test.

When the District Commissioner and Branch Instructor are satisfied the member is proficient in the D2 LEVEL REQUIREMENTS listed below, and otherwise qualified according to Branch and Region Regulations, they may be considered ready to try for upgrading into the D2 LEVEL.

Examiner will look for gradual improvement; the member has attained a reasonably firm seat independent of the reins and able to apply simple aids correctly; trot poles, small jumps and simple courses in balance with pony; be in control of the pony in open fields and over natural type obstacles; have regard for safety, both riding and in the stable or paddock; knowledge pertaining to the care of their own pony; able to take care of their tack; politeness, punctuality, cleanliness of themselves, pony and equipment.



Repeat D1 Level.

Turnout: Boots or muckers. Suitable barn clothes. Medical armband is required.

Reasons for grooming. Be able to groom and know the use of all the grooming tools with the exception of the wisp.

Signs of good health. Signs of colic. Signs of lameness in the foreleg. Minor wounds and how to treat them.

Know what you feed your own horse and why.

Know how to look after your own horse after strenuous work.

Know how to measure the height of a pony.

The parts of the foot. The signs that a foot needs re-shoeing or trimming. The points of good shoeing.

Know the good and bad points of the stable or pasture - where you keep your own horse.

Be able to describe a horse - Colour, markings, size, sex and obvious characteristics.

Know how to lead a horse into or out of a trailer or truck.

Identify simple snaffle bits - egg butt, loose ring, D-ring.


Repeat D1 Level.

Turnout: Pony clean, feet picked out.
Tack: Properly adjusted and cared for.
Rider: Approved helmet, boots, breeches, pin; jacket optional. Medical Armband is required.

Balancing and suppling exercises at walk.

Independent mount and dismount.

Adjust girth while mounted at halt.

Walk on a loose rein and with light contact.

Correct position at walk, trot and canter.

Knowledge of trot diagonals.

Upward and downward transitions.

Sitting trot with and without stirrups.

Use of Natural Aids to produce and maintain forward movement.

Large circles - at walk, at rising trot with correct use of diagonals and at canter with correct lead.

Trot over poles on the ground followed by small jump (2'6" maximum).

Simple stadium course (2'6" maximum). Course to include at least 5 fences with a minimum of one ascending oxer and one change of direction. (1/3 of the fences to be at maximum height)

Ride over varied terrain, jump small jumps (2'6" maximum) in the open. Control. Jump 3 - 4 fences over relatively flat terrain; simple verticals and logs.

For further information, you may wish to check out the Lesson plans for the D2 level.

For full details on requirements, facilities, and responsibilities of candidates, parents, and examiners, please refer to the Canadian Pony Club C/D Testing Procedures which you can get from our downloads page