Sports in Pony Club
National Masters Finals 2013
Here is a report from Barb Robinson.
Central Zone PPG Finals
The competition was held at Brelview Farms, Woodville, ON on July 17, 2013.
There were 4 'A' teams, two from WOR and 2 from COR.
There were 3 teams in the Masters division, 2 from COR and 1 from WOR.
We had great weather and everyone had a great time.
The first place 'A' and Masters teams will compete at Nationals.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the organizing and running of this meet.
Of course, we could not do it without you!!
National A PPG Championships
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Whitemud Equine Centre
Edmonton, Alberta
Info Schedule Games Entry Form
Please send Jane your intention to send a team by August 8.
Game choices for 2013 Zone, Provincial or National Competitions
International Selection Camp will be held September 20-22, 2013.
National Masters Games 2013
August 22-24