
Test reps

Please find a copy of the test rep presentation HERE . It gives you a broad overview of what is needed to organize a test.

A test consists of a written test, followed by a practical stable management and riding test.

Written test
Written tests at the lower level C1 and under are done at the branch level only. A copy of these test can be requested from our Regional testing chair. The branches are responsible for finding an appropriate location, supervision and marking of the tests.
These written tests should take place 30 days prior to the practical test.
For more information around written tests, please visit the National website.

Written tests for C2 and up are organized by the Region, and normally take place late spring. For dates, refer to our regional event calendar.

Refer to our Written Test resources page to find some examples of a written test at several levels.

Practical Testing D to C1
Every year several opportunities are organized for testing within the Alberta South Region. Normally your Branch will organize one or two testing days per year. If your Branch doesn't have enough candidates for testing, you can ask to join in with the testing day of another Branch. The Region will also host a yearly Regional test for the lower levels (D to C1).

Branches hosting a test will need to notify the Regional test rep of their intention to host a test by filling out this form.

More information around examiners, examiner fees and the number of examiners needed can be found in our Examiner Policy.

Practical Testing C2 to B2
Testing to C2, B and B2 is done at the Regional level only. Every year one test opportunity is hosted within the ABS Region to test to these levels.

Please read the ABS testing protocol to familiarize yourself with the testing process for higher levels in ABSR.

Here is a summary overview of the steps to take in this process.

The necessary documents (intent to test, testing plan and event log for testing) are available on our website.
Dates are set at the start of the year and posted on our regional event calendar.

For further information around testing, visit the National website.