Winter Camp 2016

Update 2016-01-15: To Register Scanned Forms and e’Transfer payments can be sent to: .

Winter Camp is the first event of the year for SLOV Pony Club.  Below  you will find links to all Winter Camp information and forms that are required.

Applications are due Wednesday, February 10th.

  • Winter Camp information and registration forms
  • Police Record Check Form
  • Police Check Authorization Letter from Anne-Marie Fowler

Please forward this to all your members.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at this email address or by phone/text at 613-323-5445.

Candace Collins,
District Commissioner
Trillium Pony Club

Click on links below to open files:

  1. 2016 SLOV Winter Education Camp  (Information and Registration Form)
  2. Police Check Authorization Letter
  3. Police_Record_Check_2015_E_v6

Winter Camp Timeline and Location

  1. Arrival: Between 4 & 6 P.M., Friday, March 4th, 2016
  2. Departure: No later than 11:30 A.M., Sunday, March 6th, 2016
  3. Location: MacSkimming Outdoor Education Center, 3700 Wilhaven Drive, Cumberland, Ontario
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