Pony Club FAQ’s


Do I have to own a pony to join pony club? No you don’t have to own a pony, you can own a horse, you can ride at a riding school or maybe even not even ride and just love horses and want to learn more about them.
How old do I have to be? You can join as soon as you turn 6 years old and stay in as a full member until you turn 25.

After the age of 25 there is a Horse Masters program.

What is a Horse Masters program? A program for Adult Volunteers.

They will follow the Pony Club standards to learn more about riding and horse care, share their knowledge with the Active Members, and enjoy meeting and sharing time with like minded adults. As they develop their own skills, they will be encouraged to help with teaching the younger members and may also wish to become part of the examiners’ list in their Region.

Do I have to test to be in pony club? No you don’t have to test. The testing process is a way of letting you know where you are as far as your riding and horse knowledge against a preset standard but it is not a requirement of membership.
What are the tests like? The tests at all levels have a written/oral component, a riding component and a Stablemanagement component. You can choose to just do the written/oral and the Stablemanagement and not the riding. There are 9 levels in all (D, D1, D2, C, C1, C2, B, B2 and A) and you can find all the details on the downloads page of www.canadianponyclub.org in the test procedures. At C2 level and up you can choose to do only part of the riding but you always have to have the written/oral and the stablemanagement at the same or a higher level than your riding.
How many people get their A level? A small percentage of pony club members achieve their full A. It is a huge commitment and takes years of learning and practice to get. Since 1972 we only know of 13 SLOV members that have been successful. That is about 1 member every 3 years!
What do I get out of pony club? Besides a ton of fun from the activities you participate in, you get a lot of knowledge and skills that are valuable if you intend to stay in the horse industry at all. As well as that you develop lasting friendships with some of the other members.
Do I have to get involved in all the different activities offered by pony club? No. You can do as much or as little as you like. Some members only participate in the activities offered by their home branch. Others have a favourite discipline that they concentrate on. Then you have the “all rounders” that you see out at every activity either participating or helping.
Does Pony Club meet year-round? Yes though some of the branches slow down in the summer months. There is still plenty to do though as the summer is always full of regional and national activities.
What equipment do I need? You need good safe footwear and gloves when working with the horses, proper riding gear, a medical armband (which can be purchased for a small fee), a pony club pin and passport which you will be supplied with when you join. A ASTM/SEI certified helmet is a must!
What is the pony club motto? Loyalty, Character, Sportsmanship ….. Are you surprised? Our motto doesn’t have horse in it! Besides a knowledge of horses and horsemanship we aim to help you grow to be outstanding young people!
How old is pony club? Pony club started in Great Britain in 1929 and the first branch in Canada was established in Toronto in 1934.
What kind of activities are there to do in pony club? You can find the details on website under the title of each activity but in a nutshell we offer: quizzes, camps, rallies, Tetrathlon, show jumping, dressage, Prince Phillip Games, a badge program and Le Trec as well as many talks and educational opportunities.
What is the badge program? The badge program is like the ones you would earn in Scouts or Guides. There are junior badges and Senior badges each with a set of activities or tasks the member must complete in order to earn the badge. The full program and pictures of the badges can be found on www.canadianponyclub.org
What is the cost of pony club? All branches require you to have your PSO (provincial sport organization) membership (in the case of SLOV that would be Ontario Equestrian Federation or Fédération équestre du Québec). The base fee that is paid to National and regional pony club was $105 for the 2013/2014 year and then the branch may charge an additional fee on top. Some branches pay for activities out of that membership, others require you to participate in fundraising and others require any additional fees such as testing etc are paid for by the family.
Does pony club offer the chance to visit other regions? Yes We sometimes are offered exchange programs with other regions or countries. If you choose to participate in the disciplines offered by pony club and do well often there is the chance to travel to National competitions and sometimes International or InterPacific competitions.
Who pays the cost of travel to National, International or Interpacific competitions? Depending on the level of competition and the number of people travelling the cost may be divided between the family, the branch, the region and sometimes national.
Who should I contact if I want more information? You can contact the regional chair listed on this website or if you know which branch you are interested in joining follow this link SLOV BRANCHES and contact the District Commissioner (the leader) of that branch.


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