Jack de Graaf Award Winners

 At the January SLOV meeting, it was decided to donate $50 in memory of Jack de Graaf to help a ponyclubber attend the March 3-5th, 2006 SLOV education camp.

Jack owned the farm where the Seeleys Bay Rally was held for the past 4 years. He loved having Pony Club kids on his farm. The first year of the Seeleys Bay Rally, he built four extra stalls for rally ponies and put in a new gate to the road. He got up several times each night to make sure all the kids and animals were safe. Jack passed away in December 2005.

To apply for this grant, pony clubbers had write a half-page article about some Pony Club activity they did and how an adult or someone older than them helped them at this activity. Entries were judged by Christine Hickman, who is a SLOV Visiting Commissioner.

The award was shared by Curtis Hall (Rideau P.C.) and Miranda Fouzie (KRPC).


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