Testing Archives


Reminder from the Testing Chair

Application for all Pony Club members wanting to test their C2 to B2, which is done at the Regional level, are due to the Regional Test Chair (Lori Wickert) by 15 March, 2014.

The cost of National and Regional Level testing has been reviewed, and a final cost will be available before the end of February.

For all candidates, they are asked to confirm (they and their coach), three (3) existing or planned qualifications for the stadium jumping heights as well as the the XC heights.


A reminder that the heights are as follows:


  • C2 – Stadium is 3’3″ (between PreTraining & Training level Eventing Stadium); XC is 3′ (PreTraining Eventing XC)
  • B – Stadium is 3’6″ (just over Training Eventing Stadium); XC is 3′ (PreTraining Eventing XC)
  • B2 – Stadium is 3’9″ (just a bit under Preliminary Eventing Stadium); XC is 3’3″ (just under Training Eventing XC)

See the Equivalency Chart for Canadian Pony Club Testing relative to Canadian Eventing Levels.


The most up-to-date application forms are available on the CPC website at this location: http://canadianponyclub.org/resources.php?page=downloads&topic=testing



Upcoming Test Dates

The following branches will be hosting testing this fall, and would be willing to host members from other branches who have already passed their written tests.


Branch Date Location Testing Level Contact Info
TLPC Oct. 20 Teralisa Farm
North Augusta
Cost about $50
D – C
Possibly C1
MCPC Late Oct. St-Marthe, Quebec, 20 minutes from Ontario highway 417 and the 401. D2 & C joannehine@bell.net
KRPC Oct. 21st or 27th Lisl Given’s farm, north of Kingston D, D1 and C1 brian.linda2438@gmail.com
OVH Oct. 28th Fiddler’s Green Stables in Stittsville
$45 test fee
C and below wallar@rogers.com
Barrhaven This fall Ottawa South off Woodroffe @ Fallowfield D-D2 barrhavenponyclub@hotmail.com

  • Appleton PC will be having a test day on Saturday June 9th for D-C1.
    Anyone who wishes to attend should contact Ellen Huckabone by May 21st
  • Regional D through C (or C1) testing is scheduled for Monday July 16th (after D Rally) at the International Equestrian Centre. 
  • Regional C2 through B2 testing is scheduled for Tuesday August 21st and Wednesday August 22nd, also at the International Equestrian Centre. 

Applications to test C2, HB,RB,B,HB2,RB2, and B2 are due by March 15, 2012.

They can be found here on the Downloads page of Canadian Pony Club site.

Please accompany your application with a copy of the appropriate and current first aid certificate.
If you do not have a current first aid certificate but are planning on taking a first aid course before June 1, 2012, please send a copy of your registration for that course.
You must present a copy of your first aid certificate once you complete the course.

“Must have submitted a copy of a current First Aid Certificate prior to the test. Minimum requirement for C2 and B level is St John Ambulance or Canadian Red Cross Emergency First Aid; for B2 and A level is St John Ambulance or Canadian Red Cross Standard First Aid. An equivalent course may be substituted provided the candidate can provide the “First Aid Equivalency Requirements” form signed by the course provider (CPC webpage-downloads-testing).”
A/B TP 2011 Part 1, Page 16

Payment is to be made in two installments. The first, a $50 non-refundable cheque should be dated March 15th and is due with your application.

Written tests are to take place between May 10 and May 13, 2012.
You will need to arrange for a proctor to watch you write your test unless you wish to come to Ellen’s house to write on May 12.
Your proctor should write a short note to accompany your test indicating that he or she was present
while you wrote the test and that you did not have any access to study materials, any external aid,
or the Internet while you wrote.
Please have your proctor send your completed tests and the proctor’s note to the address below.
Your test should arrive within one week of your having written it.

Ellen Huckabone
2449 Sixth Line Beckwith,
R. R. # 6, Smiths Falls, ON
K7A 4S7


Fall Test Dates
There will be a number of branches offering testing this fall.

The schedule is still under consideration, but here are a few dates so far:

  • Aug. 28th – A/B (Location TBD)
  • Sept. 17th – Written tests (UCPC near Plantagenet, ON) – Contact Doreen Charbonneau for more info.
  • Oct. 2nd – C (ODPC at Stevens Creek)
  • Oct. 15th – D level SM and Riding (UCPC near Plantagenet, ON) – Contact Doreen Charbonneau for more info.
  • Oct. 16th (tentative) – D (ODPC at Stevens Creek)

OVH and WCPC are also planning test dates.

Dates will be added when they are available.


Deadlines for Application to Test for C2, B and B2
Please note this year the deadline for the application to test has moved up a month to March 15th, 2011.

They must include:

  • a copy of your first aid (or proof of registration in a first aid course)
  • 2 cheques for the test fee – one dated March 15th and the other dated for Aug 1st.
    The first will be cashed upon receipt of your written test and the other on the test day.

    • C2 fee is $100 – partial test $75 – written only $25
    • B and B2 fee is $150 – partial test $100 – written only $35



Testing and Education Roadshow
The Testing and Education Roadshow is tentatively set for April 3rd, location TBD.

This is the chance for everyone to come out and ask our National Testing and Education Chairs any burning questions they have.

Please let Cat Hunter know if you think you will be attending, and a follow up email will be sent once a location has been set.


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